Tiny Vengeance (Zacky Venegance's Family) (Avenged Sevenfold)

Chapter 43!

Emily’s P.OV.

Arwwww my older brother has finally found the right girl. She’s charming, sweet, funny, and good at helping me with the washing! Not forgetting she’s the mother of his child! We sat at the table and looked over at all the guests. Did they invite that many people? Well this in Bri, he does know a lot of people. So yeah, the tables were set that all the bridesmaids and couples besties sit on the long table up front. I sat beside Zack on the table while Maria sat next to Oli. Next to Oli was Roxas. Vicki and Brian obviously sat right in the middle of the long table. On the other side, Charlotte, Matt, Leana, Lacey then Johnny sat next to each other in that order! We watched as all the guest took their seats. As soon as everyone got in, Brian stood up.

“Yo people listen up!” Brian said as he tapped the folk against the wine glass. “Right we’ll like to thank you all for coming out today; this is a very, very, very special day. Ok I want us the get the speeches out the way before we eat. So Matt…best man speech?” we all looked over to Matt. He was sipping he campaign. Charlotte gave his a quick nudge and told him to stand up.

“Oh!” he said out loud. “Right best man speak…well I didn’t write one…I was too busy-“

“Yeah banging Charlotte!” Zack interrupted.

“Hey Mr. Vengeance, you’re the one that got Emily up the duff a million times before you reached 18…as I was say before Zack opened his cakehole, I didn’t have a speech so I’m just gonna make it up as I go along. Right, I’ve knew Brian for ages. He’s an amazing guitarist, a very handsome devil, a good drinker and best friend. I’ve knew Vicki for what? 3 or 4 years now. She was Maria’s baby sitter until Brian got her pregnant. I remember when Jimmy used to pick her up and carry her around the house, they were such close friends. Jimmy would of loved to be here today to see these two love birds get married, then again he’s obviously watching from above the clouds.” Everyone was smiling as soon as Matt mentioned Jimmy. We all miss him dearly and I really hope he is watching above the clouds right now. “When I found out they were getting married I was like wow now? But you’ve only just met each other! Then they explained that Vicki was pregnant and who what’s their kid to he a bastard?” everyone chuckled. “My point made! So Vegas it was. Then Brian changed his mind, coz girls can change their mind.”

“Hey shut up I’m not a girl!” Bri snapped as a joke.

“Well you wear more make-up then a girl.”

“And shop like one too.” I added. Brian looked over at me and glared at me. I smiled and giggled at him.

“That’s true! They’ve planned this for about 2 weeks. They wanted to get married before Vicki’s bump started to show. Emily has been running round ragged trying to get the beach for the wedding, inviting all the guests, get all the dresses and suits made. So I’ll like to thank Emily on behalf of everyone here this evening.” Arw I feel special right now! Zack wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled my closer to him. Arw you’ve gotta love him!

“It was my pleasure!” I said to everyone. My smile grew bigger.

“your very welcome Emzy-boo.” Matt laughed. “This day will go down in history for it’s awesomeness, it’s beauty and coz nothing could ruin this day. I hope you last longer then me and Val, I hope your child will be as beautiful as both of you and I hope today goes perfect for you two, a toast for the happy couple. Cheers!” everyone raised their glass and toasted the happy couple. Brian kissed Vicki sweetly on the lips and turned his attention to Matt.

“Thanks Matt for the speech and for not humiliating us! I think Emily has a few words…I’m ready to be completely crushed and made fun of.” Brian laughed he sat back down. I looked around and froze still.

“Shit!” I said out loud. “Sorry…right…Vicki and Brian well Brian is my brother and I had no choice to know him. Vicki I met a few times before in the past when I used to pop by when Zack was still with Gena…Fucking bitch…but once I found out she was up the duff with my Brothers baby I was like wow Brian you’re a paedophile now! Banging 17 year olds and marrying them! Once mum and dad found out, he was in the shit…I can recall a few times being woke up by them shagging each other in the middle of the night. Maria and Oli in Vegas, well the experienced me and Zack having sex and Vicki and Brian…it runs in the family!” dad looked at me, he was smiling. I really thought he would of hit my around the head for that one. “I want to embarrass you Brian. Oh I remember the time when Brian was like 8 and walked around singing Metallica in his pants, he still does that now! Any of Vicki’s friends got some dirt about her?” I looked around and spotted her friend Anna jumping up and screaming. “Have you got some dirt to dish up?”

“Oh yeah! Ok when she was 13 she used to write-“

“Don’t even go there Anna!” Vicki hissed at her.

“So like I was saying, she used to write fan-fiction about her and Synyster Gates falling in love, it’s like she could see the future or something.”

“Are you being serious?” Brian belted out in laughter.

“You had to go there Anna.” Vicki said fed up.

“Arw I think that’s really sweet Vicki. Don’t worry, I used to, and still do, draw Zack religiously. Right, so yeah now that Vicki and Brian have the dirt dished on them both, I think I’m finished here. Oh wait congratulations blah-blah-blah toast these bitches again and now lets eat and then party and get hammered!” I toasted them again and sat back down.

“Do you still draw me?” Zack whispered in my ear.

“Of course that’s what tattoo artist girlfriends are for!” I smiled at him with my snakebite smile. He smiled back with his snakebite smile too. Arw his lips are like heaven!!!!!! We sat down to eat for about an hour until it was time to fucking party!!!

Maria’s PO.V.

I all began to party! Well we were until we were rudely interrupted by some unwanted guests.

“Dad!” I screamed as someone grabbed my arm and pulled on it tight. I looked up to find it was Gena.

“Shut up Maria! You coming with me!” she whisper yelled. Dad rushed over and pulled Gena off of me.

“Gena your unwelcome here. Go! You weren’t invited!” he snapped at her. Mum walked up to see what all the commotion was about.

“Zack are you- GENA! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY BROTHER’S WEDDING!!” she suddenly screamed. Everyone turned to look. Uncle Brian ran over to see what mum was screaming at. As soon as he saw Gena, he knew something was gonna go wrong.

“Gena, I’ll give you the count of three to get away from my niece. One…two…three…” she didn’t move. “oh looks like your gonna get what’s coming Gena.” He laughed. Someone tapped on Brian’s shoulder. It was Michelle.

“Michelle get away from my fucking husband!” Vicki screamed. She pulled Michelle away from Brian and slapped her hard across the face. Everyone watched as Vicki slapped Michelle.

“Right, Michelle leave now with Gena…NOW!” Brian yelled at her. She turned to look at Matt.

“What about Val?” she grinned. Val walked out of nowhere over to Matt and Charlotte.

“This is for stealing my husband!” Val shouted at Charlotte before slapping her across the face. Matt, dad and Brian all went over to their ex’s and picked them up.

“Goodbye Val.” Matt chuckled before throwing her into the cold sea. Dad followed then so did Uncle Brian! This was so amusing!!! Oli soon grabbed my hand and pulled me out the gazebo.

“Maria I need a word?” he asked. I wonder what he wants.

To be continued…