‹ Prequel: The Living Dead

Mortal Hearts

Part Five

Rachel and I gulped. We didn’t think anyone would be up waiting for us.

“I guess you should have a proper welcome,” Schaun said, the sneer still on his lips. “Now, Rachel, Kevin, welcome to my home. You’re death place.” He snapped his fingers.

All around us vampires emerged from the shadows. Schaun snapped his fingers again and like some sort of mind control, I saw Rachel’s eyes grow darker and her expression blank. Along with the other vampires, she advanced toward me.

I had no idea what to do. I had no weapons, or did I? Quickly, I felt each of my pockets, producing nothing but a pistol. Hmm….I aimed the pistol at the rope hanging the chandelier up and watched as the large crystal thing fell atop many vampires. Almost as if it were destiny, the rope fell to my hand. I got a good grip on it and swung myself up to the staircase where Schaun was watching with a frown on his face. I pointed my feet to where they would hit him when I came to land. When I had firm footing on the landing, I ran for it.

I searched every room for some kind of weapon. Everyone knew a pistol did no good against the living dead. In one room, one of the vampires had been really stupid and left his venom jars out on the nightstand table. Obviously this vampire injected his victims with venom rather than leaving two scars on their neck. I emptied my pistol of shells and crafted another venom gun.

Bravely, I left the room and came face to face with Schaun.

“You little,” he said, his hands enclosing around my neck.

He could have killed me with one flex of his fingers, but he didn’t have the time to. I brought my gun up to the side of his head and pulled the trigger. He screamed and turned to ashes at my feet. On to the other vampires.

* * *

The only people left in this huge castle-like house was me and two vampires: Pete and Rachel. I really didn’t want to loose them, but how on earth could I find another way to change them back? Their eyes were still the deadly dark color and their fangs were bared. Briefly I thought of a werewolf and how they knew not who their friends were when they changed. This was the same thing for Rachel, I knew, but Pete I wasn’t too sure. I still couldn’t find it in myself to kill him. I loved him. He always made me smile and when I felt down he was the only one to make me laugh.

I felt tears fall down my cheeks. Why did it have to be this way?

“Grab her, Rachel,” Schaun commanded from somewhere behind me. But how?

Rachel used her strong muscles against me and bound me tight. Thousands of other vampires crept out of the shadows. What? I killed them! I know I did!

Schaun yelled something in another language. It was nothing I had ever heard before. Nothing European, but almost as if it had a Spanish twist to it.

All of the sudden, I found myself being dragged back down to the cellar. My breath came in rugged gasps and fear caught in my throat.

Rachel led me towards the front of the ritual room. Five, including Schaun, were dressed in ceremonial outfits. What was happening?

Rachel and Pete together laid me down on a stone alter. They bound my feet and arms with chains.

“Now,” Schaun said, an evil grin playing on his face. “We can begin.”

Tears fell down my cheeks, I thrashed and squirmed, Schaun kept muttering things in that funny language to the congregation of vampires. He held up a knife that was engraved with different symbols and markings. Still, muttering, he turned toward me and cut off a lock of my hair. He put it in some sort of bowl. Somehow, he got some of my tears in the bowl as well. Schaun tuned toward me for a final time.

He was sure to speak in English this time. “Now, the heart of the impure.”

He held up the knife and made an incision in my chest, digging and shoving the knife in deeper. I screamed in pain. I couldn’t take it. I blacked out.