Like You and I are Finally Gonna get it Right

No Matter What You go Through

I get that my brother wanted a career, but it irked me that he wasn’t going to be there for me. I pushed back the thick mahogany door and shoved it shut behind me, dropping my tote full of books on the floor and placing my purse on the key table. I swiftly crossed the entryway, heading towards the living room. I stood in the archway that separated the rooms, my hands firmly on my hips.

My parents stared back at me, baffled by my mood.

“When did you plan on telling me that James wasn’t going to be coming to my graduation? I’m sure he called to tell you so you could break it softly to me.”

I was met by silence.

I rolled my eyes and pivoted on my heel, retrieving my things from the front of the house and stomping on the stares. I threw my stuff down in my room and fell onto my bed. I knew I was having a childish temper-tantrum, but I wanted my big brother to see me there succeeding, to share my best moments with me.

I took my golden eyes off of the ceiling when my phone started to buzz. I pulled it out of my pocket and stared at the picture beneath the name tag. Kara. I was so envious of her at one time, always able to travel with the boys... now that I had the chance I didn’t want it. I assumed someone asked her to call me, knowing I could never have a temper with her, she was too poised and kind to flip on.


“Hey dear, is everything alright? Matt’s worried.”

I knew it, I sighed, “He should be able to make time to come. I’m sure Colussy or someone else could handle things for a day or two.”

“I’m sorry, Cam.”

“Hey, you didn’t make the choice.”

I heard mumbling in the background, causing me to sit up. I thought I heard my voice echoing, a small smile rose to my lips. I had no idea who else was listening, but there was an easy way to find out. I knew my brother would be, and he would probably scold me, but the boys were always one to be perverted... so why not?

“What are you up to?” I asked her, my words a little more rushed than usual.

“Just sitting in the back lounge.”

“The boys?” I made myself squeak, then let out a long breath.

“Oh around, you know. You?”

I giggled and made another exaggerated noise, “Makin’ myself feel better.”

What is she doing?” I heard someone whisper.

A smile formed on my lips again and I gasped, sitting up in my bed to make the sound of movement. I was having a hard time not laughing as I heard the boy going on in the background. Jack started yelling saying he wanted the phone, my brother started screaming into the phone. I pulled it away from my ear and let the gate down, I slipped off the bed from laughing so hard.

“CAMRYN ELLEN FLYZIK!” he was ranting.

“I’m just kidding,” I panted, trying to catch my breath, “I’m just kidding!”

“That’s not funny,” Jack muttered, “don’t shatter my dreams. God Cammy, how could you do that to me?”

“Well I don’t appreciate being put on speaker.”

“Sorry Matt made me,” Kara replied, “he dialed and shoved the phone at me, I didn’t have much of a choice.”

I nodded, forgetting that she couldn’t see me, “Look guys, I’m mad at my brother and I have a right to be. And I am not going on tour, you have Vinny, set him straight... don’t give him alcohol... you’ll figure it out. But you don’t need some kid.”

“You’re not a kid.”

I pulled the phone away from my ear again, glaring at the voice that spoke to me. I let out a grumble, why did he not get that he was the reason I didn’t want to go? I didn’t smell an ounce of beer on his breath that night, so it’s not like he could have forgotten. I sat back on my bed, leaning over with my hand on my forehead.

“Well I’ve got some packets to do for finals, I’m graduating on the twentieth, if you can manage it, James.”


I hung ended the call, placing my iPhone down on my desk. I stood up and crossed the room, pulling out the books and packets. Thankfully this was the last week I had to lug the fifteen pounds of knowledge along. I slunk down in the chair of my desk, the night wasn’t going to get any more entertaining.


I ended up getting another call from my brother the day before graduation, I was praying that he was calling to tell me that he was going to be able to make it; but instead, he was apologizing again. I wanted to find it within myself to say that it was okay, but it wasn’t. I wanted him there... I was at his.

I placed the cap on my head and stared at my reflection. My voluminous layered hair was clipped to the side, showing off one of my bare shoulders, the inner blonde layer was more noticeable. I pulled on the gown over my dress and stared back at my hard eyes. I was graduating, alone.

I saw everyone graduate. Everyone drove to a different city to watch Zack graduate. Everyone came back from tour a year later to watch Kara graduate. But three years after that they couldn’t make the effort for me. Not even my own flesh and blood.

I sighed once again, picking up my silver stud from my dresser and placing it into the piercing. I ran my tongue over the clasp of the monroe and reached for my small diamond earrings for my ears. Once I applied a thick cat wing I turned around, heading down the stairs and getting into my parent’s car, not even waiting for them to finish getting ready. I just wanted this over with.
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another short one, but I'm going to post another one shortly :)

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