Like You and I are Finally Gonna get it Right

Wash the Sand from our Feet

My father followed Alex and I as far as the air port would allow him to. He looked sternly into the singer’s eyes, ignoring the fact that he seemed less intimidating because he was about as tall as I was, let alone aging. Beside me, Alex was trying to hold his gaze, impatiently waiting for whatever remark my dad had to say -- he had always been respectful of my parents, that was probably why they liked him so much.

“You keep my daughter out of mischief, help James keep an eye on her.”

I resisted the urge to whine at my father that I was an adult, because that in itself would be childish and cancel out my protest. Alex slung his arm over my shoulders, I didn’t dare pull away, knowing my father would snap at me for being rude... he would bombard me with questions, still unsure why I had drifted from someone I was once inseparable from.

“Of course, I’ll be it seen that someone always has an eye on Camryn. We don’t want anything to happen to her, or for her to get lost in the hustle and bustle... But she’ll mostly be on the job or on the bus, there won’t be a chance for anything to happen.”

An inward groan swept over my being. On the job or on the bus. Ugh. As much as I wanted to pretend it was, touring wouldn’t be a vacation unless you were just a tag-along and not apart of the crew. The boys managed to make it look like all fun, but seeing Matt constantly stressed out, or mentioning it to me, I knew it wasn’t all partying and chicks. (Not that I wanted a chick.)

“That’s what I want to hear, Alexander,” he grabbed me and kissed my forehead, “don’t be a trouble maker Camcam.”

I rolled my eyes, I could deal with Cammy, but I hated Camcam. I said good-bye to him and followed Alex onto the plane. He waved his hand for me to step into the row of seats, putting me by the window. He took his seat by the isle, and smiled warmly as a couple people glanced at him. He turned his attention to me, his expression changing.

“You alright?”

“Not really. I don’t want to go.”

“No, you don’t want to be around me.”

“Oh no, I’ve turned my hatred toward my brother. I’m just pissed that you never brought it up to me. If you truly loved--love, whatever--me as you claim you do, you would have told me that was why you flipped the switch.”

“Don’t hate Matt.”

“I can if I want to,” I replied crossing my arms, “you have no control over me.”

“Your dad--”

“Shut it, Alex.” I rolled my eyes, “You never listened to him before.”

He smiled at me, waving at the flight attendant. Alex ordered a drink and asked me if I wanted anything, I just shook my head, looking out the window as the plane took off... sending me into the summer I never wanted.


The last of my bags were pulled from the taxi when I took ahold of my book bag full of makeup and hygiene needs. Alex was carrying both of my duffle bags. He slammed the trunk and hit it, watching the driver take off.

“Why couldn’t someone pick us up?” I asked him, huffing as we started up the driveway.

“I think the better question would be why muscle man isn’t carrying these bags,” he glanced at me, “I swear you brought more stuff than what the whole band and crew brought.”

“Well you guys can share clothes, I don’t want your sweaty extras.”

He laughed, “There’s mus--”

“Hey Zacky!” I called, waving my hand.

He waved back at me, holding open his glass door. I wasn’t given time to react as Jack shot out between the bassist and the door and came charging at me. The lanky boy managed to pick me up, stumbling backwards as he did so, hugging me too tightly.

“God, don’t hurt her!” Alex murmured, probably annoyed I didn’t allow him to greet me the same way.

“Oh Jack,” I said laughing.

He put me down on my feet and punched my shoulder, “I’m still mad about that phone call, that wasn’t a funny prank.”

“Maybe I’ll make up for it one day,” I winked at him and continued up the driveway.

As realization hit him he started getting giddy. I laughed. He took my bag for me and went after his best friend. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before entering Zack’s home. There were three people that I hadn’t said hello to yet, Kara, Rian, and Matt... I just didn’t know how my emotions were going to be when I looked at my brother’s face.

Kara took me into her arms before I had any more thoughts ripple through my head, she held me back, her hands on my shoulders once she released me. Her eyes scanned over my hair and to my piercing, down my wardrobe. Her smile faltered a little but she covered it back up with her words.

“You’ve taken a change, haven’t you?”

I glanced down, “Had to harden up my look, people weren’t taking me seriously,” I smiled, “Just kidding, my influence changed. Hardcore, not pop.”

Alex glanced at me and rolled his eyes.

I smiled as Rian came into the room, it instantly fell when my brother trailed in after him. James walked over to me and hugged me, quicker than everyone else, god forbid he shows he loves his sister.

“Glad you came Camryn.”

“Didn’t want to,” I replied, shouldering him as I walked past him, I kissed Rian’s cheek, “How are you, mister?”

He smiled at me, but kept his eyes off of my brother as his pale skin got red with frustration. I turned around to look at the house, it was really nice. I hugged myself and stared at all of the faces I had rarely seen as I grew into myself, they all were staring at me like I was some foreign creature. We’d kept touch with e-mails and texts, but they were never home long enough to see anyone aside from family. Which meant I only got a full dose of the James man.

“So,” I said breaking the silence, “where’s the beach?”
♠ ♠ ♠
filler-ish, sorry. I will try to get the next one up as soon as possible!