Status: on-going.

Entres Nous


Her fingers tensed against her bedsheets, squeezing them with all her might before letting go. She couldn’t sleep. If the walls were any thinner she would actually consider sleeping in the hallway. Even poor Totoro who was so used to sleeping right besides Yura was locked out, hiding instead between Chan and her covers, her furry, little body sticking a paw out each time she grew hot. Every other minute she would start to whimper, her cold, pinkish nose pressing against Chan’s cheek, begging to be petted to sleep. Sometimes she would even dare to jump off the bed and scratch at her door, her small head bobbing back, big eyes staring into Chan’s, her tail wagging to go out. Even when Chan did let her out all she would do was walk next door to Yura’s room and scratch on it, just enough for Yura to stop her... whatever and tell him to shoo off.

Chan petted it’s head, rubbing her hands through the puppy’s ears. Who could blame him? He was used to being the only man in Yura’s life. If Chan was in his position, she would cry too.

“Trust that as much as you hope for it to be over,” Chan twisted around, sliding her headphones on. “I wish it just twice as more.”

And boy did she. She had arrived two hours ago and not once had they taken a pause for the cause. No, in fact it seemed things had just grown kinkier, loud male and female moans emitting from the walls every now and then. If Chan had enough courage she would’ve already knocked hard on the door and told them to quit it. But, alas, she couldn’t. Yura was a beautiful girl but to see her, in what she really prayed weren’t ropes and chains, would’ve been to much for her heart to handle.

She groaned into her pillow case, digging her nails inside. The thing that frustrated her the most wasn’t the fact that Yura was having, by the sound of it, the most amazing sexual experience of her life. It was that Chan couldn’t figure out who in God’s name it could be.

Of course, the immediate answer would be Seungho. Immediately when she heard the first three moans she assumed it was the blonde idol. They were both practically infatuated with each other, it only seemed likely that while Chan was away they would take the opportunity to do it like no ever has before. But when Chan really thought about it, it seemed less and less likely. From what she knew, Seungho was a man of principles. Strict leader, strong friend, and great person. With him having a girlfriend, Chan immediately discarded him from the possible bunch simply because he seemed almost too loyal. If he was loyal to his group members she assumed he was equally, if not even more loyal to his chick. Then again, Yura did have a super power when it came to attracting guys so she couldn’t rule him out completely.

The other possible sexual fiend that could be humping Chan’s best friend could be Thunder. Chan chuckled. The idea seemed really unlikely since the guy was so... vanilla, but she couldn’t bring herself to take him off the list. Yura did say that Thunder liked her, and he did pretty much confess it on national television that he was into someone, but according to his schedule he had been busy all day. Even if he did have free time, Chan had learned that any sane idol used it to make up sleeping hours. Then again, he did have a big hands and feet, and by the sound of Yura’s screams/moans the guy was well doted so Chan didn’t scratch him off just yet.

Or could it be secret option C, Joon? She raised an eyebrow. It seemed even more unlikely than Thunder, but they did go home together so he couldn’t be discarded from the pack. Man, and with those arms and abs? Chan shivered. No wonder Yura sounded like she was having a great time.

Or maybe it was Mi-. Chan destroyed the thought before it finished.

Chan turned under her bedsheets, pressing her nose against the puppy’s head. She could never be too sure with Yura. It almost seemed a little ridiculous of her to actually try to rule people out when Yura was in fact popular with many. She had many connections. There was a big possibility it wasn’t even one of the MBLAQ members but someone from another group or one of the people who worked under them. Hell, it could be a random stranger she picked up at a bar. With Yura, you never knew.

And the worry consumed Chan more than she thought it ever could.


Her phone rang, her hand immediately jolting under her pillow as she touched the screen with her fingertips, dragging it out for her to see. She peeked at it with one eye, her fingers clicking at the keys as it went to her messages, a smile forming on her face when she looked at the unknown number pop up, a text underneath.

’I hope you don’t mind that I begged Yura for your phone number a week after you first arrived. I figured it was time to take a step forward, now that we got drunk together, and send you a hello. So, hello.’

Chan laughed, closing the text and looking at the time.

’7:14 A.M.’

She forced herself up, her fingers raking through her tangled hair as she slipped on her slippers, her hand quickly reaching out and yanking the door open. Totoro took the opportunity to run out as well, jumping high and landing on the couch where he made himself comfortable. God bless, G.O. If it wasn’t for his text, they would’ve almost missed the show.

She ran to the kitchen, her hand wrapping around the cabinet’s metal handle, slipping out a mug with her name scribbled on it, another one of Yura’s little presents she just had to use. Chan acted as natural as possible when she heard her roommate’s door open, forcing herself to not give a 180 degree turn and stare at Yura and her lover stepping out. Instead she opted for a calmer, more, ‘I didn’t hear you screwing someone’ tactic.

“‘Morning roomie, I’m about to make myself some tea would you like some?” She let her head slowly bob back, her mouth slipping into a surprised grin. “Well, well, well, who do we have here?”

Yura stepped in front of the tall boy who’s gaze immediately turned to the right, his cheeks turning pinkish. Chan had to hand it to the redhead. She had good taste.

“Good morning,” Chan beamed. “Thunder.
♠ ♠ ♠
go write more of Rouge now darlin'.