Sex, Drugs And Rock 'N' Roll (Zacky Vengeance) (Avenged Sevenfold)

Chapter 24!

Chapter 24.
December 19th 2009
“I wish you would have told me!” Zack yelled at Emily as he pushed her to the ground. The back of her head hit the corner of the coffee table.
“You wouldn’t of understood.” She placed her hand behind her head. Blood.
“So when you said he ‘thought’ you was pregnant it was really because he ‘got’ you pregnant.” Zack was close to the edge. Emily was on the living room floor, bleeding, but he didn’t give two shits about that. She was in tears.
“We were drunk. How many times did you fuck Gena behind my back? I never lashed out on you and left you.” Emily yelled back at him. He stayed quiet. “Yeah just what I thought. Speechless aren’t you? I should have left you when I had the chance.” She spat out.
“You don’t mean that.” Zack pleaded.
“I’m taking Horizon and Valary as far away from you as possible.” Emily stud up off the ground. A blood stain was on the white carpet. Zack grabbed her by the collar of her t-shirt.
“You’re not taking my son away from me.” Zack got right in her face. “You don’t mean any of this, do you? Why do you have to hurt me like this?” He whisper yelled at her. He had tears flooding his eyes.
“You should of thought about it before you slept with me best friends and knock me to the floor.” She pushed away from him and ran up to Horizon. She tried to hide her tears from Horizon.
“Come on Horizon, we’re gonna go see your sister at Uncle Matt and Auntie Val’s house.” She lifted Horizon out of his cot and rested him against her chest. Zack stud in the doorway. “Get out my way Zack.” Emily ordered.
“Not until you give me Horizon.” He opened his arms, hoping to receive Horizon.
“On my deathbed.” She hissed. She pushed Zack out the way with her spare hand.
“Pass me him!” Zack shouted at Emily. She looked at him with tears pouring out of her eyes.
“It’s almost Christmas you know?” Emily muttered “and this year, you can spend it on your own! She rushed down the stairs. Horizon cried in her arms. “Shhhh Horizon Shhhh.” She reassured him. She reached for the front door handle.
“Don’t you walk out that door?!” Zack yelled as he ran down the stairs. She ignored him.
“I’m sick to the back teeth with your attitude Zack.” She left with those words. She rushed to the car and strapped Horizon in, just so his is safe.
“Get him out that car!” he kept shouting at her. She hurried over to the diver’s seat and drove off as soon as she could. She left for Matt and Val’s house. Baby Valary was already at their house. Zack ran after the car until he was stranded in the middle of the road. He screamed on the top of his lungs in anger. He dug in his pockets and grabbed his car keys. He knew where they were going… Matt and Val’s house.
To be continued…