Status: A bit of an addiction

A Creeping Distress

Part Three

Sonny rushed back to the house in hopes of finding her medication there. After hours of searching she couldn’t find anything and she worried what was to come. She grew angry with herself because she had become so dependent on those little pills to keep her calm. Instead of continuing her panic attack she opted to take a swim to calm her nerves.

Somehow it calmed her to swim, letting the cool water wash over her body. It was like it washed her worries away and made her think of calmer times. Unfortunately for Sonny, her time of calm would be deterred by the simple words of the vampire hating group in front of Fangtasia. Sonny made her way inside the bar regardless of the temptation she may have felt to go on a murderous rampage. Ginger was already at the bar cleaning the bar top and wearing another skimpy outfit that would put a stripper to shame.

“Hi Sonny!”

“Hello Ginger,” Sonny replies with a forced smile as she headed to the back office. For a moment the words settled into her mind, replaying over and over again. She attempted to calm herself down whilst Eric made an appearance at the doorway.

“Someone‘s heart rate is up,” Eric teases lightly. Her lack of eye contact made him realize that something was wrong. “You know you didn‘t have to come in to work tonight.”

“Oh right I got my days mixed up,” she mutters picking up her purse.

“Why don‘t you let me drive you home?”

Sonny gave Eric a stubborn look but he stole the keys from her hands. She let out a growl of annoyance but Eric merely smirked and headed out the door. Following him out of the bar, they were soon accosted by the group of protestors. Her eyes glazed over and she hurried to the car sounding out to all their chanting. Eric drove out of the parking lot and he looked over at Sonny who sat in the passenger seat with her eyes closed.

“I take it you‘re bored,” Sonny comments.

“What I can‘t drive my favorite employee home?” he replies as he pulled up to Ana‘s old two story Victorian style home.

“Are you doing anything tonight?”

“Not that I know of,” Eric responds shutting off the engine. Sonny got out of the car and Eric followed her into the house that seemed to be vacant. Ana had gone out for the night and Sonny took notice of the note on the door that said she would be gone for a couple of days for business purposes. It became clear to Sonny that Ana had asked Eric to keep an eye on her during Ana’s absence. In many ways it was strange that Eric accepted the task, yet at the same time it was a bit expected. Sitting down on the large dark blue velvet couch Sonny turned on the flat screen.

“You‘re welcome to join me to watch some mindless television,” Sonny says. Eric stood behind the couch his eyes briefly looking at the screen then to the top of Sonny’s head. Television was not something Eric watched but for some reason he sat down on the couch next to Sonny.

“What mindless television are we watching?”

“I don’t know but I‘m sure I can find something awful,” she laughs. For the next hour they watched reruns of Cops and for the most part they just laughed at how ridiculous people were. Then the news came on showing the latest political reports. Sonny was quick to reach for the remote control so that she could change it but Eric was quicker. She shot him a look while attempting to reach for the remote. Eric pulled away with a smirk playing on his lips.

“Wouldn‘t hurt to know what is going on in the world,” Eric teases.

“Change it,” Sonny growls fiercely.

“I don‘t think I will.”

Sonny moved quickly, standing in front of his sitting frame and reaching for the remote control. In the process she managed to end up in Eric’s lap. His arms were far longer than hers but she continued to reach. She didn’t take notice of the fact Eric caught sight of a faint mark in the shape of crescent moon that was just behind her left ear. Distracted Eric let his guard down earning Sonny the chance to take the control, she immediately turned off the television pointing the remote behind her. She let out a heavy sigh of relief as her hands rested on Eric’s shoulders. Her senses heightened at the smell of his cologne and the feel of the soft fabric his black t-shirt was made of. Then a new feeling came when she felt Eric’s cold fingers graze her neck; her body went rigid when she realized how close their bodies were. When his other hand gently moved her head to the side in order to get a better look Sonny jerked away.

“Eric let go,” she orders when he held her in place.

“Were you born with this mark?” he demands now treating her more roughly as turned her head to the side once again. Eric had known the mark from somewhere but he just couldn’t place it. His eyes focused on the area whilst his fingers grazed the mark. She shuddered involuntarily at his touch and used her strength to get away from him.

“Get out!”

“I don‘t think I will,” Eric retorts. Sonny’s eyes narrowed at Eric with a fierce intensity but he remained sitting on the couch. “You‘re hiding something.”

“I‘m not playing your fucking games Eric!”

“The thing about vampires Morrison, we know when a human has wronged one of us. It may have taken me longer to realize it but I know for a fact you are hiding something,” he snarls quickly pining Sonny against the nearby wall. His bared his fangs and grazed the warm skin on her neck with them.

“They murdered my family! I thought that you of all people would understand.”

“What do you know about me?”

“What kind of idiot would go after someone like Russell Edgington unless they had a bone to pick?” Sonny counters. Eric’s grip loosened and he looked down at Sonny. Then he was gone and Sonny sunk down onto the floor. She buried her head in her hands knowing that he was gone. For the first time in a long time she felt emotion. The medication she often took more than often made her feel emotionally numb to everything around her. It had been years since her family was murdered and she vowed to get vengeance on those that killed her family. But it was all over, those vampires were dead and her vow to remain chaste until the score was settled was now overdue. Out of all the things she had to face, the hardest thing she had to face was the fact it was over. She didn’t know how to adjust to a life where she didn’t have to hunt down those who murdered her family.

When Friday night rolled around, Fangtasia was packed with people ready to hear the latest band Sonny had wrangled into playing and promoted the hell out of. She Wants Revenge took the stage and began playing their hypnotic songs. Sonny was late to work but that didn’t matter because when she did arrive all eyes were on her. Her body was wrapped in an incredibly form fitting red dress that hugged her every curve. It was not the usual get up that Sonny wore to Fangtasia. They all knew her to wear tight jeans and loosely fitting shirts but now everyone could see all that she had to offer. Her lips were a deep crimson red, matching the dress she wore. Moving her way through the crowd she reached the stage that drew her in like a child to an ice cream truck. The men on stage looked down at the brunette in red with knowing smirks on their faces. Sonny didn’t even need to move from her spot to get herself a drink. Others who wanted her to be theirs did it for her. Even the usual fang bangers who were at the bar for vampires were bringing her drinks.

She sat at the table with drinks cluttering the entirety of it. Opting to drink the shots of tequila rather than some of the fruitier drinks some of the suitors bought her. Pam watched from the bar intrigued with the change in Sonny. More so entertained with the amount of drinks that the patrons were buying her. Sonny was having everyone buying her a drink, making the money just by sitting there. As the night went on and the band finished their set; the two men approached Sonny saying nothing just taking her by the hand to lead her onto the dance floor. By all means the two men were not incredibly attractive, the singer had wild brown hair parted down that middle and mustache, the other was shorter wearing a black fedora to cover his bald head. Both were pale with dark mischievous eyes and dressed in black. There was something about them that drew Sonny to them. Together they danced, Sonny remained between the two men moving her body to the music. Hands roamed her body but she didn’t flinch.

“We are your slaves,” they whisper in her ear.

“Then one of you get the car,” Sonny replies in a soft raspy voice.

“As you wish.”

The one in the hat left leaving Sonny alone with the wild haired man who spun her around to face him. He pulled her closer to his body; his hands greedily taking advantage of the fact he had her to himself. Others watched in envy but Pam on the other hand was not having any of it. The pair headed for the exit but Pam caught Sonny by the arm.

“Back off Pam,” Sonny snaps shrugging Pam’s cold grasp from her wrist.

“Fine go home with them just know you have better prospects.”

“It isn‘t about better prospects” the man states then looked to Pam with a devilish smirk, “I can give her more than any leech can. She belongs with her kind.”

“It‘s a busy night Pam, you should keep an eye out.”

With that Sonny left out the door and into the night with the strange man she hadn’t even bothered knowing his name. Once in the car the man began kissing along her jaw line and down her neck. Before things could go further the car was stopped. Eric stood in front of the vehicle with the now crushed front end. He ripped the door open and shoved the man away from Sonny. She didn’t have time to react as Eric threw her over his shoulder and got her out of there without saying a word. When Eric landed in front of Ana’s home he set Sonny down.

“What the fuck is your problem?!”

“Get inside now,” Eric orders.


“Fine,” he retorts as he picked her up again took her inside. Once he put Sonny back down she punched him in the face. She was angry with Eric’s actions and wanted to make him suffer. Then Eric did something she hadn’t expected, he fell to his knees pulling out a syringe from his arm.

“Eric,” Sonny says kneeling down next to him. She saw the liquid silver drip from the syringe and she examined his arm. Eric growled in pain and Sonny decided to do something to help him. She had to get the silver out before it hardened inside his body so she pressed her mouth onto the area where the syringe came out and began sucking the silver out. Liquid silver was almost unheard of in syringe form, and it could kill a vampire if done properly. Once she stopped spitting out silver, she noticed a decent amount had gotten into his body judging by his weakened state. She then noticed another syringe so she got to work again sucking the silver that started to come out in chunks. When she couldn’t do anymore Sonny looked down at Eric. “Pam isn‘t going to be happy about this.”

“Why she‘s the one that told me I should get you,” Eric responds weakly.

“Bet you wish you hadn‘t now,” she counters wiping the silver from the spots he was attacked. Eric examined her features as she focused her attention on getting the silver off his skin. He knew she was pretty but looking at her so close as she gently blotted his arm, Eric realized just how beautiful she was. Eric felt great pain as some of the silver disbursed within his body. He fell onto the ground as his body began to seize. Sonny’s eyes went wide with fear at the thought of Eric dying. She lifted him slightly and let his head lie on her lap as she brought her wrist to his mouth causing Eric to give her a hesitant look. “I‘m not letting you die. Now drink.”

Eric sunk his fangs into her arm and let her warm blood flood into his mouth. Her blood was sweet and untainted. The more he drank the more he wanted. It wasn’t like Sookie’s blood, it didn’t taste like sunshine, this blood was like sweet moonlight that flowed within him causing calm to his entire being. He felt at home as her other hand ran through his hair. Sonny looked down at Eric intrigued with the tranquility that seemed to be on his features as he opened his blue eyes to look up at her. Eric stopped drinking and removed his fangs from her flesh. He bit down on his own tongue then ran it over the two punctures that were on her arm.

“Its too late for you to get back to Fangtasia,” Sonny comments seeing the sky begin to lighten. “Ana has an extra room for visitors.”

Eric stood up quickly and held out his hands to help Sonny up as well. A bit weakened from the blood exchange she accepted and he pulled her up onto her feet. She led him to the basement and pushed on one of the walls to open up a windowless room with a full sized bed in the middle of it. Eric stood in the room and looked at Sonny trying to figure out what was going through her mind. He reached out to touch her face and bring her closer.

“Goodnight Eric,” she says moving away from him. She didn’t want to be close to him. It was enough that she just let him feed on her. Against her better judgment she was getting emotionally involved with him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Had this part written already so I decided to post it. Hopefully it was decent