Six Feet Under The Stars

Chapter 3.

Chapter 3.
I walked into my cabin and looked around. There was a little kitchen in the corner, with a mini fridge, microwave and a pantry. Then there was a little door next to it, which I figured was the bathroom.
"Dude, these cabins are fucking shit. They're like, smurf houses!" Alex busted in with half of my suit cases. I laughed, "They'll do. Um, where do you think the bed is?"
He dropped my bags next to me and pointed up. "I believe it's up there."
I looked up and there was a railing and then a bed on the second floor.
"Ladder's right here." Alex said, running towards the ladder and climbing up. "Dude, the bed is like, just a mattress."
"I'm sure it's better than the bunks in a tour bus."
"That is very true, my friend." He jumped down. I watched as he walked up to me, he had nice legs. Long and lean. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a To Write Love On Her Arms shirt. You could kinda see his small gut poking through his shirt. He was kinda chubby, I held in my laugh. "And at least we don't have to sleep in the tents on the beach like the kids do." He said, making me look up at his face.
I nodded. "This is true." I put my bags down by the little dresser by the door. "I'm going outside. I'll unpack later."
He followed me outside and I pulled out my cigarettes. I put one in my mouth and lit it.
"You smoke?" He asked me.
I nodded. "I used to be apalled at the idea of cigarettes. Then..." I thought about it and Dylan had got me into smoking. He also got me into drinking, drugs, cutting...
"Then what?" Alex snapped his fingers in front of my face.
"Huh? Oh, nothing. Nevermind." I took a deep breath and continued smoking my cigarette.
"Ah, I see. Personal?" He took a cigarette out of my pack and lit it. "Maybe you'll tell me some day, eh?"
"Maybe someday."
He smiled and inhaled the cigarette deeply, then through it on the ground. "Yuck."
"Thanks for waisting my cigarettes!" I laughed and threw mine on the ground and stepped on it.
I could feel his eyes on me as I put out my cigarette, I kept my eyes on the ground.
"Alexander William Gaskarth, you mother fucker, there you are!" I heard someone call out. I looked up quickly to see Jack Barakat, All Time Low's guitarist, walking towards us.
"Yes, I'm right here." He looked at the ground and stomped on his cigarette.
Jack walked up to him and hit him on the back. "We could really use your help, getting out our bags and other shit." I watched as Alex patted Jack's chest, "I'll be there, buddy." Then Jack looked at me.
"Hey, I know you! You're that girl, that has that song. And that album that just came out." Jack said and smiled at me. "I'm Jack, but I'm pretty sure you know that." He held out his hand and I shook it.
"I did know who you were, actually. I'm a big fan of All Time Low."
"Nice to meet ya. Avery?"
"Yes sir." I smiled. I couldn't believe these people knew who I was. It was the most incredible feeling in the world.
"Cool deal. Come along, Alexander." Jack let go of my hand to grab Alex's. He took it willingly.
"I'll see you later, yes?" Alex asked me.
"Sure will." I smiled.
I watched as he walked away with Jack.
But just before he was too far, he turned and smiled back at me.
And it almost took my breath away.