I Will Not Fall for You

D'Nara, You Will Spend the Summer at My House

I felt someone gently kicking me in my side.

"D'Nara," said a soft voice. "D'Nara! Get up. It's time to get up."

I just swatted he voice away, rolled over on my side and grumbled something that sounded like "five more minutes mommy."

"Get up!" yelled the voice and my eyes instantly shot open.

"Damara? What time is it?"

"Um, 7:55 PM."

"What?!" I asked sitting bolt upright. "That means the party starts in,"

"Five minutes. You better get dressed."

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

"How would that be fun for me?"

"I'm gonna get you back Damara, just wait," I said while running upstairs.

I ran directly to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I sprayed my new body mist and put on my bra and panties. By this time the party had already started and people were already dancing and having fun.

Then I heard a loud pop and the loud, unmistakable voices of the Pollowsky twins. That meant the Tune sisters weren't far behind.

"Hey, where is my girl D'Nara?!" said a voice I recognized as Tina Pollowsky's.

"Hey, I'm in my room girls," I shouted down to them. "C'mon up."

Less than three minutes later, all five of them came bustling in my room.

"D', you're not ready yet?" said Toni when she saw I was in my underwear.

"I'm about to put on some jeans."

"Whoa, D'Nara," said Melody.

"You can't wear jeans to a party," said Symphony.

"Which you're already late for," said Harmony.

"Yeah, when Slytherins are late," said Tina

"It's because they're fashionably late," said Toni.

"Now if you go out there,"

"Dressed in jeans and a tee shirt,"

"The Slytherins will take the mickey out of you."

"Oh my Merlin," I called out. "I hate it when you five break up sentences like that."

"We don't notice," said Tina.

"That we do it," said Toni.

"Arggh," I groan. "Well, if I can't wear jeans, what do you suppose I wear?"

"This," said Tina walking to my closet and taking out a short black dress.

"No, Tina, you can't be serious. I haven't worn that since.... I've never worn that."

"Well," said Melody. "You're about to wear it now."

They surrounded me, and then they forced the dress on me and shoes.


"Now you're ready for your party."

"Oh, you five will pay for this," I said.

"D', you should make your hair blonde, just for the party."


"C'mon. D', just for the party."


"Let me handle this," said Toni. "You would look good as a blonde."

"So, I would look good as anything."

"Malfoy would like it."

"Oh, well in that case, hell no."

"Just dye it blonde for the party D'Nara," said Harmony.

"Fine, if you all think it's a good idea, I'll dye it blonde just for tonight," I said giving in.

They escorted me down the stairs. I was in the middle. The twins were in front of me, Symph and Mel were on either side of me, and Harmony was in back. That's the pose we were always in when we were walking, no matter where we were walking to.
While we were walking down the stairs we were laughing and talking about how I knocked out Seamus the night before. We walked over to the section of the room where there was six chairs in a circle and a table in the middle. We talked and laughed and danced and talked some more. Then I got thirsty.

"Um, I'll be back. I'm gonna get me something to drink."

"D', can you bring me something?"


Then they all started to shout out orders like I was a waiter or something.

"Okay, so that's three orders of 'hell naw', two orders of 'ask your momma', with aside of 'get it your damn self', it'll be right up," I said in a cheery tone while walking over to the bar where Dot was located.

"Dot," I said calmly.

She jumped and looked at me startled.

"Oh, Ms. Greene," she said breathlessly.

"Dot, are you okay?" I asked with concern.

"Dot is fine Ms. Greene. What can Dot get for you?"

"Um, can I get six butterbeers please?" I asked as she turned to get them.

"Are you going to drink all those butterbeers by yourself? Soon you'll fine yourself looking like Pansy," said a voice coming from behind me.

I know how it is before I even turn around. It's the one Slytherin I detest above all others. It's "Malfoy."

"Hello D'Nara. How's my favorite Greene?"

"I don't know, why don't you go find Damara and ask her?" I said still looking at Dot.

"Damara is not my favorite Greene."

"Oh really, then who is?"

He spun me around. His icy blue eyes stared directly into my eyes, which were violet for today.

"You are," he stated simply.

"Whatever," I said as I pushed him. He laughed and took the vacant seat beside me. Wait, that can't be right. Malfoy doesn't laugh... at least; I've never heard him laugh.

"What do want do want Malfoy?" I said turning my gaze back on Dot.

"To know what you're doing over the summer."


"Who are you doing it with?"

"No one."

"Are you coming over this summer?"

"Over where?"

"My house."

"No, I'm going to someone else's house. Dot, could you hurry with those butterbeers please?"

"So, whose house are you spending the summer?" he inquired.

"Why?!" I said turning to face him.

"Merlin, forget I asked."


"Here you are Ms. Greene. Dot is sorry she took so long."

"It's okay," I said taking a swig of one of the butterbeers.

"D'Nara, you will spend the summer at my house," said Malfoy.

"Yeah, the day that'll happen is the day that a monkey will fly out of my bum."

"Well, I have a feeling that'll happen very soon," he said taking a swig of my butterbeer then walked away.

"Eww. Dot, I need another butterbeer."