Tiny Vengeance (Zacky Venegance's Family) (Avenged Sevenfold)

Chapter 50!

Emily's P.O.V.

I speeded over to Ronnie’s house. He lived on the borders of Huntington, meaning the drive was a little long. I kept looking up at the sky and I started to thinking to myself…Jimmy you wouldn’t have let this happen would you? If you was still around, you’ll probably rib Zack’s dick of and feed it to Ichabod. I couldn’t help but smile. It was like Jimmy heard me or something when the radio began to play Sad But True by Metallica. I could remember when my and Jimmy were younger, we would prance around the house in our underwear singing Metallica. I remember my dad screaming at me ‘Emily stop flirting with your brothers friends! Get some clothes on and help me with your bedroom!’ hahaha the good old times. But all the good memories faded when my phone rang, snapping me out of my little piece of heaven. I turned to look at my phone for a split second and saw it was Zack. I left it to ring. Like I’ll pick it up to that little cheating bastard! I left it to go to answer phone. I turned the music down to hear if he’s gonna leave anything. He did!

“Emily please pickup! I know your gonna go see Ronnie, you always do when we fight. Please talk to me I’m sorry! Speak to me soon please…bye…” I court me out on how desperate he wanted me back. But I’m not going down that road. I’ve been there too many times for my life time! I turned the music back up and carried on driving to Ronnie’s, no matter if Zack didn’t want me to go there. I pulled up in the driveway. I could see his car parked in the garage. Roxas was looking out the window. He smiled as I got out the car. The front door swung open.

“Well hello Emzy-boo.” Ronnie smiled. I walked closer to him so I could get into the house. “ah, ah, ah…you need to kiss me before you step foot in my house.” He smirked. I looked down and back up at his emerald green eyes. I can’t belive I’m about to do this. I leaned in close.

“Mum!” Roxas yelled as he pushed past Ronnie. This gave me a chance to go in the house. I walked in normally and hugged Roxas.

“Hey baby. Why are you here? I don’t want you to run away. I know you hate Zack and Maria but that’s because their spoiled little twats. Come home please.” I begged him.

“He’s picked me Emily. Get over it. He’s my son-“

“He’s not your son! He’s my son! You didn’t give birth to him.” I fought back.

“Yeah but I’ve bought him up like he was mine. When did Zack ever pop by to see him? Oh wait he didn’t know he excised until the other day!” Roxas wrapped his arms tighter around my chest.

“Stop fighting.” He whispered to me. I kissed him on the forehead and lifted him up.

“I’m sorry Ronnie but you’re a nasty little fucker! Roxas just came to you coz he was confused. He’s gonna come home with me and we’re gonna sort this out ourselves with out your help.” I carried Roxas to the car.

“Get back here with my son!”

“For the last fucking time he’s not your son!” I screamed back at him. He froxe at the door step.

“Roxas…who do you want…me or your mum?” Roxas looked up at me and then the Roxas. He leaned his head into my chest.

“I want mum.” He said softly. I knew that just broke Ronnie’s heart. The look on his face told it all.

“Then why the fuck did you come to me then with your bags packed!?!?!” Ronnie screamed at Roxas.

“Stop shouting at an 11 year old. He was confused. Roxas get in the car, I’ll get your bags and we’ll go home.” I let go of Roxas and let him into the car. I locked him in, encase Ronnie did something crazy. I ran into the house and quickly grabbed Roxas’ bags that where at the bottom of the stairs.

“Don’t you think about leaving, Emily?” Ronnie hissed as he took a tight grasp to my forearm.

“Let go of me Ronnie.” I pleaded as I pulled my arm free from his grasp. I started to run over to the car. I threw the Suitcase in the boot and ran over to the drives side door. Ronnie was standing behind me. I could feel his warm breath on my neck. “Leave us alone Ronnie. Your not part of this family anymore.”

“Do you want to rephrase that Emily?” he whispered in my ear.

“Not at all.” I grinned. I pushed him away from me and got inside the car. “Lets got home Roxas.” I smiled, trying to comfort him after all the arguing. I started the car and began to drive home.

“Mum is Ronnie gonna kill us?”

To be continued…
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OMG i've got a story with 50 chapters!! life achievement much xD hahaha!

i've hope you've all enjoyed reading this as much as i've enjoyed writing it!
thanks for reading!!!! xxxx

~Emily (TasteTheVengeance)~