New Chances!


Everyone sat there in their spots with a wide-eye, drop mouth in shock. Lilly just keep for head lower to the floor, thinking what could happen next to her and her unborn child? Lilly spoke in a whisper to Mellissa, “How did you know that I am pregnant?” Lilly did not looks up at Mellissa for one second.

Mellissa looks at the back of Lilly head, and spoke kindly to Lilly, “I know that you are pregnant, because I work as a midwife in a birth centre in town. So I seen a lot of pregnant women coming in everyday for check-ups or to give birth to their babies. What gave it away that you were pregnant, that you put your right hand down on your stomach, and smiled down.” Mellissa putting her right hand on Lilly back, and started to rubbing Lilly back in circles.

Lilly keep her lower, putting her hands on the side of her head though her long hair, and trying to think. “You are proudly wondering if Andrew knows that I am pregnant?…. The answer is yes he knows, a couple months ago. When I visit Andrew in jail, I waited in the visiting area behind a glass wall. I watch the cops leaded Andrew into the visiting area, and up to my area. We both pick up the phones on the side wall, and started to talk to each other. It started out small talking then up to when I told him that I was pregnant with his child. Andrew was surprise and shock at the same time, and he could not hardy speak to me for a few minutes. I know that he wanted to be a father, but not from jail. Andrew could not believe that I will be going though a whole pregnancy and proudly childbirth without him, or worse raising our child by myself.” Lilly started to weep with tears falling to the floor.

Mellissa keep on rubbing Lilly back with her right hand, and ask a question to Lilly. “Lilly, how did you find out that you were pregnant?”

Lilly raised her head up to Mellissa, wrap the tears away from her eyes, took a deep breath, letting out the breath, and told Mellissa. “One night during the winter months was too cold to stay outside over night, two months ago, so I whet to the women shelter downtown. The only way I could stay for a bit is to have the female doctor check me over for any STDs. I waited for the doctor seem like forever for the test papers to come back. I waited in that small room for a long time, and once the doctor came back with the test papers in her hands. She told me that I can stay for a while, that I have no STDs, but what she said next to me that got me scared and surprise. She told me that I was two months pregnant. I sat there on the examine table in shock that I was pregnant with Andrew child. I could not believe it that I was going to be a new mother.”

Rachael looking over at Lilly, and ask Lilly a question that catch Lilly attraction. “So why did you not stay at the women shelter in town? Plus what about the vitamins for the baby?”

Lilly looking over at Rachael with a blank look on her face, and slowly spoke to Rachael. “I did not want to stay, even if the doctor wanted me to stay to have the care for myself and the baby. I did not want to be around the other women in that shelter, even if the ones in my room was nice to me. So I decide to carry on with what Andrew and I started to do, no matter what. The doctor gave me effect of the vitamins for the baby to last until the birth, a baby book about everything about pregnancy right up to childbirth and raising a new baby, and a birthing kit just in case I am on my own somewhere. So I am okay for now, but please don’t let my pregnancy get in the way of my having this job. I really need this job, and this place to stay for a while. Please don’t kick me back out on the highway.” Lilly begging Rachael to stay and keeping her new job at the resort.

Rachael looks over at Rob, and whisper in Rob left ear a few words. Rob agree with Rachael terms for Lilly. Rachael nodded her head to Rob with a smiled on her face. Rachael turn her attraction back to Lilly, and say to Lilly nicely. “Lilly… You don’t need to worry about a thing. We are not letting your pregnancy with Andrew child get in the way of your job. Rob and I was thinking that it is the perfect job for you, beside Mellissa has Kristy to take care of right now. So Mellissa will be busy with her child, and we need the help big time coming up here soon. So we are not going to fired you, because your pregnant. There no way you will be fired from this job, your part of the team, and this team stick together no matter what happens to us.” Rachael gave Lilly a hug, and comfort Lilly in her arms. “You will alright. We would not let anything happen to you. Your safe now with us.” Rachael whisper to Lilly.

Lilly nodded her head to Rachael, moved out of Rachael arms, and sat there on the couch for a few minutes. Lilly stomach started to hurt more in pain. Lilly try not like the pain be showed around her new friends, Lilly stood up form the couch, and say to her new friends. “I am very tried now. I think I will go to bed now. I will see you all of you in the morning.” Lilly walking to the stairs, and upstairs to her bedroom.

Rose watch Lilly walking away from the couch and the staircase, and up to her bedroom. Rose looking at her family, and say to them, “I think there something else that Lilly has that she not telling us or she does not know about, beside that Lilly is pregnant.” Rose watch Lilly opening the bedroom door, and entering inside the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

Mellissa looking at Rose for a minute, then say to Rose, “Lilly proudly so dozing now from all the traveling she proudly been doing, and hiding from us in the cabin. Lilly does look a little pale, and very thin for someone who is four months ago in her pregnancy. I can take Lilly to the doctor later if Lilly wants to go, but Lilly should go to the doctor just in case something is wrong with Lilly or the baby.”

Rose looking at Mellissa with a worry look in her face, and say to Mellissa, “I do worry about Lilly a lot, even if I knowing Lilly for a short time I do worry about Lilly. Please help Lilly with if there any problems, I don’t want Lilly being sick forever of worse dieing. I want to be Lilly good friend to us, and I want Lilly to stay with us for along time. Please Mellissa help Lilly get better for her child life and her our life too.” Rose sat there on the floor quiet for a moment. Rose raise to her feet, and slowly walking away from her family upstairs to her bedroom.

Before Rose could leave the hangout room Mellissa stopping Rose behind her. Mellissa turn around in her spot, and told Rose, “I can try my best to help Lilly, but it is up to Lilly if she wants the help or not. I can try my hardest to help Lilly, that all I can do for now. Let at lest let Lilly sleep the rest of the night, and in the morning I will deal with Lilly. So go to bed, and don’t worry about Lilly. Lilly will be fine.” Mellissa smiled at Rose.

Rose nodded her head to what Mellissa was telling her that she should not worry about Lilly right now. Rose spoke to everyone in the room. “Goodnight everyone, see you in the morning.” Rose walking up the stairs, and walking to her bedroom.

“Goodnight Rose.” everyone called out from their spots. Rose opened her bedroom door, and enter inside her room.

Lilly trying to ease the pain in her stomach. Lilly lay on her bed on her right side, rubbing her stomach with her hands, and trying not to scream loudly for everyone to hear her from downstairs. Tears of pain fill Lilly eyes, rolling down her face, and onto the cover of the bed. Lilly try to move a bit to ease the pain more, but every time she move the pain in her stomach got stronger. Lilly lay on the bed for a long time, listening to everyone else going to their rooms for bedtime. Lilly felt very wrong about all that going on with her, and that she can try to get some sleep in her new room.

After a half an hour later, the pain ease off to none thing, and Lilly could move more without the pain hitting her stomach. Lilly sat up in the bed, putting her feet down onto the floor, and slowly standing up from the bed. Lilly slowly walk to the bathroom to freshen up more before going to sleep. Lilly ran a tub full of warm water, got undress, and step into the tub full of water. Lilly lay back in the tub having the water all over her body. Lilly dip her head under the water to wash her hair. Lilly trying to relax in the tub, but the pain in her stomach keep on coming back. Lilly wash herself in the tub, finishing up in a few minutes, and got out of the tub. Lilly dry herself off with a towel, when a gross feeling came over Lilly. Lilly felt so sick to her stomach that she throw-up in the toilet, Lilly look down for a moment, and saw blood again. Lilly thought to herself, “Why am I throwing-up blood every time? I am that sick? What about the baby? How the baby taking all of this throwing-up blood?…. Andrew, I wish you were here with me.” Lilly started to sobbing at the end. Lilly flush the toilet, got dress back into her only clothes, and went to bed.

Though out the night Lilly toss and turn all night. Lilly trying to get some sleep, but with the pain in her stomach Lilly could not sleep at all. Lilly spend most of the night sitting up in her bed, looking out the window behind her bed at the moonlight coming into the her room. Lilly try to keep herself calm effect to relax, and not to scream. After a long night, Lilly finally fell asleep very early in the morning, once the pain ease away for good. Lilly lay down on top of the covers, and sleeping away.

In the morning, around eight o’clock in the morning, there was a small knocking at Lilly bedroom door. Lilly quickly rise her head up from the pillow, looking at the bedroom door, and ask loudly effect for whoever on the other side of the door can hear. “Who is it?” Lilly rub the sleepiness out of her eyes with her hands.

A small voice spoke on the other side of the door, “Lilly. It is me, Rose. My mom ask me to come, and get you for breakfast, that downstairs.” Rose stood outside the bedroom door.

Lilly slowly got off the bed with a few pain shocks hitting her, walking up to the door, and opening the bedroom door. Lilly saw Rose standing there in her jeans, and a t-shirt looking back at Lilly. “Hey Rose, how was your night?” Lilly ask Rose in a sleepily voice.

“It was good, and you? How did you sleep?” Rose ask Lilly looking around Lilly body at the bed, that still looking like it was still made from yesterday. “Lilly did you sleep in the bed or on the floor?”

Lilly looking at Rose for a second, and told Rose. “I did sleep in the bed, and I did have a goodnight sleep.” Lilly trying not let Rose know that she spent most of the night in pain.

“Then way is the bed still look so nicely made from yesterday?” Rose still asking questions to Lilly about the way the bed was looking.

Lilly told Rose about the bed, “Rose… I am so use to not sleeping without covers or very little. I did not want to mess up the bed, because of that. I will try to sleep under the covers tonight.” Lilly can smell something good coming from downstairs in the kitchen. “MMMM… Something smell so good from downstairs.” Lilly smelling the air with her nose.

“Yeah, mom making some waffles, scramble eggs, and bacon for breakfast. Come on we need to go, and get some food before there nothing left to eat.” Rose told to Lilly walking to the stairs with Lilly behind her.

Lilly and Rose walks down the stairs, and up to the table that was set for breakfast with the food and drinks, plates, glass, cups, and silverware. Lilly walks up to the table, looking over the food on the table, and sat down on the bench beside Rose. Lilly help herself to some of the food, and a glass of water. Lilly sat there eating her food, when Sarah looks over Lilly clothes, and ask Lilly a question. “Lilly is that your only clothes you got?”

Lilly shallow her food in her mouth, and say nicely to Sarah. “Yes, they are my only clothes I have, but I do got a few pairs of underwear.” Lilly went back eating her food on her plate.

Sarah lend over to Mellissa beside her on the right side, whisper something in Mellissa right ear, and told the same thing to her mom. Both ladies agree what Sarah told them, then Sarah looks over at Lilly, and say to Lilly with a smile on her face. “Lilly, us ladies agree with each other that we should take you shopping for some new clothes, after your appointment at the Birth Center.”

Lilly finish all of food on her plate, and looks at Sarah with a puzzling look on her face. “Sarah, I will love that, but I don’t have any money to get some new clothes. Plus what do you mean I have appointment at the Birth Center for what?” Lilly was confused at what Sarah told her.

Mellissa looks at Lilly, and told Lilly what going on. “I set appointment at the center were I work at, to see how everything going with the baby and you. Plus don’t worry about money, mom say we were aloud to use some of our money on you for new clothes.”

Rachael looks at Lilly, and say nicely, “We don’t want you looking like that for you job, beside it is only a few pairs of clothes for you and the baby.” Rachael smiled at Lilly.

Lilly nodded her head in agreement with Rachael, looking over at Rose, and ask “So are you coming along for this trip to town?” Lilly smiled at Rose.

“Of course I am. I want to be with you shopping, and at your appointment at the Birth Center.” Rose told Lilly with a smiled on her face.

Lilly lower her head for a moment with fear all over her body. Mellissa got up from the her seat, walking over to Lilly, and knelt down beside Lilly. “Lilly, it is all right to be scared about this, but we are worry about you and the baby health. We do not want any problems happening to you or the baby. Beside I will beside you though the whole appointment, and I know the people that work there pretty good. So your in good hands with them, any questions you have you can ask them.” Mellissa told Lilly, then looking at the clock on the wall over the front desk. “We need to get going, your appointment is in an hour. I want to stop somewhere before your appointment Lilly.” Mellissa got off the floor, grab a pail of plates, and headed to the kitchen. Lilly help clean up along with Sarah, Rose, and Rachael.

Mellissa, Sarah, Rose, and Lilly left the building around ten o’clock in the morning. “Shotgun.” Sarah yelled heading to the car.

“That not fair, Sarah. You always get shotgun.” Rose wined behind Sarah, walking to the car.

Lilly fellow behind Rose slowly with a worry look on her face. Mellissa stood by the driver side of the car, watching Sarah and Rose fight over who going to sit up front of the car. Mellissa yelled at Sarah, and Rose. “Girls!…. Girls!” Rose and Sarah stop fighting, and stared at Mellissa with a shock look on your faces. “Lets let Lilly sit up front, and you two in the back.” Mellissa explain to Rose and Sarah. Mellissa enter the driver side of the car, and started the car up. Rose and Sarah sat down in the back of the car, and Lilly sat down in the passenger side of the car still worry. Mellissa back the car out of the parking spot, drive out of the resort area, and onto the highway to town.

Driving along the highway, Lilly looks out of the passenger window at the scenery passing by, and a memory came to her about the night of the storm. Lilly could remember walking along the highway as vehicles passing by her without stopping. The rain pouring down on her, getting her all wet. Finding the resort place, and the cabin that she stay in for a while. Lilly shiver a bit at the thought.

Mellissa looks over at Lilly for a bit, and ask nicely. “What on your mind?” Mellissa drove along the highway, watching where she was going.

Lilly sigh, and looks at Mellissa. “I was thinking about the time of the storm. I walk along this highway from the town, being all wet, and finding the cabin on your parents land. Now I am going back to the town.” Lilly lower her head looking down at the floor of the car, and slowly say to Mellissa. “Andrew is in the jail here, and if we can I want to visit him few a bit, please.” Lilly went back looking out the car window.

Mellissa sigh a bit, then say to Lilly to cheer Lilly up. “We can let you go see Andrew, but we are all going with you. So we can see Andrew for ourselves. Will that be okay then?” Mellissa ask Lilly drove into town.

Lilly nodded her head at Mellissa, and say “Sure, but Rose might get scared in there. It is not a place for little girls.”

Rose ears lift up to what Lilly was saying, and say proudly, “I am not a little girl, and I am not scared to go see what inside a jail.” Rose sat back in her spot, crossing her arms in front of her body.

Mellissa and Sarah laugh at Rose, but Lilly sat in her seat scare-worry looking. What will her life be without Andrew beside her? Will there be another trail for Andrew if new clues come up? Lilly sat there in the passenger seat looking out the window at the town sign pass-by quickly. Lilly sigh at the town in sight, and worry thoughts came to Lilly mind.
♠ ♠ ♠
So what is your thoughts on the story so far?

Will Lilly be alright?

Will Andrew be in jail forever?

What about the baby?

Read on.