Sex, Drugs And Rock 'N' Roll (Zacky Vengeance) (Avenged Sevenfold)

Chapter 17!

Chapter 17.
Horizon’s screams woke Emily and Zack right up.
“Oh god Horizon! Can’t you be quite for one day?” Emily groaned. Emily rolled on her side to look at Zack.
“Happy birthday Zacky V!” Emily shouted in excitement.
“Thank you honey.” Zack said as he opened his eyes.
“I’ll sort Horizon out and I’ll bring you up a coffee and make you breakfast. Do you like the sound of that?” Zack nodded his head and kissed her on the lips.
“It sounds good but I don’t want you to put stress on yourself. Let me sort Horizon out and you make the breakfast.”
“If that’s what you wonna do babe you do that…Thank you.” Zack pulled the covers off and walked over to Horizon’s room. Emily grabbed her dressing gown that draped over the end of the bed. She went down the stairs and began to cook a full English breakfast for Zack. He slowly made his way down the stairs with Horizon.
“He started to shut up once I walked in the door.” Zack complained.
“It cause he was lonely or he wanted to say happy birthday to his daddy.” Emily laughed. She placed his breakfast on the table.
“Where’s yours?” Zack asked.
“I’m not hungry to be honest darling. I’m gonna get changed and I might as well changed Horizon. Wont be long.” Emily kissed Zack on the cheek and took Horizon off his hands. Emily Changed Horizon into his A7X shirt, small grey jeans and a little pair of purple converse. She laid Horizon on her bed as she got changed herself. She grabbed a red dress which had black roses stitched on it. She sat on the edge of the bed while she pulled up a pair of black tights. The bedroom door slowly creped open. She saw Zack’s fingers curl around the side of the door.
“Honey is that you?” Zack asked before he opened the door any farther.
“No. it’s you number 1 stalker. Of course it’s me.” She continued pulling her Tights up.
“Nice ass Emily.” Zack gestured. “Joking but it is nice… I like your dress.” Emily picked Horizon from the bed.
“Thank you Zack.” Emily Said with a smile. Zack Kissed her and softly on Horizon’s forehead.
“All the guys are coming over to Party I guess…Val, Lacey, Leana and Gabby should be coming over.” Zack told Emily. She smiled again and began to walk down the stairs.
“Hello! Zack its Matt and Val.” Matt shouted as he walked threw the front door with Valary on his arm.
“Hey Emily.” Val said with her glossy pink smile.
“Dude is that Horizon, man he’s grown. Where’s Zacky?” Matt asked.
“Upstairs getting changed I think.” Matt kissed Val on the cheek and ran up the stairs to give Zack his birthday present.
“Wonder why he ran up the stairs so quick? Might be a bromance between are boys.” Val laughed.
“Could be…it would be a but scary.” Emily giggled. Emily let Val hold Horizon. Horizon started to open his little eyes but didn’t cry.
“You’re a natural Val.” Says Emily. Horizon smiled and giggled.
“Arwwww he’s so cute.” Val said. Soon Zack and Matt walked out the room and down the stairs.
“Did we enjoy our little Bromance time boys?” Val joked.
“Oh yeah, we had gay sex and made out Val…no! I’m married and have a kid. I’m totally sure I’, not gay.” Zack laughed.
“Zack makes really loud sex noises anyway, so we would have heard them Val.” Emily laughed too.
“Well…me and Val have some news.” Matt began. “Me and Val are getting married.”
“Oh my god, that’s great!” Emily congratulated.
“Since when?” Zack asked.
“A few days ago, over dinner.” Val giggled with joy.
“Arwwww.” Sighed Emily.
“Why didn’t I think of that? I proposed to you at a fucking baseball game.” Zack moaned.
“It’s the thought that counts, not where you did it. Anyway, I thought it was sweet proposing at a baseball game.” Emily grinned.
“Well I better get all the fucking shit for the party. Is anyone coming shopping with me?” Emily asked.
“I will.” Val offered.
“Thank you. Horizon can stay here so keep an eye on him please.” Emily begged Zack.
“I will no go get us lots of alcohol and stripers.” Zack joked.
“Alcohol, yes. Stripers, no!” said Emily. The party went ok…every one got hammered apart from Emily as she was taking care of Horizon. The time flew and something is gonna happen again.
To be continued…