New Chances!

Part Five: The Find and Helping!

Rob and Richer arrive down at cabins with the truck with them. Richer was backing up the truck close to the front door, and Rob helping way pointing what way he wanted Richer to turn the wheels of the truck.

On the bed, Lilly curled up into a ball in pain on her right side. Lilly mourning and groaning in pain, trying to be quiet. When Lilly heard someone coming down to the cabin with a truck, Lilly look out the window by the bed, and saw Rob and Richer backing up the truck to the door. Lilly roll off the bed to the floor, and under the bed, thankfully Lilly had her stuff under the bed already. Lilly took one of the backpack straps in her teeth, and hoping the pain in her stomach will go away. Lilly lay there in a ball on her right side, hoping that Rob and Richer will leave here soon. Tears of pain fell from Lilly eyes to the floor, and Lilly bite down harder on the strap with her teeth.

Rob open the door to the cabin, and enter the cabin with a slug hammer in his hands. Richer enter behind Rob with a slug hammer in his hands, and both wearing safely glass on their faces. Rob and Richer started clearing the far wall where the table and chairs was standing, Richer move the stuff top the middle of the room, and started hitting the far wall with the slug hammer. Rob join in with Richer hitting the wall with the slug hammer. The drywall dust from the hammering fill the cabin, and the boys head top toe. They just open the windows and the door to keep the drywall dust down, and keep on hammering the walls, and cleaning the old drywall pieces from the floor.

Rob and Richer keep on working, until Richer move the bed, and came face to face with Lilly, who was still laying on the floor in pain. Richer called out to his dad to come quickly to see with he found. “Hey dad, can you come here quickly!” Richer called to Rob, who was outside loading some pieces of dry wall in the back of the truck.

“What do you want Richer?” Rob called from outside to Richer putting a piece of dry wall in the back of the truck.

Lilly looks up at Richer with fear in her eyes. “Please do not called the cops…. Please don’t call them.” Lilly was thinking though the pain from her stomach.

Rob came back into the cabin, and walk up to Richer, “What do you need me come here so quickly?” Rob asks Richer not looking down at Lilly laying on the floor in pain. Richer pointed his right finger at Lilly, and Rob looks were Richer was pointing. Rob saw Lilly laying on the floor in a ball with pain-fear eyes. Rob mouth down at the sight of Lilly. “What are you doing here? How did you get in here?” Rob asks Lilly in shock at the sight of Lilly getting into the cabin.

Lilly stomach pain went away slowly, Lilly stood up from the ground, and looks at Rob and Richer. Lilly spoke to Rob and Richer, “I am sorry that I should not be here. I was walking along the highway in a big storm in April, I found this place to take cover from the rain, and I stay a little longer then I should have. Please do not call the cops on me. I will work for you if you need me, I can clean, cook, and help with anything. Please don’t call the cops on me, please I’m beg you don’t cop them in.” Lilly beg Rob that she can stay in the area.

Rob thought for a moment, then say to Lilly, “We looking for a few people to help out at the front desk this year.” Rob did not want to call the cops on Lilly. Rob looks at Lilly standing there, and asks Lilly a question, “So are you homeless?”

Lilly lower her head to the floor, and say to Rob, “Yes I am homeless. I travel town to town finding a job and place to live.” Lilly felt wrong telling the truth to Rob about her being homeless, and jobless.

Rob looks over at Richer, and told Richer, “I think we need to get this young woman up to the build to get some food in her, and let her clean up a bit more.” Rob looks back at Lilly with a smiled on his face.

Richer nodded his head to Rob, and looks at Lilly standing in front of them in her jean dress. “Come on lets go, get you clean up more, and some food in your stomach.” Richer saying to Lilly walking up to Lilly, and grabbing her stuff from the floor. Richer look at Lilly quickly, and ask Lilly a question, “How did you survive down here without very much food, and where that blanket came from?”

Lilly face with scared that she did not want Rose to get into trouble with her new family. Lilly came out with it to Richer and Rob. “First off don’t be mad at Rose, but she was the one who been giving me some food, and the blankest.” Lilly felt wrong about telling on Rose, who helps her though everything.

Rod and Richer looks at each other with a stunned look on their faces. Rob turn back to Lilly, and say “Rose would not be in trouble for helping you when you need it.” Rob walking closer to Lilly, and lending Lilly outside the cabin.

Lilly fellow Rob and Richer to the build. Lilly thoughts were going wild with every step she took up the build. Lilly started to panic that this could be a trap for her, that they will called the cops on her, and she will going to jail.

Rob, Richer, and Lilly arrive outside the build. Rob walks ahead to the front door, opened the door for Lilly. Lilly enter the build with fear all over her body with Richer walking behind her. Lilly looks around at the build, and everything that around. Lilly mouth drop at how huge the build inside, and how huge the hangout area .

Rachael walks out of the kitchen with Mellissa and Sarah with Rachael. “Hey honey, done already with the knock-downs in the cabins?” Rachael asks Rob wiping some dust from Rob face with a small towel in her hands.

“No, we hit a problem that we need to deal with now.” Rob told Rachael pointing to Lilly walking around the hangout area looking at everything.

“Who she? Where did she come from?” Rachael asks Rob looking over at Lilly walking around the hangout area.

“I have no idea what her name is? However, I know she homeless, going from town to town to find a job and a place to live. She came here when we got that big storm in April.” Rob explains to Rachael what Lilly told him in the cabin.

“So she is looking for a job and a place to live.” Rachael thinking what will work for Lilly to earn some money.

Rob lend over to Racheal left ear, and whisper into her ear. “I offer her job here at the front desk person, but where she lives I have no idea.” Rob looking over at Lilly sitting down on the couch in front of the fireplace.

Rachael got an idea where Lilly can live. Rachael whisper to Rob in his right ear, “We have that extra room upstairs that is empty. Just the bed, drawer, and desk. She can stay there for now, until she finds her own place.” Rachael looking over at Lilly sitting in front of the fireplace.

Rob face lit up with a smiled on his face. “That will be great idea for her.” Rob whisper to Rachael looking over at Lilly sitting on the couch looking at the fireplace with fear in her eyes

Rachael was about to say something to Lilly, when aloud voice from upstairs called down from the walkway. “Don’t hurt Lilly!...Don’t called the cops on Lilly!” Rose came flying downstairs, and running up her parents. “Please don’t hurt Lilly! Lilly did not mean to trespassing into the area. Lilly was look for a place to that cover for a bit from the rainstorm in April. Please don’t called the cops on my friend.” Rose telling her parents with a panic in her voice, and telling how Lilly ended up in that one cabin.

Lilly heard Rose yelling at her parents, Lilly stood up from the couch in front of the fireplace, turn around to Rose and her family, and walks up to them. Lilly smiled at Rose, and chuckled at the way Rose was acting in front of her parents. “Rose, your parents was not going to the cops on me. They offer me a job here behind the front desk, and trying to finger out were I can stay for a while.” Lilly told Rose with a smiled on her face. Lilly putting her hands on Rose shoulders, looking into Rose eyes, and say to Rose nicely, “You got the cools parents ever, don’t let anything happen to them. You love them very much.” Lilly letting go of Rose shoulders, and looking at Rachael and Rob. “I overheard you two saying that there an extra room upstairs that empty. I will like to stay there if I may?” Lilly spoke to Rachael, and Rob standing beside Rose.

Rachael walking closer to Lilly, and saying to Lilly with the nicest voice, “You can stay here as long as you can. We will love you stay here with the family to help us out with the front desk stuff.” Rachael taking Lilly right hand in both of her hands, and ask Lilly a question, “Where are you from? How long have you been traveling town to town?” Rachael letting go of Lilly right hand, and took a step back from Lilly.

Lilly stood there in front of the family with a scare look on her face. Lilly did not with to tell Rose family anything about herself that might scare them, and she could be out of a job before it starts or worse in jail. Lilly keep her mouth shut to protect herself, her own safely, from being in more trouble with the family. Lilly turn to the hug window wall over looking the river and trees, walking up to the window, and stood there staring out the window with an upset look on her face. Lilly tears started to fall from her eyes, rolling down her face, and hitting the floor in front of her.

Rose watching the way Lilly body moving. Rose looks over at Rachael, and whisper to Rachael still looking at Lilly in front of the window. “I think Lilly does not want to talk about her life. Lilly never told me very much about herself. The only thing I know that Lilly travel town to town looking for jobs and a place to live. Lilly never told me very much about her life, maybe Lilly life was not that good to tell any one without getting upset.” Rose keep her eyes on Lilly still looking out the window at the trees moving in the wind, and the river flowing in the distance.

Rachael looking over at Lilly in front of the window, and whisper back to Rose, “I think your right about that. Lilly could have a rough life, which she not ready to tell anyone about it yet. I think we should give Lilly sometime to calm down and force. Maybe Lilly will tell us later on tonight, but lets get her upstairs so she can setter into her our room.” Rachael turn her attention back to Lilly, and walking up to Lilly in front of the window. Rachael spoke to Lilly sweetly, “Hey I have an idea. Why don’t you come upstairs to your new room, freshen up a bit more in the bathroom, and rest up a bit before suppertime.”

Lilly turn her head to Rachael, Lilly looking at Rachael in the eyes, and say to Rachael nicely, “I would like to do that now, and maybe after supper I can tell a little more about myself.” Lilly had a little smiled on her face.

Rachael show Lilly where Lilly is going to stay upstairs beside Rose room. Lilly walking up the stairs following Rachael, and Rose following behind Lilly. Lilly looks over the railing of the walkway down to the main floor, and surprise how high the walkway was from the ground. Rachael opened the fourth bedroom door for Lilly. “Here you go Lilly. Your own bedroom with own bathroom. If you got any problems you can go to anyone in any of the bedrooms, and we can help you.” Rachael told Lilly walking into the bedroom, and stood by the door. “I will bring up some sheets, blankest, and pillows for you.”

Lilly walks though the bedroom door, and looking around the room at everything. Lilly looks at Rachael, and say when she heard what Rachael was going get for her. “No, you do not need to do that for me. I will fine what nothing on the bed.”

Rachael walks up to Lilly, and say nicely, “Your part of this team now, and I do not mind helping out someone need. In addition, you will sleep so much better with covers and pillows on the bed. Now go freshen up yourself, and supper with be ready in an hour that will give you effect time to clean yourself more.” Rachael turn to Rose, who was standing by the doorway watching her mom and Lilly talking. “Come on Rose lets go back downstairs and start making supper for everyone, and lets leave Lilly alone to rest up and clean up.” Rachael and Rose left the bedroom closing the door behind them.

Lilly throw her backpack onto the double size bed, walk to the bathroom to wash up more for supper, and try to rest on the bed before supper. Lilly was washing her face with a face cloth that was in the bathroom already. When Lilly stomach started to be a little bit in pain, and Lilly look at herself in the mirror over the bathroom sink. Lilly looking at her white pale face, puff-black eyes, and her own body that was so thin that some of the bones starting to show. Lilly shook her head at herself, and finish up in the bathroom. Lilly walks over to the bed, sat down on the left side edge, and thinking on what just happen to her downstairs. “Wow. They are so nice to give me a job, and a place to stay for a bit. I hope they don’t fire me in a short time, I need this job to save you my love.” Lilly lower her head to the floor, and started to cry as tears hitting the floor.
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Wow that is so nice that Rose family did not call the cops on Lilly. Plus giving Lilly a job at the Resport, and a place to live for a bit.

*Who is Lilly talking about? Who is Lilly saving, and where?

*How will Rose understand the turth about Lilly past life?

All the questions will be answer in the next part.