Sequel: Terra Firma

Just Paint Your Face

Habits Die Hard

The rest of my week passed uneventfully, thank goodness. I didn't have much chance to 'gather information' from Harvey during work. He was really worried that first day back, constantly checking in on me, insisting I at least take the bus home that night. I did, there was no I could resist the pleading look in his blue eyes, I tried but I couldn't stand it.

Regardless, I was back to walking through Gotham at night by Tuesday.

The muggers were back by Friday. When one ambushed me outside that same alleyway where the 'incident' happened, I jolted in surprise. I thought it was him. But it was just another one of those foolish hoodie-wearers. I sighed out of relief and rolled my eyes, hardly glancing at the gun he yielded.

"Gimmee your money, lady!" He shook his gun in my face. I held a finger up.

"Yeah, just a sec, I'll give you something--"

I stopped fumbling for the tazer in my purse when I heard the whooshing sound. I looked up to see a dark figure descending from above the high rooftop. I stared on as he beat the kid, sending him down to the ground. I still stared when he turned around, his cape whooshing again ridiculously. I think he was about to disappear off into the night, but that was before I blurted out something uncontrollably.

"I didn't need your help!" I could hear the anger and objection in my voice, it sounded different, as if I was speaking from a dark voice deep inside.

"How about a thank you?" The batguy responded, insulted. His voice sounded like sandpaper against a brick building in the middle of the desert. It was ridiculous.

"Oh, okay," the dark voice blurted again, this time mocking, "Thank you Batman! You're such a hero. You know, for doing what I've been doing myself for the PAST FIVE FUCKING YEARS." I was angry. And I didn't even know why.

He paused, probably trying to process what I said. I suppose I was the first to ever say something like that to him. Poor guy. I wanted to take it back, tell him I was sorry for being so rude, but instead my hands were on my hips and my mouth was tight. He said nothing then, only 'flew' off into the night.

"Fine then! Suck a cough drop, buddy!" I didn't know why I'd said it, but I laughed. I laughed and laughed all the way home. I laughed and laughed as I climbed the stairs to my apartment, causing dogs to bark and neighbors to yell.

"I'm going mad. And it's all the fucking clown's fault." I laughed to my plants.

"How about a thank you?" I told them when they stayed silent. Then I laughed some more, until my stomach hurt and my jaw ached.

Saturday evening rolled around without much fuss. I watched cartoons and ate a bowl of lucky charms, and wasted the afternoon by painting. I showered in early evening, amused that I had red, white, and black splattered all over my hands. Rachel called me then to check if we were still on, alerting me that she had given Bruce my address and that he would be arriving soon. From there I rushed to get ready.

I slipped into a dark emerald cocktail dress, something that suited for a date with a richy rich boy like Mr. Wayne. I applied my makeup. Usually I went for a very natural look, using my red lipstick for emphasis, for I found that to be one of my nicest features. But I couldn't, that bastard had ruined my last one. I let my hair down. I hated up-dos and crazy styles. I liked showing off my red hair naturally, anyway. Just as I finished touching up my mascara, my doorbell buzzed.

"Hello." I greeted the tall, dark, and handsome pretty-boy, who stared me down, shocked.

What, had Rachel warned him that I was ugly or something to make me feel better?

The man recovered when I looked back at him, quizzically. He cleared his throat.

"Nice to meet you, May." He held out a hand and I shook it, smiling.

"And of course I know you, Bruce Wayne. Rachel's told me practically everything."

"Everything?" Bruce chuckled, "She's told me a lot about you too."

I hated his car. I hated cars, period. They made me sick and weren't too great for the environment. On top of that, it was a typical 'rich boy' car. Gag. I remained polite and we held light conversation while he turned the radio on. At one point during our ride to the fancy-pants restaurant, he turned it up and seemed to be concentrating. so I quieted.

"...Famous and controversial botanist, Dr. Jason Woodrue, has been found dead in his lab this afternoon. The only evidence police found at the crime scene was a playing card with the cryptic message: 'Tonight Ivy'. Several supplies had been stolen from his lab. Woodrue was known for his expertise in plants and toxicology, and controversial because of his testing of plant extracts in humans..."

Tonight Ivy.

Shit. Shit. Shit. I shut my eyes, suddenly feeling sick. Why the plant thing? It didn't make sense. He didn't even know of my fascination with plants, how I read up on the scientist regularly.

Did he?

"What's wrong, May?" Bruce turned the radio down suddenly, noting that I was stressed.

I took a deep breath, "Nothing, Bruce. Just... the news worries me sometimes."

"I know how you feel." He frowned.

"Then let's focus on something else." I suggested, daring to change the station, and we drove on.

When we arrived, I felt totally out of my zone. Everyone was so happy, but it was a faked happy. I sighed when I saw Rachel and Harvey. They were my only friends, and even in this fakeshow of a place, even with the knowledge that I'd be lectured by the clown that night, I finally decided I would try and have a good time since they were here.

But it wasn't a good time. There seemed to be some competition of PDA between Rachel and Bruce, with Bruce instigating it. If Rachel would stare at Harvey all googly eyed, Bruce would turn and do the same. If Harvey reached to touch Rachel's hand, Bruce copied the move. Even when Harvey decided to kiss her cheek, Bruce made a movement. But I quickly changed the subject to a more controversial one before he could reach my face.

"So what about this Batman character I'm hearing about? Hero or Pest?"

That set them off. Harvey glorified the man, while Bruce stubbornly argued the other side. Rachel and I interjected occasionally with comments, exchanging looks.

'You don't like this. I'm sorry.' Her gray eyes told me.

'It's fine, really. Anything for a friend. Besides, this is allowing me plenty of personal space.' I responded with my green ones.

'True. Nice move.'

We exchanged silent smiles.

When it was over, I should've been relieved. But I couldn't be. I knew what was to come. I nodded and smiled politely as Bruce talked through most of the ride home. He insisted on walking me to my door, stopping to lean in closer to my face.

"I don't kiss on the first date." I said bluntly, "sorry."

He nodded, then stepped back strangely, apparently this guy wasn't used to rejection.

"Perhaps on the second one, then?" He flashed his white, perfect teeth. I rolled my eyes inwardly but smiled on the outside.


When I was sure he was in his car and well on the drive home, I left the doorstep and headed to the infamous alleyway.

Tonight Ivy.

I had no idea what he was going to do, but somehow I knew that if I wanted to stay alive, I'd have to go to that alley.

When I arrived, still in a dress, I felt an overwhelming sense of dread and fear. Still, I pressed on, I entered the very depth of it, aware that my knees were shaking again. If I didn't take my mind off of the darkness, I knew I would faint. I hated the dark. So I sang softly, shakily at first.

"S-she's walking down the street, blind to every eye she meets, do you think you'll be the guy to make the queen of the angels sigh? Hello, I love you won't you tell me your name..."

I couldn't see him, but as I was thrust against the wall in his strong yet awkward grasp, I knew it was him.

"Oh, but I already told you your name, Ivy..." I felt his breath hiss in my ear and shivered. He let me fall roughly to the ground as he chuckled and grasped me by the wrist.

"I'm not usually a big supporter of them, but I've got big plans for you, Ivy, big plans..." In the darkness I could tell he was smiling as he led me along violently.

"Big plans." He mumbled again. And I was led deeper and deeper into darkness.