‹ Prequel: Maid of Honor
Sequel: The Newlyweds
Status: Complete ♥

The Bride

Twenty-Four ♥

“Wake up, beautiful,”
I stirred a little bit before I tried to open my eyes. I failed the first few times before I was able to whip the sleep away. Colored dots danced in front of my eyes while a burry figure was coming into focus. I shut my eyes once again, and slowly opened them. Smiling down at me was John.
“What are you doing here?” I asked him softly because I was yet to be fully awake.
“I’m trying to wake up my beautiful fiancé on our wedding day.”
A lazy smile spread slowly across my lips.
“Thanks, baby.” I replied before slowly sitting up. “Where’s Maria?”
“She’s downstairs. I just came to wake you up,”
“That’s not it,” I shook my head, laughing. “I know you, John…what else do you want?”
“I wanted to talk before the wedding,”
“You’re not getting cold feet are you?”
“Definitely not,” He smirked at me. “I just wanted to take you out for breakfast before I hand you over to the girls for the rest of the day,”
“That’s sweet,” I laughed before I pecked his lips lightly. “Let me throw on some boots,” I stated before I stood up. I slipped on my Uggs, and tossed my crazy hair up into a messy pony tail. “I’m ready,”
John chuckled at me.
“Okay, let’s go, gorgeous,”
I scrunched up my nose and shook my head at him. John didn’t say anything in return but we started down the stairs of Maria and Kennedy’s house. John called out that he was abducting me, making me laugh, before we were leaving their drive-way.
“Where are we going exactly?”
“How about we hit up a McDonalds drive-through?”
“I agree with that,” I laughed. My fingers linked with John’s as he drove to the fast-food chain. “It’s not the healthiest breakfast, but it’s something,” I commented.
“I thought so too.” He smiled. “Where are you and the girls getting ready at?”
“Maria’s house…I think,” I replied. “What about you guys?”
“I’m thinking that we’re going to Jared’s but I’m not too sure.”
“That’s good,” I smiled. “I can’t wait, Johnny.”
“Neither can I, Dia.” John replied. “We’re getting married today, baby.”
“I know this,” I retorted with a laugh. “I think my dad had a cow when I told him about our engagement.”
“I know my mom did, obviously,” He rolled his eyes.
“You know, I spoke to my dad before I told you that I loved you,”
“Really?” John asked, stealing a glance my way. “What was said?”
“He told me that it was obvious that you were in love with me,”
“He did not,” John chuckled.
I tossed my hands.
“Believe whatever you want, O’Callaghan. I’m just saying what he told me,”
“Did he really tell you that I was in love with you?”
“Yes. He was the main reason I finally got over myself and told you that I love you,”
“Awe…” He cooed. “How did he know?”
“He said that he could tell that I’m in love with you too. He told me that I just hadn’t realized it at the time, and looking back, I totally didn’t.” I answered truthfully.
I really didn’t think tha t would ever be in love with John.
I really didn’t think that I would be getting married to John, but here I was on my wedding day, eating with my fiancé. It’s insane how quickly life can change. Mine certainly has changed for the better.
♠ ♠ ♠
Guess who's a married woman now? That's right! I am :) Guys I really freaking did it. It's been like....three years in the making, but it was well worth the wait. I'm so in love that it's not even funny. My friends few in from California for the wedding, and my NC friends were all there. It's perfect! We're holding off on the honeymoon for a week or two until my friends leave and then we get to leave. Anyway.....so I should be posting more WTMRS and the ending or so to this one, and more to the other stories. Trust me, I didn't forget about you guys that I'm writing one shots for. I'm getting there, but I've been planning my wedding for like months. I'm sorry that it's taking soooo freaking long. However, they will be out as soon as possible...or sooner. ;)

Check out Listen To The Thunder if you like Boys Like Girls... and even Bruised and Beat Up.

xoxo Rae Wakefield ;)