Strawberry Swing

Back To Hogwarts, To Cast Some Spells

Dan’s POV

As we were walking through the streets of London, the three of us were trying very hard not to be spotted.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved making the films and playing Harry. But you can’t even walk anywhere without being pounced on by fans, photographers or film crew.

Tom suddenly stopped at the end of the path, which caused Rupert and I to bump into each other and then into Tom, since none of use never really watched where we were going. I decided to joke about for a laugh.

“What’s the matter Draco?” I chuckled lightly, Rupe caught on and started to laugh along . From the small distance between us, I could see the corners of Tom’s lips curl up into a grin.

“Shut up, Potter. There’s people heading our way” He said empathising the ‘P’ like he always did. I laughed at Tom, so did Rupert as we slowly crossed the road after Tom did the all Clear motion.

About 20 minutes later, we all walked round the final bend in the road and came face to face with the studios. I suddenly got this strange gut feeling about the place. Like we had returned back to Hogwarts for another year of school and filming.

But we weren’t, we were just coming to collect stuff that is ours and then setting back off again, back to home. Like on cue, the three of us all sighed at the same time, and looked at each other.

“Well, this is it” I said and started to walks across the small path, that would take us all though the now, small studio doors. Which ten years ago looked massive. Tom pushed open the door and walked straight into the director.
David smiled at all of us and pulled us each into a giant hug.

“Never thought I would see all you lot again! What you doing here?” He said as his cap slowly fell down his forehead and onto his face a little. David ushered us to walk and talk with him, which we did.

“Um, we came to collect our stuff, if that’s all right with you and if were aloud to?” Tom said nervously looking around the set quickly then back at David.
David smiled his eyes watering ever so lightly.

“And we kinda got HP depression a little, so could we walk around the set for a while?” Rupert burst out also, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck.

David smiled, then sighed at us. Causing our heads to shoot up instantly thinking that we were going to be rejected.
“Of course you can, you can come anytime you want lads. Don’t need to ask” He smiled and gave us all one last hug each before he pointed us in the right direction of storage, and started to talk to us about what we were doing now.

He was a really nice guy and for the last ten years, he has been like a second father to me, to the whole Harry Potter cast really. Well, they had been like my second family, you really got to know each and everyone of them off by heart. Through and though.
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Hey, second chapter today (well night) Not going to write much since i'm tired. Will probably write more tomorrow. Nighty Night folks!

Tink xx