I Will Never...



When Casey asked me on this date I thought dinner and a movie but that was not what I got. We drove to the middle of nowhere and met up with two other couples. We parked at the base of a giant mountain.

“Are you ready?” Casey asked me, squeezing my hand.

“For what?”

“We’re going to climb this mountain. It’s going to be so much fun!”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

Everyone else seemed so excited so I put a lid on my apprehension and stepped into the harness that would secure me to the rope dangling on the side of the mountain. I was the last of the group to make it to the top and Casey held me from behind as we looked at the spectacular scenery. It was breath taking and I never would’ve thought my town was this beautiful.

“I will never forget this,” I whispered.
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word count- 152