Like You and I are Finally Gonna get it Right

The Monster in Human is Inhumane

Staring at the large black bus, I pushed my sunglasses up the bridge of my nose to block out the midday California sun. My life for the next two months would revolve around this wheeled ‘home’ with several guys; I was not looking forward to it anymore than I was when my brother called me offering me the job. Anymore than when I got to California and stayed at Zack’s for a couple days. I wasn’t looking forwards to a damn thing about this summer -- making money wasn’t even worth the drama.

A shadow loomed next to mine, causing me to glanced behind me. Alex had a guitar case in his hands as he eyed me, he held it out, expecting me to take it. I crossed my arms and kept my eyes on him, slowly arching a brow.

“You came to work, didn’t you? The quicker we get the stuff on board the quicker we hit the road.”

“I’m in no rush,” I replied.

He stepped forward and thrusted the guitar case at me, I caught it, knowing that all of what I made this summer and more would be put into replacing any damage that was caused.

“Camryn, please stop acting like a brat. Whether you like it or not, you’re a helping hand now... so help out! We don’t expect you to push the amps or anything, but contribute.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, “I’m not a--” I paused unable to conjure up the word, “I’d have no problem pushing around an amp or packing, I just don’t feel well right now.”

“Don’t just stand around, Matt’ll flip on you,” he took the guitar back and kissed my cheek, “and I know you’re capable.”

Sighing, I followed the pathway up to the garage where everyone was pulling equipment out of. Vinny smiled at me and pushed a tote towards me with his foot, rolling my eyes I picked it up. I gasped, not expecting merch to be so heavy; he smiled at me as he picked up one of his own, and I followed him.


When the last of the stuff was packed, we all climbed onto the bus. The driver made sure we were all here and had everything before taking off. I looked at all the boys as they just went about their business like living on a bus was completely normal -- I guess for them it was. My brother took my arm as I went to sit down in the front lounge and pulled me into the bunk area.

“This is your bunk, you get a bottom. Don’t argue, you’re not used to sleeping on these things, I don’t want you to tumble from up top.”

“So the big brother finds a reason to care for his sister?”

He looked away from the bunk and at me, stopping himself from pulling back the curtain to show me the area. He narrowed his bright eyes at me, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Interfering with me and Alex; did you really think that was your place, ‘cause it wasn’t. Oh you had no idea how bad I had it for him.”

“Yes I did Cam, I was trying to protect you.”

“From what?”

“You were a little kid, I didn’t want him to take your innocence from you... I wanted you to see what it was like to have a real relationship with emotions and not just a physical one.”

My lips were forming into a rude retort when Alex came into the bunk area, he probably heard my brother yelling back at me. He knew how I was when I was angry, I liked to prove a point that others couldn’t control me, even if it got me and others in trouble. He probably knew exactly what I was going to say: Well I did anyway.

“What’s wrong, sibling quarrels?”

“Sure, you could call it that,” I pursed my lips, “Matt, why couldn’t you just sit me down or something and try to explain it to me?”

“You’re acting like something had happened between you two.”

I looked down.

“No, you didn’t!” Matt slapped Alex.

“Hey,” he replied rubbing his arm, “I didn’t do a damn thing by myself.”

My cheeks flushed.

Matt looked at me and crossed his arms, he took on that tone I knew he would be using on his own children whenever they misbehaved. I cringed at the sound of his voice, he reminded me so much of my father sometimes.

“I’m disappointed in you Camryn, I thought you were smarter than that.”

He turned and left the bunk area, leaving me awkwardly standing across from Alex. The singer had a small frown on his face, his eyes couldn’t meet mine. I stepped forward to move towards him but he stepped back, his eyes finally finding mine.

“Why’d you let him know?”

I scratched the back of my neck, “I dunno Alex, I hate when he tries to act like he controls me.”

“This isn’t going to just blow over, you get that right?”

I nodded.

Alex wrapped his arms around me, “It’s okay. Cam, I know you just want everything to make sense.”

Burying my face into his chest, I closed my eyes.
“Come on, let’s go to the back lounge. We can play some video games or watch a movie, as soon as we stop for gas or something I’ll get you away from everyone.”


“Because I know you want to cry, but you don’t want to do it in front of them.”

I stared up at him, not knowing how he knew what was going through my mind. Not caring about what I was trying to get through to him, I pulled his face down and softly pressed my lips against his.

“Thank you.”
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Sorry guys, I don't know what to write... I don't like how this story is coming out.