Sequel: Betrayal
Status: One shot :)

My Lonely Cabin

I Hate Having a Cabin to Myself

Percy P.O.V

There are some days when I hate having a cabin to myself. Usually during the day, I don't really notice it, but whenever I do stay in it, I get bored very easily. At least nowadays. That's because Luke, my only guy friend besides Grover, had stopped visiting. Ever since two weeks ago, Luke has been avoiding me.


Luke and Percy were sitting in Percy's cabin talking about life. They were sharing the blue chocolate chip cookies that Percy's mom had sent him.

"Ok Perce, Truth or Dare?" Luke asked. Percy shrugged. He didn't even know why they were playing this. "Truth." he answered. "O.k. Umm… Oh I got it! Who was your first kiss?" Luke asked, looking pleased with himself.

Percy looked embarrassed. "I haven't had one yet." "What! Your 12 and you haven't kissed anyone yet!" No, I want it to be with someone special." Percy said. "Truth or Dare." "Dare." Luke said, without hesitation. "I dare you to… Sing along to a song of my choice on my ipod." Percy said, smirking.

Luke groaned. "I can't believe I have to do this!" he whined. Percy scrolled through the songs on his ipod and grinned at one. Luke started to get desperate. "I'll do it if you do it with me. It can be your next turn." he said. Percy shrugged and played the song. Mine by Taylor Swift began to play. Percy grabbed two pens for microphones, making sure that Riptide was not one of them, and tossed one to Luke. Luke started to sing.

Percy waited for a while and then joined in. They turned towards each other and locked eyes. Blue stared into green. Luke got lost in Percy's eyes, while Percy got lost in Luke's.

Suddenly Percy leaned in and kissed Luke. Luke eyes grew wide and he pushed Percy away. He looked at Percy like he was a freak. Then he got up and ran out. Percy sat there, shocked.

*End Flashback*

Ever since that day, Luke wouldn't talk to me, look at me, or even be in the same room with me unless it was necessary. It was really annoying. Now I had no one to talk to about ANYTHING! I mean all Grover talked about was Annabeth and vice versa. I had no one. Then I heard a cough from the corner of the room. "Hey Perce." Luke said. Then he laughed. "Your still listening to this song?" "Of course, Taylor Swift is cool and this song rocks." I said which only made him laugh harder. Then he stopped. "How you been, Percy?" he asked. "I'm O.K. I guess." I said to him. "Good." he said, looking like he wanted to be anywhere but in my cabin. "Hey Luke about the kiss…" I started and at the same time he said "Look, Perce about the other week…" We laughed. "You first." I said.

"O.k. There's no easy way to say this, but… Perseus Jackson, I-I love you!" he said. I looked shocked. "But the kiss…." I tried, but once again he stopped me. "I was scared because I actually started to like the kiss so I broke it off." he started explaining. "And if you hate me for being a total jerk, I completely understand because…"

I kissed him. When we broke apart he said "That was a nice way to tell me to shut up." I laughed. "I love you too, Lucian Castillian." I said, using his full name. And then we kissed again. And again. And again. The kisses got more passionate.

I felt his tongue flick out, asking for entrance. I happily gave it to him. Our tongues battled for control, his eventually winning. He explored every inch of my mouth. My hands found themselves tangled in his silky blonde hair. His hands were on the bottom of my back. One of his hands finally wondered down to squeeze my ass, making me squeak. He broke the kiss to smile at me. I could feel myself blushing so I grabbed his face and kissed him. I started trailing the kisses along his scar and down to his neck.

Once there I bit down on the soft flesh, giving him a small hickey that would be easy to hide later. He moaned loudly which in turn cause me to groan. I stripped off his shirt and started feeling his abs. Then he pulled my shirt off and started feeling me up. I sat there kissing down his abs towards his belly button. Then I heard a knock at the door. I turned to the alarm clock by my bed and cursed. "Shit! We're late for dinner!" I said. He smirked and put his shirt back on. "We'll continue this later then." he said, tossing me my shirt.

While I put it on, he grabbed two old textbooks I had and opened them on my bed. Then he went and opened the door. Annabeth was there looking pissed. "What have you guys been doing?" she yelled. "Sorry Annabeth, we were studying and we lost track of time." Luke said, looking sheepish. "It's fine. Just get your asses down to the mess hall." She left and Luke turned towards me and winked. "Bye Perce! I'll see you later." And with that he walked out.

Suddenly, having a cabin to myself wasn't that bad.
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Ok so this is just something I made up one day. It's up on under my account (Kendall Emmett Iero-Way Goode) So don't like sue me or kill me or anything.