Young And Troubled (Synyster Gates' Family) (Avenged Sevenfold)

Chapter 4!

Chapter 4!
Brian’s P.O.V.
I followed dad, Michelle, Jimmy and Johnny inside. Emily was curled up in my arms. I’ll never forgive my mum for her actions today. She’s gonna get what’s coming to her in prison! I rushed upstairs and placed Emily in her cot. From now on I’m not leaving her! I’m keeping the closes of eyes on her. I sat back in the chair were Emily was taken from me. I watched her closely. I didn’t want to blink… shit I blinked! I got back off the chair and sat on the floor next to Emily’s cot. She turned over and looked at me with her big grey eyes.
“Hello…” I whispered. I put my hands though the bars and stoked her head. He smiled and closed her eyes. The bedroom door slowly opened.
“Hey Brian.” Jimmy whispered. I smiled and stood up.
“Hey Jimmy.” I said back. He walked up to me and wrapped him long arms around me.
“I’m sorry about what your mum did. Are you guys ok?” he asked.
“We’re fine, gosh! Everyone asks me that like seven thousand times a day!” I exaggerated. He laughed lightly, trying not to wake Emily up.
“Well it’s best to ask.” Jimmy nudged my lightly. I turned back to face Emily. Jimmy went over to the cot and kneed down to look closer at Emily. “She looks more like you then Michelle you know.” He pointed out.
“You think? Everyone said she’s a spitting image of Michelle.”
“Nah she’s got your nose, lips and cheek bones. Her eyes are grey but I’m sure they’ll go brown over time.” Jimmy smiled at me again. I smiled back and kneed down next to him.
“You could say that. But she’s got Michelle’s face shape.”
“Not a chance. She’s gonna grow up as a big daddy’s girl.” Jimmy chuckled lightly.
“Yeah I can see that happening actually. I don’t bet on it that Michelle and I would have another child.”
“In ways I can see that too. Michelle isn’t the type to go popping out millions of kids. I think you should just have Emily, it all you need.” He said. I nodded.
“Yeah. Only Emily.” he smiled as I looked at her. She was tossing and turning in her sleep. Must be a nightmare. Then my question was soon answered by her screaming and crying. I stood up quickly and picked her up. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Michelle and dad came rushing into the bedroom.
“Oh my god is she alright?” Michelle panicked. Michelle ran over to me and held my arm. She looked at Emily, who was resting in my arms. She was still crying. Might be from my mum…the new child catcher! Michelle took Emily from my arms and hushed her.
“She’s probably still in shock about this morning.” Dad guessed…clever!
“Of course she is! Mum is a fucking psycho and needs throwing in a padded fucking cell!” I shouted, making Emily screamed and cry again. “Fucking hell.”
“Brian when was the last time you had a proper rest or sleep?” dad asked, starting to loose his temper with me.
“Last week…I’m fine really.” I lied. I’m super warned out. I’ve not had a good sleep in days!
“Get some now then. We’ll take care of Emily. Go on, same with you Michelle. Your both a mess.” Dad pushed us out the room. He and Jimmy followed us out. We went over to the room. Johnny was sat on the sofa watching some shit TV show.
“Go on, off to bed children.” Jimmy laughed. I stuck my middle finger up at him and left for the bedroom…not in that way!
“Come on Michelle.” I sighed. She smiled and sat on the bed. Fuck getting changed, I’m knackered! I got into bed and closed my eyes. The soon I get sleep, the soon I can wake up and the soon I can see Emily! You could say I’m obsessed with taking care of my daughter. I’ve been skipping school since she was born. Michelle goes but I don’t! But yeah, time to sleep. Then as soon as I wake up, I’ll go get Emily…it sounds like a fucking amazing plan!
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thanks for reading chapter 4!
chapter 5 up soon!!
comment and subscribe please!!
~Emily (TasteTheVengenace)~