Stone Wall Stone Fence

Chapter Two

“Suit yourself” Cabal said raising his voice slightly louder so they could hear him. “I’ll be on then” taking a few steps with his hands in his pocket while smiling to himself “With the sidewalk and the pigeons and my window reflection. The mask I polish in the evening, by the morning looks like shit. And I know you have a heavy heart; I can feel it when we kiss” Reaching the corner of the street he starts to turn left before he hears a small voice whimpering “W-Wait!” Now smiling like a Cheshire cat looking like he won a bet against himself, he turns around to see a boy running after him.

This startles the boy, as Cabal doesn’t know exactly how scary his smiles can be. Faltering in his step he eventually stops in front of the strange boy on the corner.

“Well hello-” Cabal said extending his hand out to shake the smaller boy's. “My name’s Cabal”
“Uhm..” said the smaller boy still slightly wary of the man. “Dylan”

He couldn’t help but think about how cheery Cabal was acting as he had just killed a man less then five minutes ago. Of course Dylan didn’t care though. They were the ones afterall that kept him against his own will.

Cabal continued on walking with his hands shoved in his pockets humming a tune. Dylan, finally realizing that Cabal had started walking, sped up next to him. Cabal took a hand out of his pocket and softly brushed it on Dylan’s swollen eye. “Does it hurt?” he asked as the boy flinched back at the sudden unexpected contact. “Yes.” He whispered frowning. “I would also appreciate it if you didn’t touch me either” It’s not that he didn’t like the man. It’s just that he didn’t trust him yet.

At the comment Cabal’s eyebrows rose in question. ”Sorry” he said without even looking sorry at all. Well he wasn’t. Just simply saying it out of politeness. Wouldn’t mother be proud?

Glancing again at Dylan he realized how bad he actually looked. He was scratched up and had bruises everywhere and he looked downright pitiful. His what would be beautiful red hair was matted with mud, and it looked like he hadn’t gotten a decent meal in weeks. He didn’t give the boy any pity glances though because he himself absolutely loathed when people pitied him.

At that thought Cabal slowed down to a bench outside what looked like a gas station and sat down. Reached into his jacket pocket and began pulling out a sandwich. The motion itself made Dylan flinch and as he realized that he did indeed flinch over a man pulling out a sandwich. It wounded his pride. Cabal pretending to have not noticed Dylan’s inner turmoil unwrapped the sandwich and handed it to the boy.

Boy. Why did he refer to the kid as a boy? He was probably no less then a few years younger then him.

“How old are you?” he asked as the boy finally accepted the sandwich acting as if it had poison in it.

“If I had wanted to kill you I would have done it already.” He added in a monotonous voice while looking up into the sky as if thinking.

Surprise shifted through Dylan’s features as that was indeed what he was thinking.Looking at Cabal as if he had three heads he realized how exactly strange Cabal was. “I would appreciate it if you didn’t stare at me either” Cabal suddenly said in a mocking tone while mimicking what Dylan had said earlier. All while still staring at the sky. “How did he-?” he thought. “Eat” Cabal said cutting off his thought. We need to find shelter quite soon I believe. It is almost sunset afterall”

Dylan’s eyeballs widened quite noticeably before he stuffed the sandwich in his mouth in quick four bites. Cabal chuckled at the sight of the chipmunk. While said chipmunk turned as red as his hair.

“Less goo!” shouted Dylan determinedly. Mouth still full of sandwich bits. While standing quickly to his feet and swallowing the rest in one gulp.

Cabal still chuckling stood up and leaned down a bit so his face was even with the still red Dylan. And poking the tip of his nose with one of his fingers muttered, “cute” in an anime sort of fashion. Just as quickly as he had leaned down he stood up at his regular height and started walking toward the richer part of town.

Dylan turned even redder. If that was even physically possible. Blinked. And then realized that Cabal had again started walking without him. “Bastard” Dylan muttered forgetting all about the embarrassing action seconds ago for a short moment.