I Will Not Fall for You

The Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw Party

Hello, my name is D'Nara Green and I just got out of my fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am the third out of quintuplets (5). That's right, I'm the middle child, but we all have another sister who's older that us by four years. Her name's Holly.

My sisters and I all grew up in the same house, with the same parents, yet we all ended up in different houses.

While my youngest sister Damara and I were placed in Slytherin, my older sisters, Tamara and Dakara, were placed in Gryffindor (for the former), and Hufflepuff (for the latter). My other sister, Takara, was placed in Ravenclaw.

Everyone in our house plays Quidditch, save for Damara (she thinks Quidditch is a boys sport and only be played by boys). Dakara's a Beater, Tamara's a Chaser, Takara's a Seeker, and I, of course, play Keeper.

Even though I am in Slytherin, I'm not your average, run of the mill, Slytherin. I don't think I'm better than anyone else, that muggle-borns should be looked down upon and all that, jazz, were all just people! We all live, and then we die just the same. There's no point in looking down upon each other in the little time we have.

I am, what I believe, a very quiet person usually, only talking to my inner circle of friends this is unless, of course, someone talks to me first or is talking about quidditch.

My inner circle of friends consists of five girls. Probably the only Slytherins, besides myself, that I actually can tolerate. My five friends are a set triplets and a set of twins.

The twins names are Tina and Toni Pollowsky and the triplets names are Harmony, Melody and Symphony Tune (I know, their parents must have been obsessed with music).

Every year my parents throw a school’s out party. Actually, they throw two. The first for the Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, and the second, the day after, for the Slytherins.

Today's the day of the party for the Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws, and since Damara and I are Slytherins, we have to stay up here in our rooms and try to "ignore" all the noise coming from down stairs.

Right now I'm sitting on the floor of my room with the door cracked, wishing I was down there. After ten more minutes of wishing, my stomach started to growl and I was fed up.

"That’s it," I exclaimed getting up from the floor. "I’m going down there." I stormed into the hallway and down the stairs, stopping only when I made it to the bottom.

As I looked upon the scene, I saw all the people dancing and having fun. It looked as if every kid in our year and up, save for the Slytherins, was here. I came down here to join them, but I had no interest in that right now. I was hungry. So I was going to try and make my way to the kitchen. On my way to the kitchen I felt someone jump one my back and scream, "Tamara, where have you been?!"

"I'm not Tamara," I said as I pushed the person off.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Which one are you?"

I turned around to look at the person, and as I did I changed my eye color from green to purple. I'm not sure if I told you this or not but, I'm a metamorphmagus.

"Granger," I said my voice dripping with venom. "What do you want?"

"Greene, I think a better question is 'what are you, a Slytherin, doing at a no Slytherin party'?"

"First of all Granger, I live here. So that means I have the right to be down here. Second of all, it's none of your business why I'm down here. Now, if you'll excuse me," I said walking away toward the kitchen.

When I made it to the kitchen I saw our house elf Dot making food for the party.

"Hello Dot," I said taking a seat at the counter

"Hello Ms. Greene," said Dot. Dot could always tell me and my sisters apart, especially me, mainly because I'm constantly changing my hair and eye color. I don't want to look too much like my sisters.

"Would you like something to eat?"

"Yes, please. I would like--"

"Noodles with meat and shrimp in it," she said placing it in front of me.

"Dot, you know me all too well," I said with a smirk. "Can I also get a--"

"A butterbeer," she said placing that in front of me too.

"Thanks Dot," I said taking my dinner back upstairs.

On the way back upstairs I was stopped. Finnegan and Thomas thought it would be a good idea to block my path.

"Move Finnegan."

"Look Dean, we have a lonely little Slytherin here all by herself," he said poking me.

"Uh, Seamus, I don’t think that’s a good idea."

"Thomas' right Finnegan. You should listen to him," I said with a smirk.

"Give me one good reason why," he said getting in my face.

I looked over at Dean, then back at Finnegan. I punched him in his face, sending him plummeting toward the ground.

"That’s why," I said as I made my way towards the steps. I was a bit surprised to see Neville Longbottom sitting on the bottom step by himself, so I decided to say hi.

"Hi Neville." I said while sitting beside him.

He looked up at me "Oh, Hi D'Nara"

Neville is probably the only Gryffindor who actually treats me like a person instead of just a Slytherin. I respect him for that.

"Neville are you okay?"

"I'm fine"

"Do you want me to get you something?"

"No thank you."

"Okay, well if you need me, I'll be upstairs."

I went upstairs and ate my dinner, when I was finished I came back down to put the dishes in the sink, as I was walking back, I spotted Tamara, with the golden trio, Ginny Weasley, and Fred and George Weasley. I decided to go see what they were talking about. But of course, as soon as they spotted me walking towards them, they stop talking.

"D'Nara," said my lovely sister Tamara, the Gryffindor. I hate her.

"Tammy," I replied then I turned to the rest. "Potter, Weasley's, Granger," I said her name as if it were poison.

"Greene," they all said in unison.

"What were you guys talking about?" I asked casually

"None of your business," said Tamara

"I wasn’t talking to you Tamara."

"But I’m talking to you, so leave before I make you."

"What are you going to do, Tammy," I asked getting in her face.

She was about to say something, but was cut off by the voice of someone else.

"D'Nara, what are you doing down here?"

I turned around only to come eye to eye with my sister, the eldest of the five, Dakara, the Hufflepuff.

"None of your business Dakara, I live here. I can be down here if I want to."

"Not tonight."

"And what are you going to do about it?"

"I'll do what I did last time...to Renata."

"No," I whispered becoming worried. "You wouldn’t dare."

For those of you who are wondering, Renata is my pet snake, whom I talk to every night. Yes, I am a parslemouth. No one knows but me, so shh, its a secret. I'm not exactly clear about what happened last time, but Renata was gone for a week, and when she came back. She wasn't the same. She wouldn't tell me what happened and when I asked my sisters, they wouldn't tell me either.

"I would, and you don't have your little Slytherin boyfriend and his two gorillas here to protect you."

"Malfoy's not my boyfriend, I can't tolerate him for no more than five minutes, and I don't need anyone protecting me. I can take care of myself. So can Renata, and if you come near her, she will attack, or did you forget what happened when I got her back."

When I got her back, that night while we were sleeping, Renata snuck into Dakara's room and attacked her. I found her not long after and fed her the anti-poison. If I hadn't, she surely would've died.

"Who's Renata?" I heard Ron ask.

"Renata is my pet snake." I answered. "And no ones going to touch her."

"Well," said another voice, "if she can't do anything to Renata, I'll do it to 'silviana'."

I turned to the direction of the voice only to see my beautiful (yeah right) younger sister Takara, the Ravenclaw, standing right in my face.

"You won't do anything, and it's Silvian!" I exclaimed

"Now, who's Silvian?" Ron asked again.

"My guitar!" I snapped.

"You named your guitar?" asked Fred, or George, I'm not sure which.

"Yes I did Weasley!" I exclaimed. "Is that a problem?"

By this time, every eye at the party was on us, and I was close to getting hysterical.

"What are you all looking at?!"

"D'Nara," said yet another voice.

I finally saw the only other Slytherin in the entire building. My sister Damara, whom I can't really stand, finally came downstairs.

"C'mon D'Nara, lets go back upstairs," she said escorting me to the steps.

We walked up the steps, but before we got to the top she stopped, turned around and said "You filthy little mudbloods and mudblood lovers will get yours very soon."

She continued to walk up the stairs. I just stood there, shocked she would say something like that. Especially, when we are greatly out numbered here. When she realized I wasn't coming behind her, she turned and asked if I was coming.

"Girl," I said so only she could hear. "After what you just said, you know I don’t like that term."

You read right. I don’t like the term 'mudblood,' that's why you never catch me using it.

"Whatever, just stay here then," she said then walked away.

I looked around at all the faces below me. Some were tear filled, others were angry, some had the same look of shock that I had, but nevertheless they all had the look that said they were about to attack something, and that was my cue to go.

I ran upstairs and straight to my room. I got Renata out of her tank and placed her on the bed. I told her everything that had just happened and we must have talked for quite a while, because by the time we were finished, the music coming form downstairs had stopped, and that meant that the party was over.

I went downstairs to check out the damage done and the mess made, and I wasn't at all shocked by what I saw. The place was completely destroyed, and trash and empty butterbeer bottles were thrown everywhere, there was even a mysterious brown stain on the wall. God, was someone flinging $#!t? I looked around for Dot, and she was no where to be found (Takara probably told her to leave the mess for me to clean up. She always does that).

Because I'm too young to use magic and my parents would rather the house be cleaned the muggle way, I put down my wand and grabbed a mop and bucket and commenced cleaning the mess that the Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws made.

Hours went by, and I was just getting started on scrubbing the floor. I finished the floor totally drained of all energy. I barely had enough energy to look at my watch. Somehow I managed and it said it was after 3:30 am. I just laid on the floor, too tired to move, and fell asleep.