Blind Me, Love Me


Magic. It's such a beautiful thing. It seems like before Amory got her letter the only thing that was magic was the magician at the children's store pulling rabbits out of his hat. And now? Now magic is everything. It is her very being. It is the world.

"Lumos." The Ravenclaw held her wand, a ten inch holly with a dragon heartstring core, out in front of her figure. The corridors were dark at this time of night. It was past twilight yet not just midnight. She could hear nothing. Only the echoing of her own footsteps. Filch must be on the other side of the castle right now looking after the first years that might be lost.

Hardly anyone sneaks out of the Ravenclaw tower. No one ever sees the need, and when one does, the only penalty is that the riddles to get back inside the room become more difficult. Precautions like that are taken just to make sure it was absolutely necessary to leave in the first place.

Another ball of light appeared at the end of the corridor. "Nox," Amory whispered under her peppermint-stained breath, placing her hand at her side. She backed into the nearest wall and remained still, waiting for whoever was approaching. The edge of her hoodie scraped up against the walls faintly, gritty and unpleasant.

The footsteps from the other visitor silenced.

She never really encountered confrontation like this. Any violence ever used or been involved in was nothing short of dueling club or any explosions in potions.


Amory's wand shot out of her hand and to the opposite wall. Instead of a teacher however, she was met with a familiar pair of eyes.


The blond Slytherin never failed to be in the right place at the right time. His translucent skin was inviting and more or less sullen and gaunt. No one has been getting any decent sleep lately because of You-Know-Who's return. it wasn't a surprise with him especially with his family being suspected. Insomnia was just floating about the castle, looking for someone else to poison.

Draco lowered his wand. "Amory, are you a crazy?" He shook his head then retrieved the seized wand that clanked to the ground. "I thought you were Potter. Your hair is just too similar."

Out of paranoia, the girl examined her short boyish cut, tugging and stressing the short ends. Comments like this weren't foreign. Of course, when a girl gets her hair cut shorter than her chin, it's automatically considered "odd."

The Slytherin boy rolled his neck. "What are you doing here?" He released a stressed sighed. "It's too late for you to be out of bed." He held out the wand for his companion to accept.

"I might ask the same thing." Amory reached forward, but he pulled his hand back.

"That's none of your business."

"Then don't ask what you won't divulge yourself." She lunged towards my wand in the hand behind his back. Draco continued to back away. "Draco, my wand."

He held it above his head teasingly. He had the advantage, being significantly taller than the object of his teasing. His arm, cloaked over with a midnight fabric, stretched high above in a manner that made it practically impossible to manage.

Amory wanted to pounce on him if it weren't for the clatter that would surely follow. She hated it when people used her height to their advantage. Such things were barbaric and frankly unnecessary. She could feel her emotions bouncing around, looking for the switch that would just send her flying with anger.

"Draco!" The black-haired girl wailed.

"Obscuro!" He pointed with his wand.

A blindfold shut off Amory's vision, and she fell back onto the opposite wall. She could feel the rage boiling inside. She attempted to run forward into the wall that she knew Draco was on but was stopped. Two hands, whether they belonged to Draco or not it was unsure, pinned her frail wrists against the wall.

Her breathing peaked, a breath brewed with a mixed of fear and curiosity.

Draco leaned forward. The petite female's mint-chocolate patters of air that slipped away from her lips were titillating and sweet. Her lips were pink accompanied by the veil of moisture that aroused from her skin out of nervousness. Not moments later did he find himself connected to her with a passion that seeped from his own mouth and body.

Amory turned her head as to rip away herself from the blond. "Your methods of torture are romantically sickening, Draco." She ended her statement with a stiff laugh.

It was always the Slytherins that were more complicated to understand. Inscrutableness with a dash of sugar and honey, it was all fascinating and all together disheartening

"Just fall back asleep." Draco whispered into the girl's ear with a voice that was smoother than usual like that of the breeze going through the corridors.

He picked her up, one arm behind her delicate back and the other under her knocking knees. She could feel his lips and his chin on her forehead. The entire time her vision remained blacked out and shaking.

When Amory's feet touched back on the ground and the blindfold came off, she was alone and her wand was back int he right pocket of her jeans. She suspired with a dark expression playing across her brow, looking at the eagle knocker on the door of the Ravenclaw tower.

"Out again, Ms. Tsang?" It said with a wispy voice that resembled a night breeze.

"Just went out for a walk." She responded, quite despondently.

"With the Malfoy boy?" The knocker knew all too well.

Amory gritted violent swears through her teeth. "Just give me the riddle."

"Very well." The knocker bowed ever so slightly. "When love is lost, where does it go?"

"Nowhere, and in a sense it is never lost. It stays until rekindled."

The knocker nodded towards the exhausted member of his house. "Nicely worded."
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*Rewritten with more detail and in third person.