Tiny Vengeance (Zacky Venegance's Family) (Avenged Sevenfold)

Chapter 39!

Maria’s P.O.V.

So I have a younger brother now. We got the tests back and it was positive. Meaning my dad is Roxas’ dad. You know, I’m really excited to have a little brother! Well guess what next week is? It’s only Vicki and Brian’s wedding! OMG I so can’t wait for that. Today we have to get Vicki’s wedding dress fitted. Charlotte was tagging along as she is now one of the bridesmaids. She’s replacing Val if you like to put it that way.

“Are you ready?” Mum asked us all as she walked out of hers and dad’s bedroom. Dad followed her out. He had some massive grin across his face…meaning they most likely made out in there. Roxas walked out his new bedroom. His bed room was the same size as mine. I always wondered why there was a spare boy’s bedroom, now it all adds up! His room was neon green with black everything else.

“Where is everyone going?” he asked. He’s only just woke up and it’s 11 in the morning…he was in his boxers too!

“We’re gonna get Vicki’s dress fitted. He good for dad and uncle Brian please. Zack don’t offer him drugs, alcohol or sex…wait rephrase that, no drugs, booze or whores in the house!” mum giggled before kissing dad goodbye.

“That’s just unfair.” Roxas moaned. “I really wanted to take a few lines while drinking jack and fucking a Swedish whore.” He joked.

“None of that mouth Mr.” Dad complained. Roxas put his hands up.

“Sorry dad.” He laughed. He carried on walking down the stairs and then to the kitchen.

“Roxas put some clothes on for heavens sake!” Vicki began to moan. I lightly giggle as he grabbed a drink from the fridge and sat next to me.

“Morning Maria.” He smiled. His longish blond hair covered his face.

“Did you listen to me Roxas, put some clothes on.” Vicki asked one last time. She threw one of his clean t-shirts at him. “Put it on.” He sighed and put his t-shirt on. He’s really rebellious for a 11 year old. He walked out the kitchen.

“Sorry your majesty.” He said in a posh English accent as he bowed. He left the kitchen with a huge smirk across his face. I can really get use to him being my little brother after all.

“Move you asses’ girls! We’ve gotta meet Charlotte in 10 so out the house now. Go shoo!” she literally pushed me and Vicki out the door and over to the car. “BYE!!” she screamed into the house. We left for e wedding dress shop. Charlotte was waiting out side the shop. She waved like crazy as she spotted us pulling up across the road.

“HEY!” mum screamed over to her…what is wrong with mum to day? She keeps shouting! It took us 3 different shop and a million dresses later to find the perfect dress for her.

“I love this one.” Vicki exclaimed in tears. “I’m getting married next week!” she cried with joy. It was a laced pure white dress; strapless, flowerish lacing and well she looked beautiful! This was all looking up!