Status: A bit of an addiction

A Creeping Distress

Part Six

Sonny woke up in some dingy abandoned house. Her body was chained tightly with silver to an old table. The face of the wild haired man, Darwin hovered over her body. His hand guided a knife along her exposed skin. A sadistic smirk graced his face as he cut her skin ever so lightly.

“Who would of thought you were even alive Princess?”

“What are you talking about?” Sonny mutters. Her body felt so heavy and the knife that cut into her skin felt like it was on fire. Fists clenched tightly as the man cut deeper into her skin. Blood tickled from the wounds and began to slide down the sides of her body. Whatever she was injected with had her feeling tired and completely disoriented. At the same time she was feeling a terrible amount of pain.

“Now we can inflict pain on the King‘s little girl.”

“Feel every inch of her body to see how well she grew up. Document the whole thing and send it to the King,” the man continues.

“We will make her scream.”

Sonny saw the array of torture devices and the manic looks in her captors’ eyes. She wanted to scream for help but she felt as though it was futile. The chains were barbed and struggling only caused them to dig further into her flesh. It was a situation that had her fearing for what the outcome could be.

Eric felt the faint fear as he searched for Sonny. He struggled to find her but then he heard her screams and the scent of her blood hit his senses ten fold. Running towards the sounds and smell Eric came upon a rundown house. Wasting no time he rushed to the entrance only to realize the household owner was still alive and he required the invitation to enter the premises. He looked into the dirty window and saw the two men torturing Sonny’s nearly naked body. Tears slipped down the sides of her face as more clothes were ripped off her body. After the hours of torture and tales of who she really was, she felt utterly lost and weak. Weakened until the point she turned her head to the side and clenched her eyes shut in hopes that they would just go away.

When he saw them ripped more of her clothes off, Eric lost it. Thinking quickly on his feet he grabbed a large boulder then threw it at the old window. The whole frame busted in and glass shards collided with the ground. Eric picked up more stones and threw them full force at Sonny’s captors. Both were hit and they seemed to disappear into thin air whilst Sonny remained unmoving on the table. Eric’s plan wasn’t as thought out as he would have liked being that now Sonny was bleeding on the table with no one to help her.

“Invite me in.”

“Come in,” she mutters barely above a whisper. Eric rushed into the home and looked down at the damage done to Sonny. The chains were embedded in her skin and there were cuts all over her body. Carefully he reached out to remove the chains but soon realized they were made of silver. His flesh burned as he removed the chains from her body. The loss of blood caused Sonny to pass out and Eric grew panicked when he noticed how slow her heart was now beating. Quickly he got her out of the house to take her somewhere safe. Once at Ana’s estate he bit into his own wrist and placed it to Sonny’s lips. She made no response forcing Eric to grow more uneasy.

“Sonny wake up,” Eric orders attempting to get a reaction from Sonny. He pressed his wrist firmly against her lips and placed his other hand at the side of her face. She made a low muffled sound and her eyes opened lazily to see Eric’s face hovering close to hers. Sonny pushed his wrist away from her mouth once she realized what he was trying to do. “Take the blood, Sonny.”

“No,” she murmurs as she attempted to get up. Managing to pull herself to the railing of the porch, Sonny’s legs wobbled as she looked out into the darkness. Her vision shook and her grip tightened onto the wooden railing.

“Don‘t be stupid.”

“I can‘t do this, nothing feels real anymore,” Sonny states as she stood swaying slightly. Eric steadied her balance and placed his hands on her shoulders. His blue eyes demanded her to look into them but her glassy eyes only looked into the darkness. Placing one pale cold hand on her cheek, Eric turned her face to meet his gaze.

“You will die if you don‘t let me help you.”
She let out a defeated sigh upon seeing the look in his clear blue eyes. Surely things would be easier if she died and wouldn’t have to face the truth but there was a nagging part of her that told her if she let herself perish a terrible thing would happen. Eric took her sigh as a sign that she had given in so he bit into his wrist once again and raised it to her mouth. Sonny’s hand reached up to Eric’s and pressed it to her mouth. Her eyes closed hoping not to show the emotion within them if she kept them open. A few moments passed by whilst she drank from Eric’s pale wrist and Sonny could feel her body regaining its strength. Once she was healed Sonny let go of Eric’s hand and leaned against the railing with her eyes cast downwards.

“What do you know of the mark that I have behind my ear?” Sonny spoke softly without raising her eyes.

“It‘s not important, it just reminded me of something.”

“Eric, I need to know.”

“Just an old Viking folklore about another world called the Land of the Seven Moons. It was said to be like the garden of Eden full of beauty and a place for all beings.”

“Those men were banished from there and they plan to kill me; they say I have the royal mark and I was supposed to be dead for all these years,” she says finally raising her head, “I have a birth certificate that says I was born in a Florida hospital to Norman and Victoria Novak, it can‘t be possible that I am who they say I am. There are some fucking weird things that I‘ve accepted but this whole lost Princess of a pseudo garden of Eden business is where I draw the line.”

“Lost princess?” Eric responds raising an eyebrow at Sonny.

“I need a swim,” Sonny mutters before walking off. She rushed towards the body of water yearning to cleanse herself of all the troubles that dwelled within her. With a swift dive into the pool, she completely submerged herself in the clear blue water that reminded her of Eric’s eyes at times. Eric watched as Sonny moved under the water. She focused on trying to remain calm and not think about what had occurred. Then she surfaced at the shallow end of the pool and stared down towards the deep end. Her feet barely touched the bottom of the pool as she fixated her stare at the reflection the night had on the water. The rippling effect that came from behind her went passed her and towards the deep end. Eric moved through the water and walked towards the back of Sonny. Something compelled him to get closer to her seemingly ethereal being and his hands traveled up her arms under the water all the way up to her shoulders. Sonny turned around giving Eric a questioning gaze. She searched for his explanation in his eyes but only found herself unable to concentrate when Eric trailed his finger along her delicate jaw line.

Eric examined her every feature and couldn’t help but see the beauty in that was held within her eyes. It was a serene beauty that he wanted to bring closer. Neither spoke a word, one out of concentration and the other out of hesitation. Sonny bit her lower lip not really knowing how she should react to Eric’s behavior. He let his other hand slipped down onto the curve of Sonny’s waist and she went rigid almost immediately.

“Relax,” he murmurs with a hint of a smirk tugging at his lips.

“Whatever you are thinking of doing, it’s a bad idea,” Sonny counters attempting to be stern as his face drew closer to hers. Eric ignored her response and knew that with his blood running through her veins she had to be even more attracted to him than usual. “This isn‘t fair I just had some of your blood an-”

Eric cut her off mid sentence and pulled her into a kiss. He had kissed many women in his life but never one so reluctant or different. Sonny did her best to pull away but Eric was far stronger and he held her close against his body. Eventually she gave into the little voice in her head that screamed at her to get some action. They only had a few moments before Ana arrived at the scene and cleared her throat rather loudly.

“I‘ve got to say Sonny I thought you had more control.”

“What the fuck is wrong with me,” Sonny responds as soon as she snapped out of the allure that came with taking another vampire’s blood.

“Oh and you‘re brother just got here,” Ana adds. Sonny’s eyes went wide and she attempted to move away from Eric. However Eric’s grip on her body remained the same. Her eyes narrowed at Eric, demanding that he let her go.

“Eric let go, this is hardly the sort of position I want my brother to see me in.”

“I guess you aren‘t as depressed as I thought you were,” a man comments in a sardonic tone from the house. Eric let Sonny go and stared at the man that just exited the back of the house. Sonny took this chance to get out of the pool and grab a towel. She quickly wrapped the towel around her body then gave her older brother a quick smile.

“Jay, you didn‘t say you were coming.”

“Are you really going to try and play it off like this didn‘t happen,” he counters.

“Play what off?”

“I figured I can at least come for a couple days to celebrate your birthday with you.”

“Its my birthday?” Sonny replies giving him a side ways look.

“Are you sure you aren‘t mentally retarded?”

“Its debatable and there is a probability that I could be but then again would anyone that is mentally retarded know that they are indeed intellectually challenged?”

“I don‘t like him,” Jay responds looking at Eric with a slight disdain.

“Join the club,” Sonny shrugs, “I‘m bored let‘s drink.”


“Doesn‘t matter, go freshen up or whatever we‘ll leave in fifteen.”

“Alright,” he says before walking back into the house. Sonny turned to look at Ana with puppy dog eyes.

“You want me to be your designated driver.”

“It‘ll be fun, you haven‘t witnessed sibling bonding time in a very long time.”

“You‘re right I haven‘t,” Ana smirks.

“Do you really think its such a good idea for you to be going out?” Eric inquires.

“Should there be cause for concern that I should be aware of?”

“No, everything is alright, let‘s go inside. Eric you should go back to Fangtasia,” Sonny answers.

Eric sneered at Sonny before running off. Ana stared at Sonny expectantly, hoping to get some sort of explanation from the brunette. It was strange to her how Eric was acting and his concern had her concerned for Sonny who forced a smile no matter what situation she was in. Although Eric made it appear as though he was gone for the night he was sure to linger around just in case those men came back for Sonny. Of course it was interesting to see Sonny interact with her older brother Javier or rather drink so much they heckled anyone that came around. He could tell Sonny and Javier were quite close at one point but at times they seemed distant almost like they were avoiding being serious about anything. The dynamics were off and even Sonny could sense that there was something wrong.
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Yeah I know its getting confusing. But I promise it'll all come together...hopefully.