Sex, Drugs And Rock 'N' Roll (Zacky Vengeance) (Avenged Sevenfold)

Chapter 19!

Chapter 19.
Emily’s soft hands ran across the hand railing on the staircase. She tiptoed slowly down the stairs. Her back ached and her head felt like someone smashed it against a wall.
“Ah.” She groaned in pain quietly.
“Hey Em.” Brian whispered. Brian was crashing as Emily and Zack’s house as Gabby kicked him out.
“Sup.” Emily Said trying to act like she’s not in pain. “You look a reck Bri, when was the last time you got some sleep?” Emily asked. She sat next to him on the sofa,
“I don’t have a fucking clue, last Friday?” He muttered. It’s Tuesday. The coffee table was full of empty bottles of beer and cigarette buds.
“Please get some sleep Bri. Let me clean up, that might make you feel better.” She grabbed a few beer bottled and walked over to the kitchen.
“I’ll help you.” Brian offered. He grabbed the bin from the corner of the room and threw all the rubbish in the bin.
“Typical man cleaning.” Emily laughed. “Zack does the same thing.” Brian shrugged his shoulders and past Emily the bin. Know one really knows why Gabby threw him out.
“I’m totally sure that someone will love you for you.” Emily smiled.
“Like who? Everyone likes me for my guitar skills and money.” Brian sighed.
“No that’s not true. If I wasn’t with Zack right now I would date you.” She smirked. “You’re a loving guy and I think many girls would agree with me here by saying you’re a good looking guy too. I’m throwing a big party. No reason but a huge party. I’ll invite a load is girls and bob’s your uncle, you’ve just pulled.” She wrapped her arms over his shoulders and gave him a comforting hug.
“I hope your right.” Brian hugged back. “Please don’t let your waters break at the party.” Emily looked at Brian as if to say ‘Don’t get your hopes up.’
“Brian please, as if my waters would break at the party.”
To be continued…