Status: This is the new H Series.. I felt we needed to begin with Vincent's story to explain alot... btw Leave lots of comments!!! <3

The Darkness Within: The War of Myths

Chapter Three: Good News or Bad News

“Vincent,” A voice cried followed by a loud series of banging noises. I stirred from my slumber as I walked towards the door. “Vincent, open the door. I have news boy,” the same voice yelled urgently. I asked myself who would have news that should be so urgent for me, and I realized it must be Uncle Fredrick.

I hurried from my room to the front door and flung it open. “Sorry uncle, I must have dosed off,” I stated as I motioned for him to come inside.

“There should be no sleeping now, boy! You will never believe the news,” he half shouted in my face.

“What news,” I asked as he sat down in the sitting room. I closed the door, but not before realizing the sun was beginning to rise. It must be grave news because Fredrick never came out if he thought the sun was rising.

“The High Council has sent word back, boy. Here, quickly open the letter,” he said a little too excitedly as he threw the letter in my direction.

I quickly caught the letter. I noticed the seal was broken. I looked at my uncle for a moment before he motioned for me to open the letter once more. So I opened the letter and began to read aloud.

“Dear Mr. Shaw, it is very likely that this indecency your poor nephew witnessed was meant for one of our kind. There are many hunters out there. We would like to meet as a whole with your nephew to talk about the way this man killed the child to investigate a few crimes committed against our people. Also, please alert your nephew that when he appears before the High Council the human representative will be amongst us. We will meet at the stroke of midnight in the Council Courthouse. Thank you, Mr. Draven.”

My eyes skimmed the words once more before I looked towards my uncle. “They want,” I started.

“To meet with you,” he finished happily. “Finally, boy, you’ve done something right,” he sang excitedly.

I was on the verge of smiling and celebrating with him when my father walked angrily into the house. He must have still been upset with me, but at that point in time I didn’t particularly care. I gave the note back to my uncle as I smiled to myself and walked into my room. I had a meeting with both the Humans and the Creatures with just one simple note.

“Fredrick, what are you doing here,” I heard father hiss through the paper thin walls.

“I was giving Vincent the good news. John, can you believe your boy has a meeting with the High Council,” Fredrick answered happily.

“No I cannot, because he shouldn’t have stuck his nose in where it didn’t belong,” Father retorted angrily

“He could save lives, John. Our people are being hunted. Vampires are cunning and werewolves strong, but what of the rest? What of the helpless? Mr. Draven says there has been more cases than just this little girl, and most of the cases have involed Creatures rather than Humans,” Fredrick explained.

“What are you doing Fredrick,” Father asked in a vicious tone, “He is my son. He is all I have left in this world since your sister…”

“My sister was wrong, and your boy, your precious little boy, is now a man. If he can call the Council to order then I believe that he should be allowed to speak before them,” Fredrick stated.

“Your sister was more than wrong, and I supposed you are correct. He is a man, but he is still susceptible to harm. I do not wish harm on him, but he shouldn’t be after a hunter,” Father spoke wisely.

“No he shouldn’t, but think it this way, John, what if that hunter saw poor Vincent standing in the woods? Would you rather it be Vincent against the hunter, or Vincent and the High Council plus the Humans against the hunter,” Fredrick asked. I couldn’t help but to agree with him. I would much rather have the force of many on my side rather than go up against a crazed Creature hunter alone.

“I would much rather him have the backing, but I’d prefer him not to be in this at all. Can’t you see, Fredrick, that he has never been properly trained because I could not afford to send him to a decent school? Nor have I the social standards in society to talk him into a decent home where he might be able to have decent training. He needs not be in this, but I suppose it is too late for that matter. It is his decision,” Father answered as he began rattling things around. I could only assume that he was cleaning a bit before preparing a bit of the stored blood he managed to buy for dinner.

“I could have helped you, but I didn’t realize he needed training, John. Most boys don’t, but I suppose there is always a time for everything,” Fredrick sighed. “The meeting is at midnight tonight at the Council Courthouse. Make sure he is safely there. If you attend maybe we can bring up our fears about his safety,” Fredrick explained before he left the house.

I was about to go through my things and pick out my best clothing when I heard a loud bang followed by a few curses. “Why,” my father cried. I couldn’t move for a moment, but something forced my feet to work as I managed to go into the kitchen. My father sat on a half broken chair as he shook his head. A small drop of red trickled down his pale face. The stove had a slight dent in it from the pot that my father had thrown. I looked at him sitting there for a moment before I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. My father embraced me quickly as if I was about to be ripped from his arms. Something in the embrace frightened me, but I knew it was too late to back away from what I had begun.
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Have I built the suspension enough? lolz I think yes, it is time for the High Council to come out of hiding.

Sorry it took so long for me to get these out I was on vacation last week. I hope you are enjoying the updates. Leave comments please?