Young Bloods

Tell Me What You Want To Hear

Lucille's POV

Kassi was missing.

Dad had gone back to the Weasleys' to look for her, but no one had seen her since the attack. She was seventeen, so she could Apparate wherever she wished without being tracked, so who knew where she could have gone.

And then there was the thought that she was taken by the Death Eaters.

My heart broke with the very thought.

Kassi was my best friend, the one person I trusted with everything... but not the one secret that only a handful of people knew about.

I couldn't dare tell her of my situation every month on the full moon. I would just be an animal in her eyes. I wouldn't be Luce. I'd be a werewolf.

My mother had me resting against her on the large sofa in the parlor room. My father and brother were speaking in the kitchen at the fireplace -- someone from the Ministry, probably.

I felt like I was going to die.

And I probably was.

Kassi's parents were going to kill me once they found out what had happened to their daughter. If only I hadn't demanded she come along with me to the wedding. I should have found an escort, or just put up with my nervousness around groups of people that I didn't know, and stood in the background out of the way.

I was probably going to kill myself for what I had brought upon the only friend that I had come to trust over the last six,and now seven, years of school.

Well, it would have been seven if I hadn't --


I looked up suddenly, finding my idiot of a Gryffindor standing in the doorway of the parlor. I instantly unraveled myself from my mother's arms and blanket and easily tripped on my way to tackle Kassi. Thank Merlin that I ended up landing on her anyways, and brought us both to the floor.

"You scared me to death and back, you bloody wench!" I cursed to my friend, completely forgetting we were at my home where I was nothing but a good little witch for my parents and never cursed or did anything wrong. My parents didn't say anything, obviously understanding why I did it.

After a few moments of attacking her with all my love, I pulled myself away and gripped her y the shoulders, makeup still running down my cheeks.

"Where the bloody hell did you go?!" I practically screamed, shaking Kassi slightly to get my point across.

Kassi pushed me off, non-too gently, but I was getting a bit carried way... I guess.

"I ran out the tent," she started, "and got attacked. Some old lady pulled me by the arm and Apparated away. I was just able to get away from her and come back here. I didn't know how long I had been gone."

She said it slowly, easily, full truth in her eyes. Kassi never lied to me.

We stood, me looking at her, and her looking at me; I pulled her into another bone-facturing hug.

"Merlin's beard, Kassi, don't scare me like that ever again."

Her return in the hug was hesitant, but I didn't notice too much. I was just glad she was back...


"C'mon, Kassi! We gotta get to Diagon Alley to get all our school's supplies!"

The two-toned haired girl continued to try and make all her weight become dead and too heavy for me to drag, but her feet just skidded on the cobble stone as we came up to the entrance right beside the Leaky Cauldron.

Quickly, I tapped the memorized bricks, tapping my foot as I kept Kassi in spot beside me, grinning as the few of Diagon Alley came into view.

My happiness was instantly filled with complete and utter dread at the site before me.

Death Eaters.


Fenrir Greyback.

It was too late to spot us. They had been guarding the entrance just as we had arrived. A wand was shoved in my face, the round tip pressed against my nose.

"Name," the dark voice demanded. I shivered at the cold voice.

"L-lucille. Lucille Edihroin."

Someone behind him was flipping through a book, searching for my name. His wand pointed in Kassi's direction.


"Kassandra Salvatore," she hissed it out angrily, almost as if they should be ashamed for not knowing who she was.

There was a whisper of voices, and our path was instantly cleared.

"Sorry to bother you, Miss Salvatore," the masked Death Eater sneered out. "Have a good day, Edihroin."

I stook to Kassi like the Muggle's super mighty glue. I hid my face the best I could whenever coming anywhere near Greyback, but he knew my scent. His head when snap in my direction everytime we walked out of a store.

After gathering our books, potions' supplies, robes measured by a horrified seamstress, and a small nerve-settling treat from one of the few sweets stores still opened on such a once-beautiful place -- Kassi lead me back to the Leaky Cauldron entrance and out into Muggle London.

Well, we almost got there.

"Good to see you again, Edihroin."

I stopped short, my back curling forward as I tried to make myself look smaller until I disappeared into the pavement.

If only I were that lucky.

I didn't reply; simply kept my head down, eyes shielded by my hair. His fingers twirled around a straight, carrot-orange strand.

"You looked much prettier with blonde hair," he whispered, but with his rugged nature and nails-on-a-chalk-board voice, I cringed, pulling myself away from him and closer to Kassi.

He leaned away, feeling his I won smirk baring down on my neck.

"See you in two nights."

The full moon was in two days.

Once far, far, far away from Diagon Alley, Kassi pulled me over to the side and asked what Fenrir had meant by, "See you in two nights."

I replyed with a short, sweet, and simple, "Don't worry about it."

I couldn't tell her the truth.

"Bull shit," Kassi hissed to me, her hand gripping my bicep roughly. I winced at the pain, before brave Luci came out.

"Well then tell me what you want to hear!"

"I want to hear the truth!"


The world around us disappeared. There were no more Death Eaters, or You-Know-Who, or Fenrir, or school, or Lexa, or full moons.

"I can't tell you." I turned around, arms filled with bags of supplies, and walked away -- not forever. I just walked away, because I couldn't bare to see the look of hurt on my best friend's face.
♠ ♠ ♠
It kind of sucked. :/
Band camp sucks, too. Probably worse. Got this horrible sun burn on my shoulders from forgetting to put on sunscreen. Thank god we're inside tomorrow.
My chest and back are pale, but as soon as you get to my shoulders, they are lobster red.
Not good, and they already hurt.
