Status: on-going.

Entres Nous


It was all over the news the next day.

‘MBLAQ’s Seungho’s girlfriend brutally assaulted and found almost dead in an alleyway’.

‘MBLAQ’s Seungho’s girlfriend in critical condition after attack’.

‘MBLAQ’s Seungho’s girlfriend attacked after heavy harassment’.

Every single channel G.O changed the TV to only spoke about them.

Did they know that Seungho never came to visit her that day? Did they know that it was the one G.O who stayed with her the entire night? Did they know Yura had grown a severe fever from an infection in one of her many cuts? Did they know just how pissed G.O was at Seungho for not being there for his girlfriend?

He shook his head, shutting the TV off and getting back to taking care of Yura. They had switched her to a private room the next day, after the commotion had driven reporters to smack their cameras against the ICU windows, all of them trying to sneak a peek of the girl with the tubes up her nose. They boys had all come the next day, making up shifts of who would take care of Yura what day. G.O had offered to take the morning shift since he had already been there since last night and wasn’t in any urge to go home and face their leader.

He pushed Yura’s hair back, away from her face. “You would look cute with bangs you know? Once we get out of here I’ll take you to our stylist. She’ll fix you up, give you a cup of co-hee, massage your scalp-,”

“Cup of wha-,” She mumbled, her eyes drowsy as she tried to open them.

“Co-hee!” G.O’s face burst into a grin, his hand squeezing hers as he pressed a button on the side of the bed, calling for a nurse. “Fucking God,” He let out a laugh. “You scared the shit out of me, did you know? Fuck, never in your life let yourself get attacked, do you hear me? As soon as we step foot out of this place I’m signing you up for kickboxing.”

Yura let out a cough, the corners of her lips turning upwards, her eyes closed. “‘Kay”.

“Okay.” He muttered, slipping out his phone from his pocket when the nurse came. He gave her a nod as she stepped closer towards his friend, her fingers checking her statistics on the monitor connected to her chest. He clicked the screen, his fingers scrolling through names until he reached his leader’s. He clicked the green button, pressing his phone against his ear. He would be mighty pissed if he didn’t answer.

“Yeoboseyo?” Scratch that. He was officially angry. Instead of Seungho’s deep voice that he had expected to hear a sleek, female voice answered on his behalf.

“Who is this?” He muttered.

“Ah, G.O-ssi?” The female voice asked. “It’s G.O-ssi isn’t it? It’s me, Soyeon-ah. Seungho is in the restroom right now, do you want to wait for him to comeback or do you want to leave him a message?”

He licked his lips, taking in a deep angry breath in. “It’s okay, I’ll call him later. Just tell him... nothing.”

He hung up without a goodbye.

“G.O?” Yura called out, her voice hoarse. He picked up a little jar of water that sat on the table in front of her bed, filling the cup, and passing it to her, gently pressing it against her lips as she sipped. She gave him a nod as he pulled back. “Was that Seungho you were talking to?”

He shook his head. “No. It wasn’t.”


“End it.” G.O slammed the door to Seungho’s room, his eyes glaring down at his leader. “End it right now.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” The leader frowned standing up.

“The thing you have with Soyeon. End it.”

“What thing? There is nothing going on between me and Soyeon, we’re just friends.” His voice stuttered at the end of his sentence.

“Bullshit. End it. Seungho, do you have any idea how much pain Yura is going through right now?” G.O shook his head. “Of course you don’t. You have no idea because you haven’t gone to see her for even a fucking minute. It’s been four days and do you know how disappointed her eyes get each time she hears a knock on the door and it isn’t you?”

Seungho looked away.

“Jesus Christ, do you even know all the shit she went through? She shouldn’t be alive, Seungho. She received over thirty cuts to her arms, over sixty on her thighs, and the word ‘slut’ was carved to her abdomen. She was badly beaten up. Fuck, they even sliced her fucking feet open so she wouldn’t try to run away. And worst of all she was raped over and over and over to the point she lost consciousness.”

“I know. I called the doctor.” He muttered.

“Then why the fuck do you insist on not going?!” G.O demanded, raising his voice. “No, why the fuck do you insist on going out with Soyeon while your girlfriend lies in a hospital bed, almost unable to move. Did you know she refuses to cry? Despite everything? Did you?”

“I can’t face her!” Seungho yelled back. “I can’t face her. Not when she’s in so much pain. It was my fault. I let her go. I was the one who could’ve done something but didn’t. I was a coward for putting my career ahead of her. It was my fault.”

“The only one blaming you, is you.” He slammed the wall with the side of his fist. “Look... Yura is going to be at the hospital for a little longer. I think the best thing you can do for her right now, is to go see her at least once. Just give her an hour to be with you. One hour. That’s all I’m asking.”

“I can’t.” He shook his head, his face hidden in the palms of his hands.

“Why not? Don’t give me this bullshit that it’s because you feel guilty, that is no excuse.” G.O hissed.

“That’s not it.” Seungho lifted up his head, facing his long-time friend. “I can’t because I’m leaving to Japan tonight for a week.”


G.O stepped into the room as quietly as he could, his hand closing the door softly, his eyes casted downwards. He turned around, meeting the gaze of Joon who was currently speaking to Yura about his training back when he was casted for Ninja Assassin, a smile on both their faces. They both glanced over at him when he walked in, giving him a grin.

“You’re back early.” Joon checked his phone. “My shift doesn’t end until six.”

“I had nothing better to do,” G.O shrugged his shoulders as Joon stood up from his chair.

“Well, I’m gonna go grab something to eat since you’re here.” Joon gave Yura a grin. “Do you want anything?”

She shook her head, thanking him as he slipped out of the room. “So...”

“So...” G.O sat next to her, patting her head. “How’re you?”

“Are you gonna finally tell me why Seungho hasn’t come yet?” She went straight to the point, an eyebrow lifting upwards. “Or should I rip it out of Mir on his shift?”

“I’m surprised you haven’t tricked Joon into telling you.” He replied.

Yura shrugged her shoulder, moving a strand of hair behind her ear. “Joonie is surprisingly more elusive than he looks. So,” She wiggled her eyebrows. “tell me.”

“He’s been busy.” He wasn’t technically lying.

“Busy? Busy with what?” She frowned.


“Really?” She scowled. “Really. You’re giving me the ‘stuff’ excuse? Sweetie, I invented the ‘stuff’ excuse. Tell me the truth, I’m a big girl you know I can take it.” She lifted up her arms. “Look at me. You cannot hurt me anymore than I already am hurt. You might as well just tell me and get it over with.”

“I... can’t.” G.O stopped.

“Fine.” Yura leaned back against her pillow. “Fine. Then at least answer me this.”

He lifted up his head to look her straight in the eyes.

“Am I still Seungho’s girlfriend?” Her voice cracked at the end of her question, her expression growing sad. “G.O tell me the truth.”

“I...” He shook his head. “I don’t know.”

Yura closed her eyes, licking her lips and letting out a sigh. “Where is he?”


“To go where?”

G.O wrapped her hand in his. “Japan.”

“With who?”

“I don’t know.”

“Ah,” She hummed, her head drooping forward. “I see.”

“You can cry.”

“Fuck off.” She hissed.

“Yura, you were raped. You were kidnapped, abused, and raped. Now the boy you love just abandoned you. You can cry.”

“Fuck off G.O!”


“I told you,” She looked at him, her hand covering her eyes, tears streaming down her face. She started to hiccup, G.O standing up and wrapping his arms carefully around her back, pressing her head against her shoulder. Her words turned into jibberish as she started to sob, hiding her face against the crook her neck, the arm that was without IV wrapping around it.

He rubbed her back as he let her cry as hard as she possibly could. He didn’t realize it at that time, but even after being brought in almost dead to the hospital, even after having to deal with the excruciating pain all over her body, the only time that brought tears to her eyes was because of a boy.

G.O shook his head.

“Here.” He passed over a napkin, Chan taking it in her hands and rubbing it over her eyes. She blew her nose against it, giving a glare at nothing in particular.

“Remind me to kick Seungho in the balls the next time I see him.” She muttered, slamming her fist down. “Why the fuck did he even go to Japan anyway?”

“Soyeon.” G.O stood up from his seat, patting himself down as he stuffed his phone in his pocket. “She had asked him to come with her. Apparently she felt bad with all he had been going through and told him he needed a break.”

Chan stood up, following him as he exited the little booth they were in, walking over to the counter and paying for their stuff. He nodded to the lady and responded in quick Korean as he slid his credit card, pressing a couple buttons, and wishing them a good day. They walked out, the sun long gone as Chan checked the time. “Holy shit, it really was a long story. It’s almost seven.”

He smiled, slipping his mask over his nose once again. “I told you so.”

“By the way, whatever happened to the crazy stalkers? Were they ever caught?” Chan looked up at him, stuffing her hands in her pockets.

“Actually they were. A couple of days before Yura’s release from the hospital we got news that they had found the assailants. Apparently they hadn’t been as careful as they had hoped because the blood that they used to cover Yura’s shit with? Human blood. Their blood actually.” His eyebrows furrowed together. “Four high school girls. Can you believe it?”

No way, how the fuck did their parents not know about this?” She asked, her head shaking. “How did they not notice their daughters were slicing up dead animals at their house?”

“One of the girls worked at a little pet shop part-time to support her family. They lived in the outskirts of Seoul.”

“How did they not notice the cuts on their hands and stuff? You did say the blood was theirs.” She asked.

“When the police got to them there was no blood coming out from any cut whatsoever.” G.O coughed, raising his eyebrows. “But there was blood coming out... from somewhere.”

Chan cupped her mouth. “No. Ew!”

“Imagine our faces when they told us this after we were the ones who cleaned up the blood almost daily.” He shivered.

“Sick. How did they kept getting into the apartment without anyone noticing?” She furrowed her eyebrows.

“The locksmith for our house was one of the girls’ dad.” He sighed. “The dad was unaware that his daughter kept copies of every key in our house. They kept a tight watch on all of us. The one who installed our video cameras? The boyfriend of one of the girls.”

“Those bitches had boyfriends?” Chan was in complete disbelief. The girls had surpassed batshit crazy and had gone into a whole new world. “Okay, what about the guys who raped Yura?”

“They paid off men to brutally assault her and rape her.”

“Shit, those girls... well, it’s fine now because they’re locked up in a mental institution right?” Chan smiled.

“Not exactly.”

“Don’t tell me they got away with it.”

“No. They didn’t.”


“The police traced their cellphones and found them, sure. They found them hung in a barn, near the girl who worked at a petshop’s house. All dead.” He stretched his arms out.

“Oh,” She looked down at her feet as they walked. “Am I a horrible being for being slightly glad?”

“Not at all. I almost brofisted Mir.” He laughed.

“What did Yura say?” Chan muttered.

“At that point, she didn’t care.” He shrugged. “She was way too heartbroken to care.”

“Seungho really did a job on her huh?” She licked her lips. “Did he even speak to her after she got out of the hospital?”

“Once. When she came over to get her stuff and we were helping her pack Seungho walked in on us. He looked at her, straight in the eyes, and said, ‘sorry’, and walked out the front door.” G.O replied. “It must’ve been quiet a shock to him seeing her in that state. Both her arms were still wrapped in bandages, and she was on a wheelchair. But whatever. He deserved the shock.”

They walked for a while longer, G.O wrapping his arm around Chan’s waist and pulling her close. “But enough about Yura and Seungho’s issues. Now it’s time to talk about you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
8D And that's the incident.