New Chances!

The Hiding and Go Seek!

The front door of the cabin opened slowly and Rob stood in the doorway looking at Rose. “There you are Rose; we were worry sick about you. We thought you were lost around here. So we all were searching for you. Your mom and Mellissa stay in the build waiting to see for you came back.” Rob explains to Rose walking into the cabin, and walking up to Rose.

Rose stood up from floor, and looks at Rob walking up to her, “I am sorry for scaring you and the rest of the family. I was wondering around the area, and found this cabin open. I was only looking inside.” Rose explains to Rob, and leaving the part of finding Lilly under the bed.

Rob putting his left hand on his chest, breath a sigh of relaxes, and asks Rose, “Why were you sitting on the floor?” Rob was confused why Rose was sitting on the floor by herself.

Rose looks at Rob in the eyes, and told Rob, “I was thinking about my parents that why I was sitting on the floor. I was so upset that I need to sit down on the floor to calm down.” Rose tears fell from her eyes.

Rob put his arms around Rose shoulders, and gave Rose a hug. “It is okay to cry, and you know,” Rob looking into Rose eyes, “You’re not alone any more. You have a family now who love you very much.” Rob told Rose with a smiled on his face.

Rose smiled at Rob in his arms, Rose wiped a tear away from her face with her hands, and say to Rob “Lets go home, it is almost supper time and I can not wait for some mommy Rachael food.”

“But first I need to radio to the rest of them that I found you safe and sound.” Rob told Rose, and held up a walky-talky to his mouth, push the button on the side, and spoke into the walky-talky. “I found Rose, and she safe and sound. We are coming back home.” Rob looks at Rose standing beside him, and spoke to Rose, “We better get going to the build to met up with the rest of them.” Rob walks to the front door.

Rose follow behind Rob to the door, Rose looks over her right shoulder to see were Lilly was still under the bed, turning her head back to the door, walks outside the cabin, and closed the door behind her.

Once the door closed tight, Lilly slid out from under the bed with her stuff in her hands, and stood up from the floor. “That was close. I hope Rose does not tell them that I am here or I will be in big time trouble with the law.” Lilly told herself looking at the door, and trying to finger out her next move if she found in the cabin. Lilly walks to the bathroom to wash up in the sink.

Lilly arrive in the bathroom something did not feel right with her. Lilly stomach was giving her some pain, and Lilly felt like throwing up. Lilly ran quickly to the toilet, and got down to her kneees, throwing up in the toilet. Lilly look down at the throw up, her eyes grow bigger, and Lilly started to freak out at the sight of the throw up. Throw up there was bright red blood with little food in it. Lilly stood up from the floor, flushed the toilet, and walks to the sink to clean up herself. Lilly rub some water on her face, rise her mouth out with some water, and look up at the mirror in front of her. Lilly look at her pale white face, and her puffed bagged black eyes. Lilly put her hands down on the sink edge, look down at the sink, and thought to herself, “What going with me?… Am I getting very sick?” Lilly look up at the mirror, stood up straight, and left the bathroom forgetting the whole thing that happen to her in there. Lilly lay down on the ball on her right side, trying to get some rest with the pain coming in and out of her.

Rob and Rose arrive back at the build, when Rachael came running out the door to Rose, and throwing her arms around Rose body. Rachael cry-out with joy in her voice, “I was so sad that I was going to lose you.” Rachael tears fell from her eyes onto Rose right shoulder.

Rose put her arms around Rachael body, and whisper into Rachael right ear. “I am sorry mommy. I was out for a walk, and came across an old cabin by the river that was open. I want to see what inside the cabin. I was crying because I miss my real parents, but now I have a new family that love me with all their hearts.” Rose looks into Rachael eyes, smiling at Rachael with a smiled on her face. “I love you mommy Rachael.” Rose told Rachael with a happy voice.

Rachael was so happy to hear Rose say those word to her, that Rachael say back to Rose, “I love you too Rose with all of my heart.” Rachael lets go of Rose body, and turn to the rest of them. “It is supper time, and we do not want our food to get cold now.” Rachael told everyone going back into the build.

Rose follows everyone back into the build to have supper. One thing was going thought Rose mind, “I wonder what Lilly having for supper?” Rose enters the build at walk to the kitchen for supper. After supper Rose help Mellissa and Sarah with the cleaning up of the supper dishes, then Rose walk upstairs to her bedroom once dishes done. Rose enters her bedroom closing the door behind her, and walks to the bathroom to have a bath. Rose was running the water, her mind on how Lilly doing now in the cabin. Rose enters the bath water, wash up and soak for a bit. Rose exit the bath, drain the bath water, and got dress for bed in her two-piece pjs. Rose exit the bathroom walks to her bed, and lay down on her bed. Rose looks up at her ceiling thinking about Lilly, and Rose slowly falling asleep in her bed.

However, out the next few weeks, in May, Lilly and Rose came friends. Not once Rose asks Lilly about anything about Lilly life. They laugh and play in the cabin all day, and once in came closer to suppertime Rose left the cabin. Once and a while Rose sneaks some food out of the build for Lilly to eat, and some blankest for Lilly to stay warm.

Lilly hide from everyone else sight, trying not getting into trouble with the rest of them. Lilly still was not feeling well a bit each day passing down, and never told Rose about the pain she been having. Lilly trying hard not to scream in pain, so anyone can find her in the cabin. Once and a while she hide from everyone else entering the cabin, under the bed trying not to let pain get to her. Every night Lilly stay in the bed curled up in a ball to ease the pain from her stomach, and not letting the more blood shehas been throwing-up scared her. Lilly was strong, and brave though out the pain. There was one thing that keep on bugging Lilly, she cry-out quietly every night, “I wish you where here with me now.”

One day Rose was walking downstairs, when she heard her dad and older brother talking about upgrading some of the old cabin around the river area. They were sitting around one of the tables in the hangout area. “Sound like a plan my son, we will upgrading those cabins so we can have more room for people to stay here over the summer months.” Rob telling Richer the plan for some of the cabins around the river area, sitting on one of the benches round the table with a few papers on the table.

“Sound great dad. I cannot wait to start this project for those cabins down by the river. The cabins down there really need an upgrade big time.” Richer telling his dad, sitting on the bench around the table, looking at the papers on the table.

Rose over heard what Richer and Rob was saying about the cabins down by the river that Lilly was in one of those cabins. “Your not knocking down any of those cabins down by the river!” Rose yelled at Rob and Richer with rage in her voice, standing in front of them.

Rod and Richer turned their heads to Rose, looking at Rose, Richer say to Rose with a chuckled in his voice. “Hey kiddo, we are not going to knock them down, we are upgrading them to fit with the rest of the new ones that we build. We going to knocked down the old stuff inside, and change the inside to make them more comfort for our guest this summer.” Richer was laughing at the way Rose was acting to front of Rob and him.

Rose calm down quickly, and say feeling stupid about the way she acted to her dad and brother. “I am sorry for that out blast. I don’t know what still going on around here to have that understanding that you two do.” Rose apologize to Rob and Richer lowering her head to the floor, and still feeling stupid about yelling at them a few minutes ago.

Rob looks at Rose, and told Rose. “Hey it is okay, your still new to the family. You will get the understanding later on this year.” Rob got up from the table, walks to Rose, and gave Rose a hug.

Rose looks up at Rob, and asks, “When are you starting to knocking-down inside the cabins?” Hoping that Rose can get to Lilly in time, so her dad and brother find out that Lilly there in one of the cabins.

Rob looks down at Rose,and told Rose with a smiled on his face. “We are starting here soon with cabin one and working our way though the rest of them. I know how much you like going down to those cabins and hangout, I want you to stay here with your mother. I don’t want you to get hurt with what we are doing down there.” Rob lets go of Rose, and look at Richer. “Ready to go son.” Rob told Richer walking to the door, and outside to the cabins down by the river.

Rose could only do is watch her dad and brother heading to the cabins down by the river. Rose hoping that they would not find Lilly in that one cabin. Rose walks over to the fireplace couches, flop down on them. “Please don’t let them find Lilly in that one cabin.” Rose whisper to herself looking up at the hangout areas ceiling.
♠ ♠ ♠
Will Rob and Richer find Lilly insdie the cabin?

How will Rose reaction to some news, she get?

What about Lilly? How sick is Lilly?

All this will be answer.

Find out now part! ;)