Believe What You Like (Zacky Vengeance) (Avenged Sevenfold)

Chapter 8!

Chapter 8.
Brian wobbled about on his crutches, while Zacky walked causally to my car. Vicki stud paces behind Brian just encase he fell.
“Look I have a guardian angel.” Brian smirked.
“Shut up or I’ll have to leave you on your tod.” Vicki laughed. Brain grinned at Vicki and winked at her like normal.
“You’re such a flirt Brian.” I chuckled. As we stepped into the car park, Phoenix began to cry.
“Jimmy, hold Horizon and I’ll take care of Phoenix.” Jimmy past me Phoenix. As we all looked Gena stud across the car park.
“Security!” Vicki screamed into the hospital!
“We need the police!” I panicked.
“No we need a fuck army!” Brian yelled.
“She’s got a gun!” Jimmy warned us. “Get back into the hospital!!!” Jimmy pushed us all into the hospital!
“Police! There’s Gena Paulhus! She’s got a gun!” I screamed. I felt like I was gonna blackout. The police rushed out side. She was still standing there. She shot down two police officers and did a runner.
“Man down! Man down!” The police officers shouted. The hospital was a nightmare. Everyone was going crazy. Zack sat down in the waiting room.
“What’s up honey?” I asked.
“It’s all my fault, I should of just stayed with Gena but come see the boys more often.” He muttered.
“So I’m a mistake to you now!” I screamed at him. “So all this is a mistake, the boys, your sons are mistakes to you! Huh?” I began to cry. He looked up at me and looked away again.
“You can’t even look me in the eye with out wanting to be sick.” My tears poured out my eyes. “It’s my fault for falling for you over and over and over again! Why I’m I even trying?” Zack looked at me again. He looked heart broken. He hasn’t even said a word and I’m lashing out at him.
“Zack please talk to me? I’m looking like a psycho right now!” He looked at me. His face looked blank.
“Emily…” He muttered “I really do love you but if I didn’t try getting you back we wouldn’t be in this mess.” His voice showed some much gilt. “If I just listened to Gena none of us would be hurt!”
“But you listened to your heart.” I told him as I sat down beside him. I placed my hand against his knee. “Don’t take it out on yourself; I’m sorry I lashed out like that.” He looked at me with tears surrounding his eyes.
“Don’t hate me.” He whispered in my ear.
“I won’t.” I promised him. “I’ve already promised you the world so I’ll never hate you.” He kissed me on the cheek and held my hand.
“Please don’t hate me for what I’m about to do.”
He stud up and let go of my hand. I followed him out the room. He pushed open the door and stepped outside.
“Sir you must go back inside.” He didn’t listen. He began to run out the car park. He could still see Gena’s car parked up near the coffee shop.
“Zack!” I screamed I ran over to the exit. I saw him for a split second, until he ran off.
To be continued…