Status: Active


Sky Crystals

Cadence's Point of View

As I logged onto my computer, I thought about why I was actually doing this. It wasn't for my own pleasure, it was because my friends think that I need a boyfriend. They pushed me into the online dating site. They said that I needed to meet someone and apparently, they thought that online was the best way to meet a guy. I felt something cuddle against my side and I looked down at one of the kittens that I brought home. They both looked so sick, but this one looked far worse. I heard my computer turn on and I signed into the instant messenger for the site. I saw that Damien was on so I decided to talk to him again.

RhythmOfLove: Hey :]

AtomicDamien: Hey! Whats up?

RhythmOfLove: Nothing, just chilling around. and you?

AtomicDamien: Not to much.

RhythmOfLove: Well isn't that special

AtomicDamien: Very special. I bet your jealous.

RhythmOfLove: You couldn't even imagine how jealous I am :-P

AtomicDamien: Haha!

RhythmOfLove: Lol, it's mind-blowing!

AtomicDamien: My minds is utterly blown.

RhythmOfLove: That's what I like.

AtomicDamien: Blowing my mind?

RhythmOfLove: Yes!

AtomicDamien: Well then!

RhythmOfLove: It's amazing! :-D

AtomicDamien: So, what did you do today?

RhythmOfLove: Hmm, I went to work and then I came home and sat around with the kittens.

AtomicDamien: Ha! My day was more exciting then yours.

RhythmOfLove: Really!?

AtomicDamien: Yeah. Today I started off as a normal everyday guy then suddenly I was being taken to this crazy kingdom in the sky! The kingdom has fighting a war with dragon demons, and I had to help slay them and save their princess from the clutches of the evil master demon.

RhythmOfLove: Holy shit! That's crazy! And did you save the princess?!

AtomicDamien: I did! I brought her back to he dad, the king of the sky kingdom. He was so happy he offered me her hand in marriage, but I refused.

RhythmOfLove: =-O Why would you do such a thing!?

AtomicDamien: She wasn't my type. She has horns and a cow tail.

RhythmOfLove: Really? Because that sounds hot.

AtomicDamien: She also had this weird nose that grew when she told a lie

RhythmOfLove: I bet it was BIG

AtomicDamien: It was. So I knew she lied a lot, and I'm not into that. So instead the King gave me sky crystals and I came back home.

RhythmOfLove: What do the sky crystals look like!?

AtomicDamien: The look like earth diamonds.

RhythmOfLove: That is pretty <3

AtomicDamien: They are.

RhythmOfLove: I want one,

AtomicDamien: They only come from the kingdom in the sky...maybe I'll take you some day.

RhythmOfLove: You should :]

AtomicDamien: We'll make an adventure of it!

RhythmOfLove: Can we ride unicorns there!?

AtomicDamien: Yes we can!

RhythmOfLove: I'm so excited!

AtomicDamien: Its beautiful up there. Big puffy clouds, and strange exotic birds.

RhythmOfLove: Tell me about the birds!

AtomicDamien: Well, there is the one bird. Its big and fluffy. It sort of looks like cotton candy, and they come in the colors pink, blue and purple.

RhythmOfLove: Really?!

AtomicDamien: Yes! There is also this bird that is like the size of a person. It has green feathers and really long blue legs. It's beak is full of razor sharpe teeth. The locals are scared of it, but its actually very nice and it uses its teeth to eat fruit.

RhythmOfLove: I wanna see them! I love birds!

AtomicDamien: They are very interesting

RhythmOfLove: You should get me one

AtomicDamien: I'll work on it. It might be hard to bring one back to earth.

RhythmOfLove: Then take me to see it?

AtomicDamien: Alright :D We'll visit it while on our adventure.

RhythmOfLove: I'm so excited! :-D No one has ever taken me on an adventure.

AtomicDamien: Well then I'm honored to be the first.

RhythmOfLove: And I'm honored that you'd even do it.

AtomicDamien: It'll be fun!

RhythmOfLove: I hope so! :-D

AtomicDamien: It will be! I promise!

RhythmOfLove: Good <3

AtomicDamien: Hey, I gotta go. I've got to close the store tonight. I'll talk to you tomorrow?

RhythmOfLove: Yes, definitely!

AtomicDamien: Alright! Bye Caydee.

RhythmOfLove: Bye Damien!

As I signed off, a huge grin was placed on my face. Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all. I grabbed the kittens off of the floor and took them to my room. I laid down in my bed and played some music that made me fall right to sleep.
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I'm really gonna enjoy this story <3