We Spark And Fade.


Frank's POV.

Today is the first official day we, My Chemical Romance, set out on tour for our newest album. Today is the day we pack up all our stuff, throw it into our tusty old van and head out on the open road. So that we, could stand before our fans and deliver our music to their ears... Today.
I yawned, stretching into my pillow. I was still pretty tired, we were advised to get ourselves a good nights sleep, to cope with all the travelling. But...
I giggled to myself, remembering the events of the night before. Alcohol, weed, partying and sex. Alot of sex. Brian isn't going to be happy when we turn up in the state that we're in. Personally, i believe that being hungover is a great way to start our tour. Yeah..
I reached over and grabbed my cell phone from the bedside table. Typing in the number i pressed call and waited.
Ring ring..
Ring ring..

"Hey." I breathed. "Did i wake you?"
"No frankie, i've been up ahwile... How did you sleep?"
"I slept okay, Feeling a little rough though."
He chuckled.
Yeah, i wonder why...."
I felt my stomach turn.
"Uhm, last night.... I didn't do anything.... Like, weird.... Did i?"
"Nothing you wouldn't regret sugar." He purred.
"Oh okay then. I guess i'll see you later?'
"Sure, wanna meet up? Get coffee?"
"Starbucks. I'll see you at 11."
"Gotcha. Bye Frankie."
I hung up fell back onto my bed and sighed to myself.
Why him? My best friend.. Why do i love him?
His hair.
His smile.
His eyes.
His laugh.
Gerard Way.
My Gerard Way..
♠ ♠ ♠
Please read and comment. I know it's short but i will be posting at least two more chapters tonight. Feedback is good :)