Status: A bit of an addiction

A Creeping Distress

Part One

Life was not as she imagined it would be, she was stuck at more than one dead end job, living with her older brother and virtually broke for most of her days. When Ana called her to visit in Louisiana for the summer, she honestly couldn’t deny the offer because she was missing her dear friend. She immediately packed her bags and flew to Shreveport airport in Louisiana. Ana greeted me at the airport with a big Cheshire smile and a tight bone crunching hug. She looked beautiful as her always did with her golden hair and wonderfully sculpted face that could have anyone in awe. Ana was a living porcelain goddess of what Sonny imagined Aphrodite looked like. There was something else about Ana that made many people uneasy; she’s a vampire. Their friendship was a strange one to some but it just had to do with the fact she was merely a human that had a vampire friend.

“Miss Sonny you are looking lovelier and lovelier each time I see you. ”

“As are you Miss Ana,” Sonny smiles back at her.

“Why thank you darling. Do you mind me making a quick errand before we go to my place?”

“I don‘t mind at all.”

Ana smiled and helped her with the luggage, putting it into the trunk of the lovely sports car. They drove away from the airport and the lights of the city were a lovely sight to see as Ana sped down the highway most dangerously. Even though she drove treacherously fast Sonny didn’t really give much care because she knew Ana wouldn’t let any harm come to her for the most part. When the car finally stopped they were in the parking lot of a bar called Fangtasia. Sonny couldn’t help but let out a laugh at the name of the place. Whoever named the place had a good sense of humor.

“Of course by errand you meant drinks,” she chuckles lightly.

“You know me too well,” Ana smirks. They got out of the car and headed to the entrance of the building where they would enter the seemingly busy bar. However when they did enter it had fifteen people give or take in the place. It was decorated in crimson red and black with most of the patrons dressed in black leather.

“Forgive the pun but this place is dead.”

Ana let out a musical laughter that had everyone staring at the two women. A tall man with cropped blonde hair along with a lovely looking woman noticed their arrival and Ana took Sonny’s hand in her cold one to lead her towards two other vampires.

“Ana who is this delightful creature,” the woman smiles looking the petite brunette up and down.

“This delightful woman is my dearest Morrison Aniela Novak. She‘s visiting from Arizona.”

“I prefer Sonny,” Sonny states with a friendly smile.

“Sonny from a sunny place,” the man comments.

“You must be the one that named the bar.”

“What makes you think that Miss Novak?”

“The humor in your words,” she says pointedly.

“Sonny this is Eric Northman and Pam Beaufort. Old friends of mine.”

“A pleasure to meet you both.”

Ana’s eyes roamed the room for her potential blood donors whilst Sonny let out a laugh as she surveyed the area. Her dark blue-green eyes snapped to Sonny’s murky green ones and she flashed a big smile. Sonny knew what she wanted, Ana always liked Sonny to pick out her meals. It was a talent of Sonny’s picking out meals for others, whether it was for vampires or humans the girl was great at picking things others will like.

“Since you are looking at those fang bangers, may I have a taste of your friend,” Pam inquires.

“Sonny doesn‘t donate, and she‘s not easily convinced,” Ana states.

“I‘m not one to share,” she adds looking at the so called fang bangers for potential snacks for Ana.

“Well now that‘s just selfish.”

“Are you dying?” Sonny counters offhandedly as she managed to spot one decent looking person for Ana.

“Honey I‘m already dead.”

“Then you don‘t need saving do you?”

“Are you sure you won‘t give me a taste?” Pam smiles sweetly as she looked deeply in Sonny’s eyes. She tilted her head to the side and looked at Pam amused with her attempts at glamour. Sonny smiled back at her and shook her head gently whilst Ana broke out into a smile as well.

“Like I said she‘s not easily convinced.”

“Please tell me you‘re at least sleeping with her.”

“They never catch onto she‘s not easily convinced statement do they?” Sonny replies with a slight chuckle.

“No darling, they never do,” Ana chuckles then kissed Sonny on her forehead, “What would you like to drink?”

“I‘ll pass but the man over there would like something.”

“I won‘t be long.”

Sonny watched as Ana left her side to approach the young man who looked to be in his late teens early twenties. He had cropped brown hair and dark brown eyes, by all means he was not incredibly attractive but he was easy. Feeling a hand wrap around her wrist, Sonny turned looking at the owner of the pale hand. Eric looked down at Sonny with a penetrating stare that he thought would help get an answer out of the brunette. He thought perhaps she was like Sookie Stackhouse.

“Are you a mind reader Miss Novak?” Eric inquires calmly.


“Are you lying to me?”

“What need do I have to lie to you Mr. Northman?”

“Perhaps survival?” he counters.

“I‘m not lying to you even though you seem to wish I was,” she says.

“My apologies, Miss Novak.”

“I‘m sure you have your reasons,” Sonny replies looking around at the club in slight indifference, “I thought a place like this would be more lively. I mean it’s a big city, people love sex and violence, should be packed in here.”

“Are you criticizing my business?”

“Not at all, I just don‘t think it is meeting its full potential.”

“Ready to go Miss Sonny?” Ana questions appearing at Sonny’s side as she patted a red napkin at the corner of her mouth.

“How was the frat boy?”

“Surprisingly tasty, good pick on your end.”

“I am happy to hear that,” she smiles softly.

“Eric, Pam it was a pleasure,” Ana nods looking at the two vampires.

“Nice meeting you two.”

Eric and Pam watched as Ana led Sonny out of the bar and back to the car. It was strange to them how a human could be likeable. Even stranger to know that Ana and Sonny’s relationship was strictly platonic.

“Morrison Aniela Novak.”

Sonny was honestly tired from the trip but it was nice to get out for a bit. It seemed something pleased Ana and she wouldn’t stop smiling.

“I‘m happy you decided to come Sonny. Its been far too long.”

“I‘m happy to be here. I needed a change of scenery.”

“I know you did sweetheart,” Ana says knowingly.

As Ana drove, Sonny felt my eyelids grow heavy and she began to drift off into sleep. She had been very sleepy for the past couple months and it caused her to always feel as though Sonny hadn’t gotten enough sleep. Ana looked over to Sonny who looked so peaceful and human. Having arrived at the old Victorian home, Ana did not want to wake Sonny so she carefully lifted the young woman in her arms. They had known each other for over three years. There was great understanding between the two and Ana appreciated both Sonny’s humor as well as need to treat everyone equally. Carrying Sonny up the stairs and setting her onto the bed Ana took off her dear friend’s cowboy boots then went back downstairs into the basement where her coffin awaited.

For the first couple of nights Ana and Sonny just relaxed, took walks and caught up on each other’s affairs. On the forth night, Sonny urged Ana to go out have fun and get herself some dinner. Another thing Ana loved about her friend, she understood the life of a vampire and didn’t judge but encouraged the lifestyle. Before leaving Ana convinced Sonny to take a swim and just have some alone time. Ana knew Sonny liked having time alone but also knew that Sonny was going through some stuff that she didn’t want to admit.

Having been a long time since she had an actual peaceful swim in a pool, Sonny decided it was a good idea. The hot humid weather usually cooled down at night so it wasn’t as terrible; perfect for a swim. She loved the feeling of the cool water that seemed to pull her further under. It calmed her as she swam ever so fluidly underneath the water. Once satisfied with her swim, Sonny surfaced and began to go up the stairs to exit the pool when a rush of air hit her body. Pam held out the towel to Sonny with a small smirk.

“Thank you,” she responds taking the towel and wrapping it around her body, “How are you doing?”

“Just dandy. Eric wants to see you.”

“Why‘s that?”

“Well if I told you there would be no need in you going to the bar now would there?”

“Alright well I‘ve got to get dressed,” Sonny replies wringing out her hair.

“He won‘t mind your lack of clothes,” Pam smiles.

“I‘m sure he wouldn‘t but I do pride myself in looking put together when I go out into public.”

“We don‘t scare you do we?”

“I‘ve worked at both a mortuary and a childcare facility.”

“Touché.” Pam counters with a slight smile. She was beginning to like Sonny the more she talked. Sonny went back into the house and headed upstairs to get some clothes on. Grabbing a pair of dark skinny jeans and a white men’s button down she headed into the bathroom to dress. Pam busied herself by thumbing through Sonny’s clothes that were in the closet, what she took notice of was Sonny’s excess of heels. The wardrobe was interesting, a refined vintage with an eclectic spark.

“So does Eric always send you to do things?”

“Yes but for the most part I don‘t listen.”

“Except tonight?” Sonny says coming out of the bathroom dressed in dry clothes and hair pinned back with her bangs swept to the side. She slipped on a pair of black suede platform heels as she picked up her cell phone.

“Ready?” Pam replies.

“M hmm.”

Pam led Sonny to the car and the pair drove off towards Fangtasia. When they arrived at the bar rather quickly with Pam’s speedy driving but just as they walked towards the bar entrance a crazed group came at them.

“Yer an abomination! God hates vampers and fang bangers!”

“Yeah! Yer gonna go to hell!”

“That sounds delightful,” Sonny smiles, “Tell me more, I‘m starting to get off on your words.”


“Well damn, I wasn‘t going to make you pay but since you offered, I take cash only and I‘ll be back out in a few,” she counters as her doe eyes flicked to the group with a certain mischief within them, “That is if you‘re still alive.”

The group took several steps away from the pretty brunette that looked at them without even a sliver of fear or anger just an eerie calmness that had them unsettled and even rattled them down to their core. Pam was taken back by the response the church fanatics had towards Sonny’s gaze and it pleased Pam greatly that Sonny could hold her own. They walked into Fangtasia without another word and passed all the patrons heading straight for the back office where Eric waited.

He sat at his desk waiting for Pam to bring in Sonny. Eric smelt her almost immediately when she entered the bar and headed towards the back office. There was something calming about her presence, the way she walked with an air of confidence and swayed her hips hypnotically. When Sonny entered the room she smiled and waved at Eric.

“You rang your highness,” Sonny says sarcastically.

“What took you so long?”

“She was just getting out of the pool when I arrived and insisted on getting dressed before leaving,” Pam states.

“It wouldn‘t have been frowned upon if you arrived in such a manner,” Eric smirks.

“She was certainly nothing to frown upon when I saw her coming out of the pool.”

“I didn‘t realize that I walked into a frat house,” Sonny comments as her eyes roamed the office then she let out a yawn.

“I had Pam bring you here tonight, to propose a summer job here at Fangtasia.”

“Summer job?”

“Yes, you seem like an adequate worker.”

“So you had Pam bring me all the way to Fangtasia so that you could offer me a job because I seem like an adequate worker?” she replies in a condescending manner.

“What else do you have to do,” Eric retorts narrowing his eyes at Sonny causing her to let out a chuckle.

“I‘m half tempted to turn down your offer for the sake of you not getting your way for once.”

Eric was quick to get in Sonny’s face using his speed and strength to pin her against the wall. He inhaled her sugary scent that had a tinge of cinnamon to it. Being so close to her made him realize just how much taller he was in comparison to her five foot two frame. Sonny leaned against the wall and tilted her head upwards to look at him.

“I could drain you.”

“Then who would you hire for this summer job you are offering?” she counters. Eric smiled down at her respecting the fact her heart rate remained constant. His hand went up to touch the side of her face but Sonny stopped him from touching her. Her small warm hand wrapped around Eric’s cold wrist. “Now that right there is not permitted. Hiring me does not mean you get to play blood bag or fuck buddy.”

“You know Sonny, I really like that about you. You‘re so unfazed by this world,” Eric responds.

“I‘ll promote, set up shows, get you live bands and this place will be packed to the brim even on Mondays.”

“You‘re promising a lot there Miss Novak.”

“I don‘t promise anything, I just do what I do best,” she retorts moving away from Eric and began digging through her purse. Eric shot Pam a look signaling her to leave the room and she obliged. Sonny’s fingers clasped onto the two small cylinders that were on the bottom of her purse. Pulling them out the pills inside the bottles rattled like two rattlesnake tails warning of the danger that was to come from taking them. Her vision shook slightly and she knew in fact that she needed to take her medication.

“What are those?”

“Sanity all compacted into little pills,” Sonny answers taking two pills from each bottle then swallowed them without any water to escort them down. Eric decided to leave it at that judging by the way she seemed to act about it. She felt his stare on her as she placed the bottles back into her purse. “I have heart problems and clotting issues, one set is for regulation and the other is for thinning my blood.”

“I suppose me threatening you doesn‘t help.”

“Nothing really affects me, including you threatening to drain me. So don‘t flatter yourself,” she counters as she pushed up the sleeves of her shirt.

“And if I were to bite you?” Eric replies moving forward.

“Just don‘t think about me as a snack, I‘m a person and you‘re a person. Let‘s keep blood out of it.”

“Fair enough.”

Sonny gave him a smile and it was settled; she was now an employee of Fangtasia.
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Yeah, I've got about twenty pages written already and have been dabbling in my other stories. Hope this new True Blood one will be good.