Through Blurry Eyes


The sky lights up and so do his eyes.

Not knowing where we are, beer spills from our nostrils and our insides ache, our eyes scrunched up with laughter. Through our blood runs alcohol and freedom and youth.

Parts of me are numb on this cold hard pavement, but parts are alive. I know this for sure, because there's a clawing at my chest that crawls down to my stomach and beats against me.

He half-smiles.

The lights are too bright, they swirl and stream out; the ground is too hard; the glow is too strong. He is too much. Words spill from his mouth and I laugh too hard. I can barely see his eyes, and I ache to glimpse the green that stare into my brown, but no colour exists here but blue. Calm, serene blue.

He half-smiles, and I ache.