Status: Work in progress.


The Story Behing the Story


(Demon. This is not only the name of the story but also the name of their race. If they have Mandragoro blood in them it will take over the human blood. Not completely, of course. Here are some examples: 50%+50%=100%, 50%+25%=75%, 25%+25%=50%, 50%+human=50%, 25%+human=25%. You get the picture? The Mandragoro are like the worlds godly people. They keep the balance and such. They're what takes care of droughts and crops and all that good stuff. Without them the world wouldn't last very long.)

Duce (100%) - Leader. A Duce is usually a queen. It's very rare for there to be a full blooded Mandragoro. Every few centuries there is one born by two Commerciantes mating. They have to be destined to be together or they will not be sexually attracted to one another. They have a life expectancy of several centuries. This is why they are rare. They can't have any children of their own. They have all the powers that a Soldato can be born with.

Soldatos (75%) - Soldiers. Soldatos are created when a Commerciante and a Rustico mate. They're is some kind of reaction that happens that makes them stronger than all the others. They defend their Duce and Bellisima Isola (the name of their island of which the kingdom sets on). There are different classifications of Soldatos. Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, and Spirit. They aren't allowed to have children.

Commerciantes (50%) - "Merchants". In the begging of the world there were only full blooded Mandragoros. Which will cause you to wonder, how did they get half bloods? As you know, mating with humans can't do it because Mandragoro blood dominates. At one point a major natural disaster happened and they started dying off. So, they started to mate with humans to keep their line going. Yet, for some reason the Mandragoro blood wasn't dominate. The humans blood was. For four generations only humans were born. Then all of a sudden they were half blooded. No one is really sure why or how it happened but it did. They are never attracted to another of their kind unless they are humans or Rusticos.

Rusticos (25%) - "Peasants". Sometimes there is a genetic flaw and the Commerciantes slowly become Rusticos. Yet, the same genetic flaw makes the Soldatos stronger. It is assumed that the human blood over powers it and depletes it's power. The more Mandragoro blood that is in you the stronger you are and the longer you are expected to live.

Caccias (Humans) - Hunters. These are the humans from the four generations. They, for some reason, are out to destroy the Mandragoros. No one understands why the were born with powers and immortality but they were. They believe that they need to rid the world of the Mandragoros, not understanding that the world needs them.

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So, if any of you read any of my other stories I have put a hold on them. They are completely stopped until I finish this one. What do you think of the back story? I know you're probably wondering about the actual story but I thought it was important that you know this information. :D Thanks.