Stone Wall Stone Fence

Chapter Three

Eyes snapping open, Cabal awoke with a start. He lay on a bed, in an unfamiliar room; plain and full of dull, beige tones. There was a window on the far side of the room, boarded up of course with only a bit of the moonlight shining through. Bracing his hands on the mattress, he sat up, yawning and lifted his arms up briefly.

He stood up, his feet meeting a plush, warm carpet, and stretched. Joints popped as he casually walked into the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom he was in. With half lidded eyes he pulled down his pants to take a leak.

Whistling a song as he finished he heard someone call out his name “Cabal?”

“Hmm?” he murmured in acknowledgement while turning his body around to finally meet the voice.

Dylan was standing at the doorway in an oversized long sleeved T-shirt and boxers rubbing away the sleep in his eyes. Well, trying to is the key word. The transition from the dream world to the waking one, grogginess and the clumsiness that the tiredness caused...ugh.

“Are you coming back to bed?” he mumbled still obviously half asleep.

“Mhm, now you go off now and ill be there in a little bit”

“Err, er okay…” he whispered along with other things that Cabal wouldn’t have been able to understand even if he wanted to and walked sluggishly back into the room and onto the bed.

Cabal of course wasn’t going back. Once he’s awake. He’s awake. Although he sympathized for Dylan as earlier he had been asked if they could sleep together because Dylan thought it would be “safer” in case something were to “happen”. On that case he thought. I could just sleep on the floor? But knowing the real reason for the request he slipped into bed with Dylan anyway.

Dylan in short was simply scared and didn’t want to be alone. Even at this time of night you could hear the moans and groans of the outside world. And Cabal being alone since the beginning, no longer had this fear.

Nodding his head in Dylan’s direction he walked out the bedroom door. Before Cabal met Dylan at times when he was awake like this he would either play his guitar or exercise. Usually both.

Not in the mood for either he simply used this time to explore the rest of the house. Whoever lived here was obviously loaded and wasn’t afraid to show it. Chandeliers hung in almost every room along with fancy paintings by artists that had never become noticed. Chuckling he thought “They probably have a secret passage hidden somewhere.

Earlier when checking the inventory of the house he found a couple of flashlights and batteries in one of the “Maid’s closet”. Taking one out, he headed down the forever confusing hallways. “I wanna be, ikou ze, ikou ze, ikou ze…” trailing off as something caught his attention. It looked, it looked almost as if someone was cuddled in the corner of the room?

Letting out a quick breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. He stepped silently towards the object.

Face as hard as stone he kneeled down and removed the sheet that had been covering it.

In silent horror Cabal jumped back in shock, tripped on one of the end tables, and landed on his bum.

“Fuck” he murmured silently at the pain. Eyes still as wide as saucers he looked back at what caused his shock. Lying there was a dead corpse. Covered in flies and maggots and other small bugs that were attracted to dead things.

It wasn’t the fact that the guy was dead. Oh no. Cabal had been used to death since he was born. You see his dad was a Mortician. It was the fact that it looked like one of those things that were wandering outside. Face peeling off, both eyes sunken in, and half of one of his arms gone. His first thought was, how the hell could one have gotten in when he had boarded everything down? Upon realizing that the dead man was indeed dead. He shivered unwillingly. He just about shit his pants. His natural instinct to run had almost completely taken over him. Laughing shakily at his stupidity, he stood back up. Grabbing the sheet that had covered the man and recovered him.

Stepping back and taking his flashlight that he left on the table to light the whole room, he turned towards the door and walked out. Not before locking the door first, of course. He wouldn’t want Dylan freaking out if he himself decided to explore and stumbled upon the room.

And then as he headed towards where he thought the library of the house was located. He heard a loud shriek echoing through the halls that sounded too much like Dylan. “C-Cabal!
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Comments=update? pretty please? c: