New Chances!

The Check-up and Shopping!

Mellissa drove along the highway into town, and downtown to the Birthing Center just off of Main street. Mellissa pull into a parking space beside the large build, and look over at Lilly in the passenger seat. “Hey Lilly. Don’t worry about a thing I know these people, and they will take of you and the baby.” Mellissa say calmly to Lilly.

Lilly just took a deep breath, nodded her head to Mellissa, and opening the passenger door. Mellissa, Sarah, and Rose exit the car, stood by the car for a few minutes, and Sarah and Mellissa started to walking to the front door.

Lilly stood by the car for a bit looking down at the ground, and sigh at herself. Lilly just feel like running away from all of this, but Rose look up at Lilly, and say nicely. “Lilly, are you okay?”

Lilly look down at Rose, and say quietly, “Yeah, I am okay. I was thinking on a few things. Don’t worry about me Rose, I will be fine.” In the back of Lilly mind two words came to her, “I hope.”

Rose grab Lilly right hand, and lead Lilly to the front door were Mellissa and Sarah was waiting. Mellissa looks at Lilly, and ask nicely. “Are you ready for this?” Mellissa look at Lilly in the face.

Lilly sigh at Mellissa, and say worry like. “Yes.”

“Good.” Mellissa open the front door of the center, and Lilly walks inside first follow by Mellissa, Sarah, and Rose.

Once inside Lilly eyes whet wide, and her mouth drop at how homely the center look. The warm colors on the walls, the living plants around the front deck, the comfortable chairs in the waiting room, and a large fish tank along one wall with many different fishes swimming around. Lilly just sat down in one of the chairs as Mellissa walk up to the front des, and Rose and Sarah sat down beside Lilly. They where the only ones there.

Mellissa walks up to the front desk, looks at the young woman behind the desk. The young woman looks up from the computer, and saw Mellissa standing there. “Mellissa, how is it going?” the young woman ask Mellissa.

“Pretty good Jess. I am here for the appointment I set up for my friend over there.” Mellissa told Jess, and pointing over her left shoulder at Lilly sitting in one of the chairs scare looking.

Jess stood up from her chair, looking at Lilly beside Sarah and Lilly, and whisper to Mellissa, trying not to ruin to Mellissa. “Mellissa, do you know that she is a poor people?”

Mellissa looks at Jess, and whisper back to Jess trying to be nice, “Yeah I knew, and she going work for my family this year for me. Beside I am worry about her and the baby health, she have not been eating very much to have the strength to carry the baby or to giving birth to the baby later on. That way she here to see if everything is okay.” Mellissa turn around to the rest of them, walking up to a chair beside Rose, and sat down in the chair to wait for the doctor.

Lilly putting her hands together, and move them around worry about what could happen. Rose looks over at Lilly, seeing Lilly’s hands moving around in circles, Rose looks over at Mellissa, and whisper to Mellissa. “I think Lilly scared about the whole thing now. Lilly been rubbing her hands together worry like, and I am worry for Lilly.”

Mellissa whisper back to Rose, “Don’t worry about Lilly, she will be okay, trust me on that.” Mellissa looks over at Lilly, and shaking her head slowly at Lilly.

A few minute later, Jess enter the waiting room with a few papers in her hands, and up to Lilly. “I need you to fill out these papers, and then I can take you to see the doctor.” Jess handed the papers to Lilly.

Mellissa looks over at Lilly, and ask Lilly a question. “Do you need any help filling those papers out?”

Lilly shook her head at Mellissa as her eyes were down on the papers, and started to go over the paperwork. Lilly fill in every information on the paper, and trying not to tear up at s few questions about her past life.

Once Lilly finish filling out the paperwork, she got up from the chair, walks over to the front desk, and handed the papers to Jess. Jess looks though the paperwork, stood up from the chairs, and walks around the desk to Lilly. “Fellow me Lilly to your check-up area.” Jess say to Lilly walking down a long hallway. Mellissa, Sarah, and Rose got up from their chairs, and fellow Lilly and Jess down the hallway to a room.

Lilly fellow Jess down the hallway to a small exam room. Jess turn to Lilly, and told Lilly, “Okay hop up onto the exam table. The doctor will be with you in a moment.” Jess exiting the room, closing the door behind her.

Lilly hop up onto the exam table, sitting there waiting for the doctor to come in. Lilly looks across the room at Sarah, Mellissa, and Rose standing along the wall, staring at Lilly sitting on the exam table. Lilly could hear sounds of mourning, groaning, and screaming though the door from a room down the hallway, and Lilly started to get more scare at the thoughts of giving the baby life. Lilly cover her ears with her hands, and lower her head to the floor.

Mellissa watch Lilly do the actions, walks slowly up to Lilly, and looking at Lilly to say. “Lilly are you alright? Are you scared?” Mellissa knelt down to looks up at Lilly face.

Lilly quietly spoke to Mellissa, “I am scared of my own baby birth. I can hear the pain in the woman voice, it must be very painful.” Lilly trying to ignore the screaming from that room.

Mellissa putting her hands on Lilly knees, and say kindly. “It not that painful… Yet hurts a bit, but if you do the breathing exercise, everything will be alright.” Mellissa smiled up at Lilly.

Lilly uncover her ears, looks down at Mellissa, and started to ask Mellissa a question. “What is the painful….”

The female doctor walks into the exam room with Lilly paperwork in her hands. Mellissa got off the floor, and walks back to the wall with Sarah and Rose was standing. The doctor flip though the papers, and greeted Lilly nicely with a smiled on her face. “Hello Lilly, I am Dr. Smith. I was looking though your paperwork, and any questions you have any time though the check-up just ask.” Dr. Smith put Lilly papers down on the countertop, and walks up to Lilly. “Okay are we ready?” Dr. Smith ask Lilly standing in front of Lilly.

“Yes.” Lilly quietly answer to Dr. Smith with a little worry in her voice.

“Okay then. I am just going to check your breathing and heartbeat.” Dr. Smith told Lilly taking her the stepascope, and putting it on Lilly chest to listen to Lilly breathing and heartbeat.

Lilly took deep breath for the doctor, and let them out slowly. Lilly started to calm down around the doctor.

Dr. Smith finish up with Lilly breathing and heartbeat, and ask Lilly to Lay down on the table. Lilly lay down on the table, and lifted up her dress to show Dr. Smith her very small baby bump. Dr. Smith examine Lilly baby bump, and ask Lilly a question. “How far are you?”

Lilly looks up at the Dr. Smith, and told Dr. Smith what the doctor wanted to hear. “I am four months along.”

Dr. Smith nodded her head to Lilly. “I see…Lilly, I talk to the female doctor at the women shelter, and she told me what you been though for the last few months. I am worry that this child would not survive outside the womb for very long. You see Lilly, you are very sick, and this sickness can cause early labour with the baby, and many other problems. I have no idea what is causing you to be this sick, but one question have you been throwing up blood anytime?” Dr. Smith looks at Lilly with a worry look on her face.

Lilly sat up from the table, looks at Dr. Smith, and say with a lied. “No, I have not been throwing up blood. You must be joking with the whole thing about me being sick, I am fine. The only I am worry about is this child I am carrying, and few things about childbirth.”

Dr. Smith looks at Lilly with a raise eye-brow, and say to Lilly with no other questions. “Okay Lilly, we are go to the ultrasound room to check on the growth of your baby.” Dr. Smith opened the door for Lilly and friends.

Lilly hop down from the exam table, and fellow Dr. Smith to other small room with a bed and the ultrasound machine. Lilly walk up to the bed, and lay down on the bed, lifting up her dress for Dr. Smith. Dr. Smith sat down in the chair by the machine, and started to machine up. The screen lit up quickly, Dr. Smith pour a gel onto Lilly tiny belly, and put the ultrasound wand on Lilly belly. Dr. Smith move the wand around to fine a tiny image of a four month old baby curled up. Lilly looks at the image on the screen, tears fill her eyes, and started to roll down Lilly cheeks hitting the pillow.

Rose walks up to Lilly, and ask Lilly a question in a worry voice. “Lilly are you okay? Why are you crying?” Rose putting her left hand under Lilly right hand.

Lilly wipe the tears away from her face with her left hand, and spoke to Rose. “Rose, I am okay. I am so happy to see that little image on the screen…. That my child inside of me.” Tears still filling from Lilly eyes.

Rose putting her right hand on Lilly right shoulder, and smile down at Lilly. “I see, and you wish that Andrew was here with you?” Rose ask Lilly taking her hands away from Lilly.

Lilly nodded her head at Rose, and spoke quietly. “Yes, I wish Andrew was here with me, but I am happy to have my new friends with me though this.” Lilly looking at everyone in the room.

Dr. Smith finish up with the ultrasound, clean the gel off of Lilly belly, and looks at Lilly. “Okay Lilly, I want to see you eat more, and don’t worry about a thing. Mellissa is a great friend to have, and she know all the stuff you need to know about childbirth. Any problems you head straight to here, and we can deal with it. If it is out of our hands, you need to go to the hospital. I want to see you every month for a while to check on the deportment of the baby.” Dr. Smith got up from her chair.

Lilly sat up on the bed, and slowly got to her feet, and thanks Dr. Smith for everything. “Thank-you Dr. Smith. You been a great help. I will see you in a month.” Lilly headed to the door, and exit the room.

Dr. Smith looks over at Mellissa, and spoke in a stern voice. “Keep an eye close on Lilly. I have a funny feeling that if she does not deal with the sickness, she might lose the baby before nine months, and maybe herself too. Mellissa keep an eye on Lilly, and phone me with any problems that she might have along the way.”

Rose looks at Dr. Smith, and ask the doctor a question. “What do you think Lilly might have, that causing her to be very sick?” Rose peek outside the door to see where Lilly was, and saw Lilly waiting in the waiting room.

Dr. Smith put two fingers under her chin, thinking for a second, and told Rose the answer. “I have no idea what it is. The only way is to do more testing, but with Lilly being pregnant, we can not do the test to see what it is. Don’t worry about Lilly, Mellissa will take good care of Lilly if need be. You can help by watching Lilly actions, and any problems report them to Mellissa.” Dr. Smith hand Rose a ultrasound picture. “Here Lilly might want this.”

Rose took the picture from Dr. Smith hand, looking down on the picture, and say kindly. “I will give it to Lilly. Thanks doc.” Rose exit the room with the picture in her hands.

Sarah, and Mellissa exit the room, but Dr. Smith stop Mellissa for a second. “Remember any problems you phone me.” Dr. Smith told Mellissa.

“I would not forget that Dr. Smith. Bye for now.” Mellissa say to Dr. Smith, and left the room.

Mellissa walk up to Lilly with the picture in her hands. “Here you might want this to show Andrew.” Mellissa hand the picture to Lilly, and went to make another appointment for Lilly in a month.

Lilly look down at the picture in her hands with a tear coming to her eyes, and looking up at her new friends with a smile on her face. They left the Birthing Center, and heading straight to the mall to buy Lilly some new clothes.

Mellissa drove down to the Mall on the west side of town. Mellissa pull into the Mall parking lot, try to find a parking space in the large parking lot, and find one parking space close to the one of the Mall doors. Mellissa shut the car off, turn to everyone in the car, and say “Okay, we are here to pick out some new cloths for Lilly, and some stuff to help Lilly. We are not here to check-out boys, Sarah and Rose. “ Mellissa looking at Rose and Sarah sitting in the back seat of the car.

“Fine, but if anyone from college see me. I am going to talk to them, okay…. There one boy I have a crush on.” Sarah told Mellissa blushing at the thought of the one boy.

“Okay Sarah, but not to long, and stay with us.” Mellissa look over at Lilly, and calmly say to Lilly. “Are you ready to do this?” Lilly nodded her head to Mellissa. Mellissa and the rest of them exit the car, and walking up to the Mall doors. Lilly walk slowly behind them, trying not let anyone in the Mall know that she poor.

Mellissa and the rest of them took Lilly to a great clothing store for pregnant women, and a baby stuff. Lilly enter the store with Rose beside her, and looking around at the clothes on the hangers. The sale lady saw Lilly in her store, walking up to Lilly, and saying rude to Lilly. “Excess me, we do not let anyone who homeless in our stores or in the Mall. Please leave or I will call the cops on you, and could end up in jail.”

Sarah over heard what the sale lady say to Lilly rude, walking up to the Sale lady, and say to her rude. “She with us, and we are helping her out. If you don’t treat our friend the same as a normal person, we will take own business somewhere else. We were planning on buying a hold brunch of stuff from here, but now after you rude told our friend to get lost. Well let us go, and you will lost some great sales.”

The sale lady look at Sarah with a shock look on her face, and quickly changing her tone of voice. “Welcome to own store. Do you want anything to eat or drink?” The sale lady try to be nice to Lilly.

“That okay, I don’t need anything for now.” Lilly say to the sale lady, looking over a few clothes on the table.

Lilly try on a few clothes, and picking out a few new clothes for herself. Lilly look over some baby stuff, and Rose pick out a pink teddy bear. “Lilly, this will nice for the baby.” Rose say to Lilly holding the bear in her hands.

Lilly look at the bear with a smile came to her face. “That bear look like the one I use to have, when I was a little girl. I still have it in my backpack. I think something new for the baby.” Lilly say to Rose nicely.

Rose put the bear back down on the shelf, and picking up a little outfit. “What about this?”

Lilly look at the outfit that Rose was holding up. “Prefect. The baby will like that.” Rose smile at Rose.

They brought a few things from the store, and leaving the store. Sarah saw a few people from college, and waving to them. Sarah saw the boy she has a crush on, and quickly brush red in her cheeks. Lilly saw Sarah blushing, and lend in closer to Sarah right ear to whisper. “He the one you got the crush on? He look nice person to be with.”

Sarah nodded her head to Lilly. “Yeah he is, and I am so nervous to talk to him. Every time I try to talk to him, nothing come out of my mouth.” Sarah told Lilly trying not make eye contact with her crush.

Lilly chuckled at Sarah actions, and left the Mall with her new friends to go visit someone. Lilly need to see Andrew again, and hope there some good news.

Lilly got into the car with her friends, Mellissa pull out of the parking spot, and drove down the road to the jail. Lilly was scared to tell Andrew what happen to her, and hope something will be great here soon.
♠ ♠ ♠
So Lilly had a check-up and everything look fine.

Shopping went very well, Lilly got some clothes,a nd few thing for the baby.

What will happen next?

(I am sorry I have not been writing this story for awhile. I been busy and I hit a wall with this one for a while)