Believe What You Like (Zacky Vengeance) (Avenged Sevenfold)

Chapter 13!

Chapter 13.
He pulled her down to the ground before the bullet reached her.
“Thank you.” Vicki gasped as the bullet smash though the wall. Gena got mad and tried to shoot more bullets. She was out of bullets.
“Are we out of Bullets Gena honey?” Jimmy laughed. He pointed his gun at her head. “Hand over Zack babe, we don’t need all this. The police are outside; they’ve been looking for you. Before you say ‘you have a gun too you should be taken by the police’ we were given these by the police for defence.” Jimmy gave Gena the look until she had no choice to hand Zack over to us. Zack’s hands were gripped onto my arm.
“You don’t need to worry anymore Zacky, she’ll never hurt our family ever again.” I reassured him. He looked at me and held me tight.
“I’m not worried anymore.” He said holding me tight. Gena looked at us.
“I hope you’re happy.” She groaned.
“You tried to kill my Boyfriend and my best friend, I’m not gonna be happy until your behind bars.” She looked back at Jimmy. He was still pointing his gun at her. Matt and Vicki stud up and pointed their guns at her too. She walked over to the balcony and took a deep brethe.
“Zack I’ve never stopped loving you.” She pulled a puppy dog face.
“Don’t kill yourself Gena, look I just want to stay with my family and the girl I’ve messed up too many times!” Zack told her. She looked at him with tears running down her face. I didn’t want her to kill herself.
“Gena please don’t be stupid.” I said as I stud up. I walked over to her and placed my hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry that I hurt you, it’s something I must live with every day.” I told her. I wiped her tears from her face. “If it makes you feel better, you can come see the boys and Zack.” I smiled, trying to be nice.
“I would like that.” I hugged her trying to make sure she would go anywhere. That’s when it was all a set up.
“Emily she’s got another gun!” Zack shouted over to me.
“What?!” I turned to look at Zack and then she shot me.
“Emily!!!!!” Vicki screamed. At this point everyone gathered round me screaming and crying. Zack kneeled down near me.
“Don’t die Emily please.” He begged she shot me in the back. Right in the middle. I had no hope of living. Zack was crying his eyes out and so was Vicki. Jimmy had enough. He grabbed a hold of Gena.
“Look what you’ve done to my cousin you blonde twat!” He screamed at her.
“Take good care of yourselves for me.” I said to everyone before I died. “Take care of the boys Zack please.”
“Of course I will, with you.”
“No Zacky I’m gonna die and you’ll have to tell the boys how much their mummy loves them.” I kept telling them I was gonna die.
“Emily, please don’t die. We need you in the next album.” Matt laughed, trying to get me to laugh. I smiled even though I was in pain. Zack held my hand and kissed my on the lips, hoping it wasn’t our last kiss. Vicki was shaking like hell. Jimmy was holding her tight and trying to make her stop crying.
“Vicki” I said. She turned her head to look at me. “Be strong for me please.” I asked her. She nodded her head. “And keep Brian happy for me, he’s a little devil he is.” I laughed in pain. I didn’t want to die just yet. I’ve not even seen Horizon or Phoenix yet. I don’t want to die…
To be continued…