Sex, Drugs And Rock 'N' Roll (Zacky Vengeance) (Avenged Sevenfold)

Chapter 11!

Chapter 11. May 12th 2007.
“OI! Emily! Wake up your gonna be late!” Gabby nudged and poked Emily to wake her up.
“Ah, leave me alone! I have a hangover.” Groaned Emily as she turned on her back.
“That’s your fault… now come on, your gonna be late for your own wedding!” Gabby grabbed the duvet and pulled it off Emily.
“Ah it’s too cold.” Shivered Emily. She stud up and grabbed the Starbucks coffee on from off her bedside table.
“Oh…hot!” Emily spoke in despair. As soon as she opened her bedroom door, her band mate Freya, her mother and a few hair and make-up artists stud in her way.
“Here she is… what time do you call this?” her mother asked.
“Time to get my hair and make-up done…then get married…” Emily rubbed her aching head and sat down it the kitchen.
“Right then…hair…I was thinking little white roses in there or curled and –“
“Mum!” Emily moaned in a low tone of voice. “I’ll have my hair any way; it’s up to you Gena. As long as I get married to Zack at the end of the day, I don’t really care.” Gena began to work her magic on Emily; she straightened it all with a pretty white flower in her hair.
“Its beautiful… thank you so much Gena!” Emily stud up from her chair and gave Gena a hug.
“It’s ok Hun, anything for my best friend on her wedding day.” Emily sat back down so she could have her make-up done. It was time to put on her dress.
“God Emily, how much weight have you lost? The dress is practically falling off you!” exclaimed Freya.
“I know…but me some Twizzlers that ort to do it.” Kidded Emily. Gabby, Freya and Jessica (Zack’s sister) were the brides’ maids. They had the same dresses, a medium length cream dress with pearl accessories. They also wore little cream slip on shoes.
“You guys look amazing.” Emily said with the most pleased smile in the world.
“Thank you!” all three of them said at the same time.
“You look stunning Emily; I’m so glad your marring my brother.” Jess cheered. They all waited till their car arrived. On the other hand, Zack was panicking around Brian’s house.
“Oh shit! where’s the rings? Where are they?” Zack pulled every pillow and checked every pocket.
“Is it in its case…upstairs…on the table in the guest room?” suggested Jimmy.
“You’re a life saver… yep it is!” Zack screamed with relief.
“Dude, your ties not straight.” Matt pointed out. He straightened his tie and walked to the car.
“Are we ready?” Johnny asked before he headed out to the car.
“Yep…of we go!” anxiously said Zack. A 30 minute drive and they reached the chapel.
“Here we are…are you nerves Zack?” Matt wondered.
“Obviously! I’m getting married… what if I forget to say I do? What do I do?” Zack panicked a little more and calmed down.
“Chill…lets get this over and done with. Its gonna be a breeze.” Brian said with a calm and steady voice.
“Yeah but your not getting married.” Zack hesitated a little and began to walk into the chapel. A few people had already arrived. Some people were still inside to chill and wait for the bride and groom. His brother Matthew, Emily’s band mates and a few others was sitting down talking.
“Zack!” Matthew cried over. “There’re is more people outside; it is being held outside right?” Zack took a second to think, and then nodded his head. Everyone in the chapel began to move outside. Zack followed and took one step outside. He felt like he’d entered a fairytale.
“It’s amazing!” who did all this?” Zack asked with his jaw wide open and his eyes slowly scanning the wonderful site. Jimmy stud forward and gave Zack a piece of scrupled up lined paper.
“I’ve stayed up for the last week making this perfect for you and Emily.” Zack was still stunned be Jimmy’s hard work.
“Thanks Jimmy.” Jimmy hugged Zack and laughed away.
“Are you gonna read it then?” Jimmy asked.
“Oh yeah the note.” Zack opened the piece of paper up, it read…
Dear Zack,
Today will be our big day and I so frilled that I’m marrying you! Jimmy, Brian, Matt and Johnny have worked their asses off for us, they’ve done everything! I was probably drunk or hung-over writing this but I still have a brain. (Thank fuck!)I love you with all my heart and I can’t wait to see you in you suit! (Well it’s not much of a change. You always dress smart…but still).
Lots of love Emily xxx :)
Zack smiled as he read on, Brian was trying to look over his shoulder to read it. People sat row pone row of white wooden seats, wrapped with red ribbon. The floor had a long white carpet running threw the aisle. It was covered in white and red flower petals. The alter was under a huge willow tree. It felt like a fairytale…
To be continued…