Guess I'll Be the One, Hanging Onto Us


It was the last day of school. The very day where everyone parties because they don't get to go school for a whole two months? Yes, that day.

It was also my final day as Junior. THANK THE LORD.

As much as I was already excited to go back to school as a senior, my new title, the one with the privileges and the the complex of a god, I needed a little break. Junior year was absolutely tiring. SAT's, picking out colleges, school work. Ugh. Those are the kinds of things that stresses you out. No fun at all.

But if you're like me, then you had someone to keep you company. A boyfriend of some sort. My boyfriend was Garrett Nickelsen. One of the most awkward, yet cutest guys you'll ever meet. He also had the bonus of being a good kisser, which scored him a perfect 100 points.

And no, I wasn't that terrible at grammar. The correct words really were had and was. Garrett was now my ex boyfriend. If you had met us as a couple, you would think that I was joking. Well, we both had awkward exteriors that clashed every now and then, so it didn't really do us justice on dates. Eventually, we both learned to calm down and just enjoy each other's company, without thinking what the other thought.

“Angie!” Garrett ran up from behind me and hugged my waist, resting his head on my shoulder.

“Garrett!” I started laughing and pried his hands away from my waist. “What are you doing?”

“You looked bored, so I decided to cheer you up!”

“By hugging me like that? People are gonna think we're still dating.” Garrett gave me a small smile.

Well the thing is, we still pretty much have feelings for each other.

The reason Garrett and I broke up was because of our hectic schedule as a junior. We were just busy, busy, busy. Being unable to hang out with Garrett for a long period of time, had caused me to grow a 'I think of you as just as a friend' feeling. So we both awkwardly broke up in the library one day, while doing research for a Science project. We weren't like those ex's who never talked to each other again. We were the ex's who ended off on an actual “just friends” note. It was a little awkward at first, but we warmed up to each other once more.

“Sorry, Sorry,” Garrett apologized, having a seat next to me. “I guess it would be a little weird, if people think we got back together.”

Then we did what all ex's did. We arm wrestled and had a thumb war. Great, right?

Well, to be honest, breaking up did little justice. Garrett would still stare at me from the corner of his eyes and I would still think about him all the time. I was actually hoping that we'd get back together, but I didn't want to be the one who did it. I was the type of person who waited for the guy to make the first move.

I looked into Garrett's blue eyes. What if he and I had a summer love? The exact summer love I'd see in movies and stories. You know the one where the couple just strolls into the park and have a simple date of bench sitting and ice creams? That one.

“Hey Angie?” Garrett asked, breaking into my thoughts. “You alright?” I stared at our hands still clamped together during our arm wrestling rematch.

“Yeah, never better.”

Suddenly, the bell rang. The sign of our freedom, for a short amount of time anyway. Everyone cheered, hugged each other and sprinted out the door, leaving Garrett and I the only ones left in the classroom.

“Looks like it's the start of summer.” I said, exhaling.

“Tomorrow is technically the first official day.” Garrett grinned. He took my arm, where my hair band was wrapped around my wrist, and stuck his hand through it. He intertwined both our hands, so that only Garrett would able to free us. How cute. Two ex's handcuffed by a single hair band.

“Garrett, let go. I've got to take the bus.” I giggled.

He smiled and handed me by backpack. Together, we headed towards the door, our fingers touching each other's lightly. We stopped once we were outside and looked each other in the eyes. Then ever so slowly, he leaned towards me and --

“Angie!” A voice cried out. I let out a groan to see my best friend, Jenna Marker running towards us. “Holy shit! Are you guys holding hands?” I glared at her. “I mean, I'll just turn the other way for a bit.”

I let out a disappointed sigh and looked back at Garrett, who was now looking incredibly awkward as did, the day we we first met. “Sorry, my best friend has a habit of butting in sometimes.”

“No worries.” I almost groaned, when Garrett twisted his hand out of the hair band.

“Um....about summer,” I ran a hand through my hair. “I...”

“Don't worry.” He grinned. “I'll call you okay?”

“Okay,” I bit my tongue to keep from giggling like an idiot. “Sounds good.”

“Bye Angie.” He takes my fingers for a moment, rubs them for a bit, then slowly drops them.

“Bye Garrett.”

We parted ways, which was perfectly alright because we were going to see each other during the Summer anyway.
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Just an introduction to the story, where everything's really cutesy and lovey dovey <3 But you can't help the feeling, when someone is deeply infatuated. Comments would be lovely :)