Sex, Drugs And Rock 'N' Roll (Zacky Vengeance) (Avenged Sevenfold)

Chapter 34!

Chapter 34.
The funeral was hard for everyone. A small mourning was held in honour of Jimmy soon after the burial. Everyone has shaded their tears.
Zack sat with Vicki and Horizon.
“I can’t believe he’s really gone…” Zack muttered.
“We’re all in shock Zack, Don’t worry.” Horizon sat on Zack’s lap smiling away. He was still too young to understand what was going on.
Vicki kept Zack company while Emily comforted Jimmy’s mother, her aunty.
“Don’t cry Aunty Barbra, you’ll get me crying too.” Emily laughed lightly as her eyes started to water. She gave her a hug, trying to reassure her that everything will be alright.
“I don’t think James would have wanted us to cry.” Barbra tried to smile, but failed. Leana walked over to Barbra and Emily. She kept BARBRA COMPANY.
“I need to go find Brian; he’s done a runner with our daughter again.” Emily said. She kissed them both on the cheeks before she left to go find Brian and Valary. She walked out of the hall the mourning was taking place. She stepped into the courtyard to see Brian sitting on the grass with baby Valary.
“Daddy’s got your teddy bear…where did he go? There he is! Yay!” Brian tried to get his mind off of the passing of Jimmy by spending time with his daughter.
“Brian.” Emily muttered. She sat down beside him. He took her hand. He sat Valary on his lap and looked back over to Emily.
“You’ve got eye make-up all over your cheeks.” He laughed lightly. He rubbed his thumb over her cheek and wiped it all away, “All better.” He half=smiled. She tightened the grip on his hand.
“Jimmy wanted me and Zack to stay together for the kids…I have a gut feeling we can’t promise Jimmy that.” Emily frowned.
“You always know where I am Emily. You and the kids can always stay with me. But I’m sure you and Zack can work this out.”
“I hope.” Emily whispered as she looked up into the cloudy blue sky. She began to cry. Brian wrapped his arms around her, trying to calm her down. Brian squeezed his eyes closed, trying his best to hold his tears. Emily pulled away from the hug and took Valary off his lap.
“I’m sure Jimmy would want the best for the kids, being so he’s Horizon’s god father.” Brian reassured her. She nodded.
“But I don’t feel so safe around Zack no more.” She sighed. He kissed her head.
“How’s the cut on the back of your neck?” he wondered. She lifted her hair up
“Still sore but it’s slowly heeling. I’ve been sleeping in the guest room since.” Emily shrugged.
“Yeah, I remember me and Jimmy waking you up in there on Christmas.” Brian grinned. Emily and Brian sat recalling all the good and funny moments of Jimmy’s short but wonderful life.
“Remember the scallion duck and the time when you got drunk?” Emily smiled at him. He nodded with a grin.
“Pink I s the new black.” He laughed. “And Jimmy and his life advice with people.”
“ha yeah, the two pints of Guinness and overflowing with information and knowledge.” She laughed too. “Or the time he wrote A Little Piece Of Heaven?” she added.
“Recording that was so much fun.” He exclaimed as he looked back at the good times. “We had to keep stopping when you were doing the woman vocals. You were all complaining of stomach cramp.”
”Hey! Well I couldn’t help being pregnant.” She nudged him. Valary began to giggle. They both stopped to admire their child.
“I’m glad we had a kid together.” Brian whispered in her ear. He was about to kiss her on the cheek until Zack, Vicki and Horizon came over.
“Hey guys.” Zack put on a smug smile before kissing Emily on the lips. Brian’s heart plummeted. Vicki held his hand but this didn’t mend his broken heart. All he wanted was a family. The family he can never have…