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I Fell Apart

There aren't many places where I can start this story.

It's either at the beginning, or I suppose quite ironically, at the end.

But, the more I think about it now, the more I don't want to give the ending away.

Everyone dies.

Ha, just kidding. Only a couple people die. Don't worry about it.

It was a war.

That's where I'll start.

It was a dark and terrible war.

Between two brothers.

Two brothers who loved each other, and then betrayed each other.

Who wanted too much.

But, that's not where I come in. Not yet.

I come in more towards the end of the war.

The war that lasted a hundred years exactly. Ending on the very day it began.

Or, so I'm told.

I had no intention of ever being dragged into that war, but damn those two brothers.

It's their fault.

How the war began is not so interesting. I'll tell you later.

But, how it ended... that's what you want to know.

It was beautiful.

And, it was my fault.

Disclaimer: I do not own 30 Seconds To Mars. This story is completely fictional, unfortunately. Vampires are not real, and 30STM are most certainly not the exception. And, yes. There will be vampires in this story : ) I own Rose and any other characters I might introduce, and I own the plot. No touchy por favor.

Title Credit: "Alibi" by 30 Seconds To Mars

Rated R for lots of swearing and mild sexual content.