Status: on-going.

Entres Nous


“Don’t you even dare say another word Chantal.” Yura hissed, pointing a finger at the brunette.

She gave her an even bigger grin in return.

You,” She kept her finger pointed at Chan. “Stay quiet.” The redhead whirled herself around to face the tall boy behind her. “You get back in there.” Her hand wrapped around the door handle, slamming it open and as soon as Thunder got in, slamming it shut once more.

“So...” Chan leaned against the counter.

She stomped her way over to the kitchen, her head tilting back just a little bit, enough for her to seem taller than the brunette. “You will not say a word to this to anyone. Do you hear me?

“Don’t be a dummy, who would I tell?”

“G.O for starters.”

Chan snorted. “Like we’re such buddy buddies.”

Yura raised an eyebrow. “At what time did you get home last night?”

The brunette stared down at her cup. “Unimportant.” She snickered. “Can’t say the same about you and Thunder.”

The redhead glared.

“I’m just saying. Dude, the walls were practically shaking.” Chan chortled. “Poor Totoro had to leap into my bed and hide his face under my covers. Dude, you scarred your dog.”

Yura broke into laughter. “Shut up! We weren’t being that loud.”

“I had to put my headphones on! And that didn’t even block your any of your ‘oh god’, ‘ah, ah, ah’, ‘oh god’ out.” Chan placed her mug down before she tipped it over with how hard her laughter had become. “Did he flip you in the motherfucking air or something?! I swear at one point I figured you had both snapped the bed in half.”

“You better pray we don’t see any nearby neighbors in the elevator because that will be the awkwardest ride.” They both broke into a heavy cackling, their hands holding onto the counter, trying not to fall over. “Thunder does have big hands and big feet for a reason huh?”

The redhead fell to her knees, her arms wrapping around her stomach. “It hurts! You-,”

They both turned their heads towards Yura’s room as a soon as they heard it open, little Totoro wiggling his tail right next to Thunder, who gave the redhead a shy smile before walking towards the door to slip on his shoes.

“You’re leaving?” The question had an obvious answer, but Chan was sure that was all Yura could possibly think of with all that had happened throughout the night.

She stepped closer towards him, placing a hand on his forearm. He gave her a sweet smile, one Chan was familiar with, the same smile someone gave when they had just done something extremely regretful. “Yeah. The guys are probably worried by now, I have like twelve missed calls from-,” He stopped. All three of them knew they were from Seungho. “I should go.”

Yura bit her bottom lip, not even daring to look him in the eye. “Yeah. I’ll... I’ll text you later okay?”

Thunder gave her a short peck on the cheek before stepping out the house, Yura closing it behind him.

Chan glanced down at her already cold cup of coffee. “You okay?”

The redhead raked her hair back with her fingertips, shaking her head and slipping back into her room, a happy puppy following behind.


“For someone who just got savagely laid just a day ago you are quite the bitch right now.”

“For someone who almost got savagely laid just a day ago you are quite the whiny pants right now.” Yura retorted, placing her book down on the coffee table near her. Totoro took it as his cue to roll over on his back right next to the couch, his eyes staring straight as his owner calling for her to pet his tummy. She did as she was asked. “See why can’t you be more like Totoro?”

“First of all, I didn’t get almost laid, nothing was going to happen. Second, trust me, if I could eat, shit, and sleep for the rest of my life for a living I would.” Chan flopped down on the chair beside the couch, lifting up her legs and letting them rest on the table. “It’s unfair that I have to go to work while you don’t! What the hell am I even supposed to do? You’re my supervisor. I am basically your bitch. Without you, there is no God-given point in going to work today.”

“I am glad you think so highly of me, but you still have to go.” The redhead glanced up at her. “I need you to be at the office so you can receive a package I have been expecting for a couple weeks now. I can’t trust anyone else with it, it’s of dire importance.”

“What’s in the package anyway?”

“That’s confidential.”

“Can I go home right after the package arrives?”

“Just chill until the day is over okay, I’ll go pick you up after.”

“Why can’t you just go with me?” Chan groaned. “You’re not that terribly injured.”

Dude, did you see me try to walk this morning? I practically crawled to the restroom with how badly my inner thighs hurt. You weren’t off when you said ’savagely laid’.” Yura snorted. “No way in hell I’m going to the office. It looks like I’m riding a tiny horse. I need a couple of hours to even attempt to drive.”

“Then who is driving me to work?” The brunette turned to look at her.

“I asked one of the receptionists that owed me a favor to take you. Actually,” She picked up her cellphone, the screen lighting up. “They should be here by now.”

“Which receptionist, ‘cause if it’s that bitch who glares at me each time I go into the building I swear I will shove an even bigger stick than she has now up her ass.”

“Seunghyun.” As soon as she said his name there was a knock on the door, both of their heads turning towards each other. “Damn, you gotta give him credit for his timing.”

Chan moaned. “Sure I can’t stay home with you and be your bitch here?”

Noooot a chance, sweetie.” Yura gave her a grin before waving her off. “Have fun!”

Chan slipped on her shoes, raising both middle fingers towards the redhead before turning back towards the door and pushing it open. She was her boss. All she could do was suck it up and pray the day would go by fast.
♠ ♠ ♠
don't be a dummy chan.
you owe me.