I Don't Want A Bloody Dad!

(Just Think Happy Thoughts)

Hey everyone!!

Now dont think im abandoning this story, because ill have an update for it in a week or two.
I am however taking a break, to write a new story i have started called Just Think Happy Thoughts.
I just want to get it started with a few chapters and ill pick up this one again ohkay??

It'd be much appreciated if you read my new one also (link can be found on my profile!), comment and subscribe to it.
If id get half as many brilliant comments for that as i did so far with this id be well chuffed lol =)

Oh and a thank you is in order to war_is_homo.
Thanks for the comment you left me, it really did help and i really really appreciate it. Without that advice id probably have driven myself crazy. It's all good now =) and ive sorted it enough to be back.
Thanks alot *hugs*

Thanks to everyone!
Remember...go to my profile and read the new one and ill have a proper update for this is a week or so!

Love love
Claire <3