Believe What You Like (Zacky Vengeance) (Avenged Sevenfold)

Chapter 7!

Chapter 7.
“Zacky.” I said quietly. His eye opened wide. He moved the oxygen mask from his mouth.
“Emily.” He muttered “Where are we?” he said confused.
“Where at the hospital babe, don’t worry. Me and Horizon are here.” I reassured.
“Where’s Phoenix? Gena didn’t did she?” I look at Jimmy and pulled a face of sorrow. “No, please Emily She didn’t? Answer me please?” Zack pleaded.
“She kidnapped him after she shot you.” Jimmy told him.
“Where’s Brian?” he had so many questions and we had most of the answers.
“I’m right here you dickhead!” He yelled from the next cubicle. He pulled the curtain back and waved at us.
“BRAIN!” Horizon giggled.
“Hey little man, mind my leg. Your dad’s psycho ex-girlfriend ran me over…the little whore.” Brain laughed while he lifted Horizon onto his bed. Zack tried to sit up.
“Ha! you’re in a hospital gown.” Brian laughed again at Zack.
“So are you.” I pointed out. One of the curtains drew open. One of the officers that I spoke to came to see us all.
“We have some good news, we found your son.” We all felt relieved.
“Thank you officer.” Zack smiled.
“Is he ok?” I said straight away.
“He’s fine, we found him on the side walk by the kidnappers house. We went into the house but all her belongings had been taken.” So the little pussy left California. Who in the right mind would leave a 1 year old baby on a side walk? The officer left the cubicle and went to find the women that found Phoenix.
“HEY!” Brain said as his nurse walked into his cubicle.
“Oh my god Vicki when did you become a nurse?” I said in surprise.
“Why are you in hospital?” Vicki laughed. Vicki has been one of my loyal friends since we were younger.
“You know this woman?” Brain wondered. I nodded my head. “Fucking lucky sod!” he groaned. “So are you here to check me out again?” he wicked at Vicki.
“Dream on Mr. Haner.” She laughed.
“Dude don’t call me that, please call me Brian or syn.” Brian insisted.
“Alright Brian.” Vicki smirked. “I’ve got to plaster your leg and then you can go, Mr. Baker you’ll be checked soon.” Zack smiled in a flirty way. I punch him in the leg casually.
“OUCH! Nurse tell my girlfriend to stop punching me.”
“We’re not in baby school Zack.” I giggled. Brian’s eyes constantly looked up and down Vicki.
“Can I have your number nurse Vicki?” Brian began to chat her up.
“I’m working.” Vicki said.
“Yeah so am I, I’m working my moves.” He winked again.
“Hey Vicki, after you’ve finished you shift. Come over to mine and he’ll catch up.” I asked her nicely.
“I’m coming if your there Vicki my love.” Brian’s flirting was so cheesy it made us all laugh. Horizon sat beside Zack and cuddled him tight.
“Daddy, I got told you got shot by the evil woman that took you away.” Zack looked at Horizon and smiled.
“Yeah I did, but she’s never gonna hurt us again and if she does then we’re screwed.” The police officer came back with the woman and Phoenix.
“Are you the woman that found my baby?” she nodded her head. “I could never thank you enough.” I said with relief as she handed me Phoenix.
“Please I’m only helping.” She smiled. She then walked off with out another word. I Handed Phoenix to Zack. Zack’s face lit up as he saw Phoenix.
“Oh thank fuck!” Zack yelled. We’re back to normal now…well I think that but yeah it feels much better.
To be continued…