Young And Troubled (Synyster Gates' Family) (Avenged Sevenfold)

Chapter 10!

Chapter 10!
Brian’s P.O.V.
It’s finally Emily’s first birthday. As soon as I woke up, I purposely woke Emily up. She was screaming and crying but I didn’t care. However, I think Vicki did…
“Fucking hell Brian sort Emily out!” she moaned as she slammed the pillow over her head.
“Gladly!” I smiled. I ran over to her cot and hushed her as I lifted her out. “Hey baby girl, it’s your birthday! And daddy has a big surprise for you!” she soon hushed up and smiled.
“Daddy!” she screamed. Arw she knows who I am! He reached her hands out for me. “Daddy!” she kept screaming when I lifted her up in the air.
“Arw don’t you like heights baby? It’s ok.” I reassured her by keeping her close to my chest. “Come on time for breakfast…Yo Vicki get your fat ass out of bed!” I shouted at her as I threw a baby bottle at her head.
“OUCH! Brian that hurt! I’ll get you back later.” She said seriously. Shit! Her way of payback is to almost kill you or put you in a hospital bed!
“Okay I’m sorry! Don’t hurt me!” I begged. She started to laugh.
“I won’t baby.” She winked. I sighed with relief. I walked into the front room. Dad was sat on the sofa with a massive gift wrapped box on his lap.
“Happy birthday Emmylou!” he said as he got up. He placed the box on the coffee table and took Emily off of me. “Arw look at you Emzy, your getting older…and much heavier.” I sat on the sofa and started to think what the hell was in the massive box. “Do you wonna open your present?” he asked Emily. she smiled. He lifted her up in the air and she started to scream daddy again.
“Yeah she doesn’t like being lifted up.” I told him.
“Right…” he held her to his chest. “So do you still wonna open your present? Yeah? Come on then.” He carried hr over to the sofa. He kneed down near the coffee table whilst Emily crawled all over the sofa.
“Emily…” I trailed as I pulled her to me. She moaned as I sat her on me lap. “Granddad” I started to snigger at the fact he was a granddad!! “Has got you a present.” I finally finished after my laughter. Vicki came tumbling in.
“Morning sleepyhead.” Dad smiled.
“Morning...” she groaned. Yeah, you guessed it right. Vicki is not a morning person. Soon after, McKenna and Brent woke up.
“Moring!” I grinned as I looked over at them. McKenna smiled and happily sat next to me and Emily. Brent shrugged his shoulders and shuffled his way over to the armchair. “Where’s Suzy?” I asked.
“Work.” McKenna answered before dad could. I made an ‘O’ shape with my mouth and nodded my head.
“Does Emily wonna open her present then?” I smiled as I looked at her. She looked up at me with her big blur eyes. She smiled. “I’m taking that as a yes.” I giggled. She clapped her hands…cheeky bitch! Dad passed the box over. Man it was so big! That’s what Vicki said…to my dick! Sorry I have to make fun of myself there! (Hahaha!) Emily ripped the paper a little and crawled off of my lap onto McKenna’s. I sighed. Dad started to rip it off as if it was his. It revealed a massive box…
“Yeah cardboard box! Yay!” dad celebrated. “It’s just what I wanted!” he joked around.
“Dad its epic thanks.” I said sarcastically. He told me to open the box. Inside was a massive fucking black teddy bear. I smiled as I gave him a guy-hug. Emily crawled into the place I was sitting.
“Ha she stole your seat Brian.” Vicki laughed. I rolled my eyes and picked Em up.
“Stealing is wrong.” I laughed. She giggled and sat on my lap. Vicki walked over and sat next to me. McKenna got off the sofa and sat on the arm of the chair. “Look what granddad got you Emmy. It’s a massive teddy! Oooh it’s awesome right?” I smiled. She smiled too. We placed the teddy on the floor and let Emily crawl over to it. She rushed over and hugged it. It was so sweet. I placed my hand and Vicki’s knee as we watched Emily hug the teddy. Vicki has been more of a mum to Emily then Michelle has in only 3 days. That’s why we’ve agreed to bring up Emily was Vicki’s and not tell her Michelle is her real mum until well…she’s older…I smiled at Vicki and looked back at Emily. She was crawling all over the teddy.
“Does the bear have a name?” Brent asked.
“Hum…we’ll call it hunter.” I smiled. Vicki nodded in agreement.
“I like it.” she grinned. She placed her hand on top of mine and held it. it felt so romantic right now! I let go of her hand for a moment whilst I got Emily’s present from our room. I got her a baby Metallica shirt. Yes, she really does like Metallica! She moshes to them with me while I play along.
“Typical of you to do that Bri.” Brent rolled his eyes.
“Yeah well I’m her dad!” I laughed loudly. I changed Emily into her new amazing shirt and tried to teach her how to walk. Like she promised, Vicki helped out. Vicki stood at one end whist I stood at the other.
“Ok Emily come over here.” Vicki kneed down. I smiled at Vicki as our eyes met. I stood Emily up and helped her walked over by holding her hands. She got over easily! We did this a few times until she got use to her feet. Then we tried a few times with out my help. She’ll manage about 3 steps and fall face first. She’ll cry for a little bit and get really pissed off. We kept trying until she got it after a good 4 hours of trying. She could walk a little but she mainly crawled like normal. I guess it was worth it in the end…
“Brian!” Matt called out as he walked though the bedroom door. He was with Val. Val smiled. I thought she was gonna be super pissed that I kicked out Michelle.
“Hey guys.” I sighed as I picked up Emily.
“Nice shirt Emily, did daddy get it you?” Matt laughed.
“Of course I fucking got it her!” I chuckled. We walked back into the living room. Everyone was here.
“SURPRISE!” dad shouted from the garden! All the guys were here, their girls, the family. Luckily my mum or Michelle wasn’t here! Dad was bouncing on a bouncy castle… that’s got dad all over it! Him and McKenna looked like they were having a blast. Vicki pulled me over to the bouncy castle.
“Come on, it will be fun!” I still had Emily in my arms. I gently bounced while Emily was laughing. Vicki would watch then go crazy with McKenna. Vicki got along well with McKenna, better then Michelle. Is this telling you something yet? I know it’s telling me something! It’s telling me that Vicki is way better then Michelle with Emily and my family! It’s simple! Zacky and Jimmy came racing on as soon as McKenna and dad got off.
“Oh my god this is so amazing!” Jimmy screamed like a like boy. He bounced around like crazy. He grabbed Emily off of me and bouncy with her. She was laughing like hell. Jimmy is amazing with kids! He maybe a bit out of his tree but he’s still such an amazing person. Zack sat in the middle on the bouncy castle and stared at who I believe is Fallyn. She a pretty girl and I see why Zack’s been crushing on her for months now!
“Yo Zack!” I called out. I sat next to him while everyone bounced around us. “Still crushing on Fallyn are we?” I asked. He nodded.
“Yeah…how do you ask a girl out?” he wondered. “I mean you get loads of girls.”
“No they just go out with me coz they feel sorry that I have a baby.” I joked. “Nah, you just go up to her and make convocation. Then when you’re deeper into it, you ask her. But don’t rush it, take you time, find the right pace then ask her.” I told him. He smiled.
“Thanks bro.” He patted me on the back and stood up. He rushed over to Fallyn and took my advice into heart. I got up and bounced with Vicki, Jimmy and Emily. This was one fun kids birthday party!