New Chances!

The Girl!

Along a two-lane highway, one cold rainy day, a young woman in her mid 20's, walks along the right shoulder of the highway. Her jacket wrap around her body trying to stay warm with the rain pouring down from sky with her backpack on her back, and the thunder crashing loudly. Her long light brown hair hang down from the top of her head to the middle of her back, just soaking wet from the rain. She only stood five feet two inches tall with a white pale face, and very tined body. She lives on the streets most of her life, and travel down the highways trying to from a place to work and live without anyone knowing that she poor. Vehicles pass by her without stopping to see if she need anything, they just splash with water from the road. She stop to wipe her face with her right hand, and carry-on walking along the highway, trying to from a place to take shelter until the rain stop.

She walks along the shoulder of the highway watching the headlights and taillights of vehicles passing by her. She just sighs at every thought that came to her mind. She looks up though the rain, and saw a sign for a lodging area where there was cabins set up around the area. She read the wooden sign ‘Faith River Cabins and Resort.’ “I would if there anyone home that can help me?” She thought to herself walking though the front gates, and trying to see if there any lights on in any of the cabins, but it was last April, and the area was not open at all, not until May long weekend.

She sighs at the sight of the empty ground, and walks into the trees for some shelter from the rain. She walks along the little pathway, over the creek area, and close to the river. She looking a head of herself to seeing a little cabin in the distance of her. She walk up to the cabin windows, and looking though the windows of the cabin to see inside. She saw the built up of dust and dirt on the floor, table, chairs, and the bed. She looks at the cabin that was so old with its creak windows, and pieces of the roof and siding falling off. She walks around to the front door, taking her right hand push the door open. The door creak open with no problems, she points her head inside the cabin hoping no one would catch her trespassing into the area. She steps inside the cabin feeling a little wrong about being there. She closed the door behind her, and looks around at the small cabin. She took a few steps forward around the cabin, she look at the table, chairs, small kitchen area in the back left side corner of the cabin, the four-piece bathroom in the left front corner of the cabin by the front door, and the bed in the back right coroner.

She took off her wet jacket and backpack, showing her jean dress that come down to ankles with a few different color paths in a few places. She put her jacket on the back of a chair and her backpack by her jacket on the floor. She walks to the bathroom, and turn the sink taps on to see if there any water. The water slowly came out of the tap at first, and then ran full stream into the bathroom sink. She shut the water off in the sink, walk to the toilet to go to the bathroom. Once done with her busy, she wash her hands in the sink, and walks out of the bathroom to the kitchen area. She looks under the kitchen sink for a pail and some rags to clean the place up a bit for her. She fined the pail, some soap, and a rag. She fills the pail up with water and soap in the kitchen sink, shut the water off from the taps, throws the rag into the pail, and started to clean up the place a bit.

The cabin was dark with no energy running into the cabin. She works with the very little lights from the windows, as she cleaning up the cabin. She find some candles in the cabinet and a lighter in the kitchen drawer, she lit a few candles to see what she was clean the cabin. The little flame from the candle flickers with light for her as she cleaning up the floor. She finishes with the floor, got up form the floor, and looking outside at the rain hitting the window. She mind was on one thing, watching the rain coming down, she move onto the bed, and sat there watching the rain coming down and the thunder roaring though out the sky. “I wish you where here with me.” she spoke in a whisper looking outside. She lay down on the bed, which had no covers or sheets on the bed, just a pillow by the head of the bed, she curl up into a ball on her right side facing the window, and try to get some sleep as the thunder got louder. The lighting striking in the distance, the rain pour very rain, and the wind whistle though out the trees. She grab the pillow from the top of the bed, cover her ears with the pillow, closed her eyes tight, and trying to forget with going outside with the storm. The storm slowly rolls away from the area, and she finally has to sleep.

What hold for this girl? Will she survive on her own or will she be catch trespassing on the area?
♠ ♠ ♠
So this the start to the story, and much more too come.

You will find out what the girl name, maybe in the next part?

Have fun reading. :)