New Chances!

Lilly Pasts!

Lilly laying on the bed, when Rose came back upstairs with covers and pillows for the bed. Lilly heard someone knocking on the bedroom door, Lilly got off the bed, walks to the door, and opened the door to see Rose with stuff in her arms. “Hey Rose, come inside?” Lilly say to Rose stepping off to the side to let Rose into the room.

Rose enter the bedroom with pillows, sheets, and blankest for Lilly bed. Rose walks over to the bed, and set the stuff down on the bed for Lilly. Rose started to make the bed for Lilly, and Lilly join in helping Rose making the bed. Rose pulling up a sheet up to the head of the bed, when she ask Lilly at question. “I told you about me. Now what about you Lilly? Are you going to tell me about yourself? What about your past?”

Lilly pulling up a sheet to the head of the bed lowering hear head looking down at the sheet, Lilly say to Rose, “Rose there something’s in my past that I do not want to tell you, but…” Lilly raised her head to Rose. “After supper I will tell your family and you more about me.” Lilly helping Rose finishing making the bed.

Rose looks at Lilly with a blank look on her face, “Your like a book, not know what you will get.” Rose say to Lilly, standing on the other side of the bed just staring at Lilly on the other side. Just then, Rose heard her mother calling everyone downstairs for supper. Rose looks at Lilly, and say nicely “It is supper time now. We better hurry or we will late, and there will be nothing left to eat once Richer and Rob get a hold of the food first.” Rose walking to the bedroom with Lilly behind Rose heading downstairs to have supper with the rest of them.

Rose arrive with Lilly behind her up to the table. Rose sat down at the table on one of the benches. Lilly stood a little afraid what to do next that could hurt the new friendship she just got with Rose family.

Rachael walk into the area with a big bowl of mashed potato’s in her hands. Rachael put the bowel on the table, looking up at Lilly standing by the table, and spoke to Lilly nicely. “Why don’t you sit next to Rose, and have some supper with us. After we can sit around the fireplace on the couches, and you can tell us a little more about yourself Lilly.” Rachael sitting down beside her hubby at the table.

Lilly sat down on the bench beside Rose, and looking at all the food on the table. “Everything looks great Rachael. Thank-you for having me here for a while.” Lilly say to Rachael looking at the food on the table, and thinking how her stomach will take all of the food.

Rob and Richer started to dishing up their plates with big amounts of food. Rachael and Mellissa slap the boys hands, and Rachael say to them, “You wait until Lilly and the rest of us are done plating our plates with food before you two starts.” Rachael looking Rob in the face. Rob and Richer put their plates down on the table, and had to wait until everyon done getting what they wanted to eat.

Lilly took very little food to eat. Sarah looks over at Lilly plate, and say to Lilly nicely. “You can take more to eat if you like there effect to go around.”

Lilly looks over at Sarah, and nicely say to Sarah. “Thank-you, but I think my stomach would not take so much food at once, but maybe later I will have some more food. Thanks for your help.” Lilly started to eat the little bit of food on her plate, without saying anything else to anyone around the table.

Supper went very well, everyone ate all their food. Lilly slowly work on her plate of food being careful about her stomach not feeling well effect to eat all of her food on her plate. Rose watch Lilly eating slowly her food, and whisper to Lilly, “Are you feeling alright? Your not eating very much.”

Lilly whisper to Rose, “I trying not to eat to fast, because I don’t eat very much when I am on the road. I’m just taking it easy so I don’t get sick.” Lilly went back eating her food with her stomach starting to be in pain, but Lilly took it easy with the food, and slowly finish eating her supper.

After supper Rachael, Mellissa, Sarah, and Rose started cleaning up the supper dishes. Lilly watch them working in the kitchen area, and ask nicely, “Do you want me to help?” Lilly stood by the kitchen doorway watching Rose and Sarah washing the dishes, and Rachael and Mellissa putting the leftovers away in some containers. Rachelle looks at Lilly, and say nicely “I don’t think we need any help out now. Thanks for asking if we need any help.” Rachael putting the containers into the fringe.

“Okay then. I will be the fireplace if you need me with anything.” Lilly say to Rachael, walking away to the fireplace slowly.

Lilly walk over to the fireplace area, and sat down in the middle of the couch in front of the fireplace. Lilly watch Rob started a fire in the fireplace, Lilly can smell the burning wood smell filling the build, and the warmth of the fire on her body. Lilly sat there quietly hoping no one will ask her anymore question about her life. Lilly put her arms around herself, and held herself tight with fear in her eyes.

Rob looks over at Lilly on the couch, and ask nicely Lilly, “Hey Lilly, are you cold? Because I can get you a blankest that you can wrap in to keep warm, if you want to.”

Lilly looking up at Rob, and say kindly to Rob, “No, I’m okay. It’s just I was thinking about something that scare me that all.” Lilly letting go of herself, and putting her arms down on her lap.

Rachael, Mellissa, Sarah, and Rose came into the fireplace area with some snacks and drinks for everyone. “Okay everyone grab a sit, and we can have a fun time here with our new friend Lilly.” Rachael say to everyone putting the stuff on the coffee table, sitting down on the right side of the couch be side Rob. Mellissa sat down be side Richer on the left side of the couch with Kristy in Mellissa arms playing with her toy. Sarah sat down on the floor with Rose beside her, their backs to the fireplace and across the coffee table.

Rose looking across to Lilly, and say to Lilly. “Okay now you have to tell us more about you, and don’t worry we can take anything.”

Lilly took a deep breath, and slowly let the breath out. Lilly trying hard not to be scare to tell her new friends about herself. Lilly slowly telling her friends about her life. “I born into a lovely family with a pretty mommy, and funny daddy, they love me so much. My daddy help me ride my first two-wheel bicycle at four-year-old, and it did not matter how many times I fell. My daddy pick me up from the ground, brush the dirt off me, and help me get back onto the bicycle. My mommy teach me how to cook some yummy food, and how to draw some pretty pictures. They teach me how to be nice to people no-matter-what-or-who they are. My parents teach also to help those who don’t have very much, because in the long run they will help you when you need the help.” Lilly sat there on the couch a little upset at the thought of her parents being around, and how when she end up on the streets they people who her and her parents help her out very much.

“My daddy was a very busies man, who work for a big company. He was busy with work at home, but always find sometime to hang-out with me for an hour every night, but when he was away on business trips he well call every night to say goodnight to me. I remember we were having a tea party in the living room, and his boss show up at our house. It was funny to see the look on his boss face when he saw daddy dress-up and having tea with me. Lucky his boss had a little girl too. Understand what it was like with children. I miss him very much. When I was eight-year-old, my daddy was killed in a car cash by some drunk drive coming home from a business trip. I remember waking up to the doorbell ring, I climb out of bed, and whet downstairs to see what wrong. I was sitting on the stairs, halfway up the stairs, looking down at the police officer telling my mommy what happen to my daddy. I saw my mommy fell to the floor onto her knees crying, I heard what the police man say to my mommy, and I started to cry that I ran the rest away downstairs into my mommy arms crying. It was sad for our family to lost someone that we love very much so quickly.” Lilly started to tear up the memory of losing her daddy at a young age.

Lilly re-force herself and carry on talking, “For a few years it was mommy and I alone. Until she met someone when I was 12-year-old. He was nice man, who like me a lot, and love my mommy very much. They date for a long time, they love each other very much, then a year later, when I was 13-year-old, he move into our house. It was fun having a male finger in the house helping when I need it, and love me too very much. Until things started going wrong, it started out small and move up to frightfulness, my mommy and her boyfriend started to argue at each other every night then the hitting started. I will wake up every morning to see my mommy with mask on her body from him. He started to drinking and doing drugs badly, and took his angry out on my mommy. One year at the age of 14, I remember waking up to them arguing again. I put my head under the pillow, hoping that they will stop, and try to get back to sleep. This night was different then any other nights, it was more violence and arguing between them. Then everything whet silent quickly, I slowly got out of my bed, and slowly sneak out of my room downstairs. There in the living room laying on the floor was my mommy body in a pool of her own blood, he kill her right there. I was scare that he could come after me next, he look up at me with those killer eyes, I quickly ran the downstairs, and out the back door to the backyard. I grabbing my stuff that I had it behind the trees in the yard, open the back gate, and ran down the back alley as fast as can. The only thing I can hear are the sounds of the police cars speeding up to the house. I turn the corner at the end of the alley way, started walking slowly down the street, passing my old street, and stopping to watch the cops bring out the person and my mommy body cover with a white sheet. I watch the cops load my mommy body up in a back of a van, and drove away coming closer to me. I stood on the sidewalk with my backpack in my back as I watch the van drive away. I saw the cop car driving pass me to the cop place with the person in the back of the car. I watch people coming together in the middle of the street talking about what happen, and on a few things. I just carry on walking down the street.” Lilly trying hard not to get upset in front of her new friends, and hoping what she was telling them is not scaring Rose.

Rose look at Lilly with a shocking look on her face. “You were my age, when you end up on the streets. Why did you not stay to go to an orphan village?” Rose ask Lilly trying to calm down at the shock she just got from what Lilly told everyone.

“Because when I was your age there was no orphan village in my old town were I can go to.” Lilly told Rose straight out about where Lilly use to live.

“How old are you, Lilly?” Sarah ask Lilly looking up at Lilly from the floor.

“I am 25-year-old.” Lilly told Sarah how old she is, and looking at Sarah sitting on the floor.

Sarah looking up at Lilly with a shock look on her face. “Wow you been on the street for 11 years on your own. Lilly, you are a very brave woman to been on the streets that long by yourself.”

Lilly looks down at Sarah, and told Sarah straight out the rest of her story. “I was alone for a few good months, the people my mommy and I help out with, they help me with my needs. I found new friends and kind-of a new family on the street. For years I fellow in a group of homeless people trying to find a jobs in the town, and a place to sleep every night. When I was 18-year-old I met a new friend from a different town, who nice to our group, and help the people in our group find a good working job to get money in different towns. I was the only one left in the group who did not have a god working job or money. I thought I will be alone forever, but he came up to me, and ask if I want to travel with him town to town find a job and helping people like us with jobs and homes. I started to travel with my new friend town to town, and we came closer then you can image. Our friendship grow into something wonderful, we started to fall in love with each other, and new wonderful things started to happen with us. It was like we did not care that we were homeless, we had each other to keep us warm. Six months ago we got marry, a pastor in the last town we were at secret marry us. The pastor wife gave me a white wedding dress to wear, and pastor gave my new hubby a tuxedo to wear. We got marry in the small church with a few good friends we met in that town, and the wedding was wondering. Our new friends pay for everything, and for one day, we did not have to worry about being poor. I wish I turn back time, and do that day over and over again.” Lilly remember her wedding day, that for one day she was not poor, and felt like a princess.

“What is your hubby name? Where he is not with you now?” Rachael ask Lilly looking over at Lilly on the couch.

Lilly started to stumble a bit on the question that Rachael ask her. “My hubby name is Andrew, and the truth is he in jail on crimes that he did not do.” Lilly started to cry loudly, covering her face in her hands.

Rachael move closer to Lilly, and putting her right arm around Lilly shoulders. “You can us what happen to Andrew.” Rachawl told Lilly kindly in her arms.

Lilly left up her face to Rachael, wiping a tear away from her face with her hands, and calmly told Rachael what happen to her hubby. “We were in a town a few months ago looking for any jobs we can find. One night we were sleeping in a back alley back a store in a box, with a few homeless people in the area too. We were sleeping away with the rain coming down on top of our legs, but we were warm in each other arms. When some cops shine their flashlight into our box, and called Andrew out of the box. Andrew exit the box slowly wondering what going on. Why was the cop here? Why Andrew being called out? Once Andrew got to his feet, the cops handcuff his hands behind his back, and read out his changes. Andrew try to tell the cops that he did not do the crimes. The cops did not care they drag Andrew away into the cop car. I trying to stop the cops not to take Andrew away from me, and that he did not do the crimes. The cops rudely told me ‘That I should stay out this, and that I have no right telling them how to do their jobs.’ I watched Andrew getting into the cop car, and called out to me ‘Keep on going my sweetheart. I will be fine. I will find you again once I am out of jail. I will always love you from the bottom of my heart.’ Those was Andrew last words he say to me, as the back door of the cop car closed, and the cops drove away with Andrew in the back of the car. I fell to my knees crying with rain coming pouring down hard. I got to my feet, whet back to the box, and try to sleep the rest of the night, it was a cold night with no one there to keep me warm.”

Rachael look at Lilly, and ask a couple questions that shock everyone in the room. “Did you go see Andrew in jail? Also what was the crimes that Andrew did not do?”

Lilly nodded her head at Rachael, and say with an upset voice. “I even went to the court house, and watch the trail. I told Andrew lawyer to put me in as a witness, that I will tell the truth about Andrew. The crimes that Andrew was change for was murder and robbery at a gas store. I know that it was wrong that Andrew was change on crimes that he did not do, he was with me all the time. So how can Andrew do that stuff with not me knowing first, plus he a nice person that would not hurt anyone around him. I beg Andrew lawyer to let me be in the trail, but the other side lawyer did not let Andrew lawyer use me as a witness on the stand. I watch the jury gave out their saying to Andrew freedom or not. They say guilty, my heart broken in pieces, and I felt so alone without Andrew beside me. I was at lest was aloud to give Andrew one last hug and kiss, by asking the judge first if it was okay to do that. The judge let Andrew hug and kiss me on the lips one last time before going to jail. I heard Andrew whisper in my right ear ‘I will always love you from the bottom of my heart. Stay strong for me, and I will find you when I come out of jail. Keep on traveling for the both of us.’ I watch Andrew being taking out of the courtroom. The judge looks at me, and say to me nicely ‘He one lucky man to have a girl like me. That love him so much.’ I turn to the judge, and sadly say to the judge ‘He did not do the crimes. He well never hurt anyone, unless they were hurting us first. I know Andrew to will to know.’ I walks out of the courtroom, and out of the build care on looking for a job. It was hard without Andrew beside me, we did not do anything without each other.” Lilly trying hard not to cry again in front her friends, but a tear ran down her right cheek.

Mellissa looking at Richer what a strange look on her face, and ask Richer a question. “Rich, you work with the police in our town, and there was that murder and robbery a few months ago in the gas store. Did you tell me about a few buddy of your working on that case?”

Richer look at Mellissa with a wide-eyes, and quickly say to Mellissa. “I remember tell you that, and they catch the guy that did it.” Richer thought for a moment, and it hit Richer like a bullet. “My buddy throw a person that did not do the crimes in jail without know the truth. Man, I feel so stupid Mellissa. I was there at the courthouse watching the trail, and not once the lawyer on the other side ask for Andrew or Lilly to come to the stand to tell the truth. Andrew lawyer was trying to get Andrew and Lilly up there to the stand, but it was too late. I remember Lilly hugging and kissing Andrew before we took him away to jail. Man I feel so dirt now.” Richer smashing his hands on his head, and felt so horrible about everything.

“It is okay Richer, you did not know at the time that Andrew did not do the crimes. I saw very little evidences to change Andrew with the crimes. The only thing they had was the tape from the back of the store that record the murder and robbery. That was it, and the other lawyer telling the judge and jury that Andrew was the one who did it. Well first off, we were not around at the time of the crimes, we were talking to someone about cutting their grass for them. Yeah we were there early on in the day to use the washrooms, and grabbing some food, that we pay for the food. Andrew was telling to the sale person to see if we can do anything for him around the store. The person told us to come back the next day, and something we can do for him. That night when we were sleeping the cops came to us, and drag Andrew away from me.” Lilly told Richer calmly, put her right hand on her stomach, and smiled down at her stomach.

Mellissa looks over at Lilly at with Lilly was doing, and ask a question that Lilly quickly answer. “Are you pregnant?”

Lilly looks at Mellissa with a stun look on her face, Lilly move her right hand away from her stomach, took a deep breath though her nose, and let the breath out though her mouth. Lilly slowly and softly say to Mellissa, “Yes, four month along today.” Lilly lower her head to the floor, and trying not the think about what might happen next to her. Lilly was afraid that she could be kick off the area, and back on the highway traveling to the next town.
♠ ♠ ♠
Will sorry it took so long to put online, but I finnally finish typing this part.

I know it is a long part, but there a lot of stuff to put in.

Lilly life has been rough from a young age to a young woman. Losing her parents at a young age, ended up homeless, and having her hubby in jail.

There some good things that came out of this, Lilly was never alone on the street, she found love, got marry to Andrew, and now she pregnant with Andrew child.

What might happen next?

Read on to find out.

Will Andrew get out of jail or not?

How will Lilly sickness effect to baby?

Will Rose stay friends will Lilly no matter what happens?

Only a few questions to think on.