New Chances!

The Surprise Meeting!

A few days later, the youngest child was out for a walk around the area, trying to use of the new stuff around her. She walks along the creek bed, crouching down along the edging of the creek at the water running over the rocks. She can see her reflection in the creek water, when something catching her eyes in the water. A young woman with long curls light brown hair, wearing a long jean dress, standing on the other side of the creek. The youngest raise her head quickly to see if the woman was still there, but when she look across the creek seeing no one standing there on the other side of the creek. The youngest rubbing her eyes with her hands, and trying to think on what she just saw in the water. The youngest got up from the ground, and keep on walking along the creek bed to the river.

In the trees, the young woman stood behind a large tree watching the youngest walking away. A soothing feeling came over her body, as the youngest walk away. “Phew that was close. I thought I will trouble when she saw me,” she whispers to herself walking though the trees to back to her cabin.

When the young woman arrive back at the cabin, she opened the front door of the cabin, quickly look around to see if anyone was around to see her, and enter the cabin quickly. She closed the door quietly, she walk away from the door, and walking up to the window above the bed. She looks outside the cabin to see where the little girl was outside. The young woman saw the little girl in the distance by the river. “I hope she does not come this way?” the young woman told herself, as she watching the girl in the distances throwing rocks into the river water. The woman walks to the bed, took off her shoes, and sat down on the bed looking out of the window. “She so young, and pretty too,” the woman thought to herself hearing her stomach growling for food. “I am so hungry. I have not eating for a few days; maybe I should eat a bit more trial-mixes to keep my stomach from growling loudly.” The young woman got off the bed, walks to her backpack on the floor, and unzips the zipper. She took out the bag of trial-mixes, opened the bag of trail-mixes, and took a few pieces out to eat. Once she had her pieces of trail-mixes, she put the bag back into the backpack, and zip-up the backpack.

Sounds of someone walking up to the cabin were the she was living. The young woman frozen in her tracks, turning her head to the front door, staring at the door, that someone was trying to open from the outside. The doorknob turned slowly and the door opening slowly. The young woman grabbing her stuff off the floor with her hands, and hide under the large bed. The woman was hoping that who ever coming inside the cabin would not find her under the bed.

The door opened slowly with the youngest child standing in the doorway looking inside the cabin, and she slowly enters the cabin. “Why was this cabin open or is it that old that the door can just open with anyone touching it?” the youngest saying to herself closing the door behind her. She took a few steps around the cabin, looking at everything inside the cabin. “This one is so clean, it like someone is living here or it was clean that good at the end of the season.” the girl was talking to herself walking around the cabin.

The young woman try to keep herself quiet under the bed, hoping that the girl would not find her under the bed. The young woman watches the two feet walking around the cabin, and watching the girl looking at everything inside the cabin. The young woman was so hungry that she was trying to keeping her stomach from growling loudly that the girl would not hear it. The young woman was trying hard not to make a sound from under the bed.

The girl could hear something moving around from under the bed. “I wonder if there mice inside this cabin….or something else.” The girl looking over at the bed, and slowly walks up to the bed.

The young woman move back closer to the wall the best she can with sweat started to form on her forehead. The only thing going thought her mind was “Please do not look under the bed…. Please just leave.” She watches the girl feet coming closer to the bed.

The youngest knelt down on the floor, putting her left hand on the side of the bed, and titling her head to see what under the bed. The youngest came face-to-face with the young woman, who was under the bed. Both of them scream at the top of their voices, the youngest jump back onto her butt with fear on her face. The young woman crawls out from under the bed, and she stood up from the floor in front of the youngest by the bed. The youngest just look up at the young woman standing by the bed, staring her with wide-eyes. “Please do not hurt me!” The girls scream still sitting on the floor looking up at the woman, who was still standing by the bed. “What do you want?” The girls scream again to the young woman shaking all over her body.

The young woman step closer to the youngest child, and knelt down in front of the youngest child, and spoke nicely to her “I would not hurt you, the only I want is a place to stay for a while, and I will leave here soon.”

The youngest child looks up at the young woman with puzzled look on her face, and spoke trying to calm down “You just want a place to stay for a while?” The youngest child trying to finger out why the young woman was here first off and now wants to leave here.

“Yes that all I wants right now, just until I finger out what my next move is in a few days,” the young woman told the youngest child looking into the youngest eyes. The young woman stood up from the floor, walks to the bed, knelt down by the bed, and grabbing her stuff from under the bed.

The youngest child watches the young woman with her eyes on the young woman movements, as the young woman grabbing her stuff from under the bed. “What your name?” the youngest child asks the young woman sitting on the floor.

The young woman did not look at the youngest child in the face just down at her backpack, and say “My name is Lilly, and what your name?” the young woman turning the question back to the youngest child.

The youngest child sat there on the floor, looking at the young woman, and say “My name is Rose, and I am adopted to the owners of this place. I am the youngest of the children.” Rose pulling her legs up to her chest, sitting on the floor with her arms wrap around her legs.

Lilly look up to the ceiling, and say “Rose, that a nice name it is so you.” Lilly looking right at Rose face from far, Rose was still sitting on the floor watching Lilly. “How many people are in your family?” Lilly asks Rose, sitting down on the bed.

“Seven include me. My mommy Rachael, daddy Rob, my older brother Richer, Richer wife Mellissa, their little baby girl Kristy, and My older sister Sarah.” Rose told Lilly who in her family.

“That a big family and you say you’re adopted into the family? Were you adopted into the family and when? Where you before you were adopted?” Lilly ask Rose some questions about Rose where about before she adopted into the family.

Rose looking up at Lilly from the ground, and telling Lilly about herself, “I was adopted a week ago before coming here.”

Lilly eyes grow big at what Rose told her about Rose adopted into the family. “Wow that soon and where were you before you were adopted by Rob and Rachael?” Lilly refocus herself on the next question for Rose.

Rose lowers her head to the floor, and says quietly to Lilly where she was before Rob and Rachael adopted her. “I was on the streets first off, and ended up in an orphan village for a while. I thought I was good to back there for a long time, but with in seven months I adopted by Rob and Rachael. They been sure great parents to me in sure a short time I been with them.” Rose smiled at the thought being with her new family.

Lilly looking down at Rose, and ask “A couple of questions for you. One how did you end up on the streets? How old are you?” Lilly was wondering why a little girl ended up on the street.

Rose raise her head to Lilly, and told flat-out to Lilly, “I ended up on the streets after my parents was kill by evil-mean man right in front of me, and I am only 14 year-old. Plus I have been on the street for a few months before going to the orphan village.” Rose eyes fell with tears at the thought watching her parents kill in front of her. Rose covers her ears with her hands trying to get the sounds out of her head.

Lilly move off the bed, walks carefully up to Rose, and sat down beside Rose on the right side. “Hey it is okay to cry about your parent’s death. I know what you’re going though now.” Lilly started to tell Rose a little bit about herself.

Rose look up into Lilly face, and trying let her tears fell in front of Lilly. “Ready, you know what I am going though now with my parent’s death?” Rose asks Lilly with a raise eyebrow at Lilly.

“Yes I do.” Lilly nodded her head to Rose. “I also…” Lilly started to tell Rose, when a male voice was calling for Rose though the trees.

“Daddy Rob is coming!” Rose saying to Lilly looking at the door, as the voice came closer to the cabin.

Lilly grab her stuff from the floor, and drove under the bed. “Don’t tell anyone that I am here.” Lilly told Rose from under the bed.

Rose nodded her head in Lilly to keep her mouth shut about Lilly being there in the cabin.
♠ ♠ ♠
So now you know their name.

How Rose was adopted into the family.

Will Rose know the truth about Lilly past or not?

Have fun. ;p